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ammolord View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: 25 September 2008 at 7:11pm
Originally posted by Mack Mack wrote:

Well . . . now the gloves are off.

I'll start with a few quotes to refresh everyone's memory.

Originally posted by The Reaper The Reaper wrote:


Why even post?

You don't buy paint at wal-mart. And you obviously by your post don't know about monster ball?

I guess proving your internet tough guy is all that matters.

Bolded because it will become important later in an extremely ironic way.

And by your response I see you have lots of free time...

Why don't you "try" some monster paint and get back to us Master?

I run a private field and have seen the issues that come from this paint. You can discredit that all you wish, but the fact is still the same, I know about monsterball paint, you don't...

Bolded because it will become obvious shortly just how badly The Reaper has been discredited although I had nothing to do with it other than point it out to those who missed it the same way I initially did.

move on grumpy.

At the point you typed this I wasn’t grumpy.  I’ve gone back and forth with quite a few people on this forum and it has all been in the spirit of friendly arguing.  Some people, such as Snake, DeTrevni or YWSM have changed my mind on certain issues while I have likewise influenced the outlook/opinions of others on different issues.  Some people have been mildly annoying but the interaction with them was still an enjoyable distraction for me and I hope they feel the same way about it from their end.

But . . . The Reaper merits special recognition.  He has become the first person on this forum to truly piss me off.  Not because of the discussion exactly, but because of the way he chose to conduct himself during it . . . and the conduct I’m referring to has nothing to do with his insistence that he is correct “just because" or the lack of a coherent, logical and/or supported argument.

<!--[if !supportLineBreakNewLine]-->

With that out of the way, let’s get down to business.  Below is an excerpt from an earlier posts:
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Originally posted by The Reaper The Reaper wrote:

As a grown up man, I don't need to "prove" my toughness.

<!--[if !supportLineBreakNewLine]-->

Apparently, he actually felt that he did need to prove his toughness though so he followed up a few posts later with this:

Originally posted by The Reaper The Reaper wrote:

We have a Congressional Medal of Honor recepient on the forum.  (FYI: That is what the medal on the right is.)  Below is a pic for comparison and here is a link to the site I got it from.

<!--[if !vml]--><!--[endif]-->
In fact, it appears The Reaper is among the toughest of the tough, because he has apparently earned this medal twice.  (The medal on the left seems to be the Army version from 1896.)  Again, here is a link and the pic is below.

<!--[if !vml]--><!--[endif]-->

I compared the first name and initial from his member profile to the information that popped up when I checked the properties of the medal image.  Since the names matched, I assumed it was his real name and searched for Medal of Honor recipients of the same name on three separate CMOH related websites . . . oddly enough I found no matches.

Furthermore, according to wiki, since 1973 the Medal of Honor has only been awarded ". . . seven times, all of them posthumously."  Since The Reaper is posting in this thread, I doubt he is one of the more recent recipients. Furthermore, the early 70's birth date listed in the profile makes it very unlikely he earned one of the earlier ones as they were awarded for actions in Vietnam ending in 1973.  (Of course, he might have been one really tough toddler.)

Given all of the above, I must say that he has done much more damage to his credibility than I could ever have done even on my best day.

Everyone on the forum who knows me knows that while I may tease and taunt I normally refrain from name-calling/flaming.  Just for The Reaper, in this instance, I will make an exception:

You sir, aren't a tool, or even a toolbag or toolbox, you are the whole darn Sears store.

Two notes:

  • I saved a copy of the medal pic so I can relink it once it disappears.
  • I refrained from including The Reaper's name in this post because it is only available to forum members.
oh the irony.
PSN Tag: AmmoLord
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~Minister of Tinkering With Things That Go "BOOM!"(AKA Minister of Munitions)~
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Snake6 View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: 25 September 2008 at 7:17pm
This thread delivers.

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Skillet42565 View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: 25 September 2008 at 7:28pm
Wow, epic win for Mack.
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a_sock View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: 25 September 2008 at 7:50pm
man i broke out the popcorn on this debate after the 1st page... Man this was soo enjoyable i feel really odd... like a really good law based movie...
its easy to be famous, just set yourself on fire
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: 25 September 2008 at 9:54pm
"When I grow up I want to marry a rich man and live in a condor next to the beach" -- My 7yr old daughter.
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kurieitaa View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: 25 September 2008 at 10:57pm
haha "ebay for dummies" book in the background.
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DeTrevni View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: 25 September 2008 at 11:46pm
Oh, I lawled.
Evil Elvis: "Detrevni is definally like a hillbilly hippy from hell"

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Mack View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: 26 September 2008 at 1:31am
Originally posted by kurieitaa kurieitaa wrote:

haha "ebay for dummies" book in the background.

Good eye.

I would think that "Internet for Dummies" would have been a better investment.  It might have a section/chapter on how to avoid personal embarrassment by not making easily disproven false claims on internet forums.
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The Reaper View Drop Down

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Direct Link To This Post Posted: 26 September 2008 at 8:14am

I was mentioning paintball forums to a friend of mine last year. I hadn't heard of tippmanns, but he told me about it. But, he said the guys on there had attacked him and he hadn't been back. I guess thats why this forum is so stale...

But, I enjoy messing with people, so I figured it might be fun.

So, when I had some free time I signed up.


I'm glad I did.


Originally posted by Mack Mack wrote:

Well . . . now the gloves are off.


Oh really. Boy, I'm sccc-aaa-rrr-ee-dddd...

I've got an arrogant, blowhard after me... And his group of chronoies... (nother pun, figured you'd miss it...)

"Nancy" Mack, remember when I listed the facts about you?

Ah, what the heck, I'll repost it to live on in infany.

Originally posted by Mack Mack wrote:

Fact. You make huge assumptions based on few words, thinking you completely understand and therefore have the need to "disprove" others opinions.

Fact:  You said that MB was extremely dangerous and would kill someone.  I disagree and offered logical reasons based on your own points (and in some cases your own evidence) that opposed your supposition.  Yes, I am trying to "disprove" your point.  I am doing so because I think you are wrong.  It is a very similar process to how you are attempting (ineffectually) to "disprove" my opinion with this very post.  I see no problem with that and really do not understand how it is germane to the discussion.

Actually, this whole statement is wrong, but don't let that get in the way of your "logic"... I didn't say it WOULD kill someone, I stated a for-instance, go back and read, instead of making an ASSumption of yourself. Your previous statments are proof that you find no danger in monsterballs...

I decided to prove that you don't actually listen or read, you just make up your mind and attack and attack and attack.

Fact. You enjoy trying to make other people look bad. (which shows how insecure you actually are...)

Negative.  I do not think I have made you look bad; if you look bad you have done it on your own with your lack of logical and coherent refutation.

actually what looks bad is the way you and a few other guys on this board like to gang up on people with different opinions.

Typical of forums, the goal to "win" and "own" someone... All to make you feel superior in some sad, little, insecure way...

Fact. You like to pretend you are a "excellent" debator. When in fact you just like to see your words on the screen and pat yourself on the back. You are great at debating what you "think" the argument is about, but you don't get the facts first...

TRANSLATION: <Since I still do not really have any type of facts or logic to support my position and have already used up my one good generic statement of disagreement, I will try to disguise my lack of successful refutation by returning to personal attacks.>

I placed a minefield in front of you and you jumped right in... Typical of an arrogant blowhard.


See, I knew that you would see USAA and realize. "oh wait, this guy must be military, and an officer at that"... As you are the king of ASSumptions. Which all good traps have some truth to them. I do have USAA insurance, my father was an officer in the military, he taught hand to hand combat to the Green Berets at Ft. Bragg during Vietnam...

But, as with all guys like you, you don't wait for me to open up and talk about myself, you just make ASSumptions that you know me...

Then, the best part. I post a couple medals. I don't say anything about them... But, as you have proven, you don't care about facts, you just assume they are mine, and YOU ASSume that I am bragging that I won the highest award in this land...


You almost see your idiocy when you do all your background work. (that must have been time consuming...) when you realize that one of the medals is from the 1800's... But, don't let that stand in the way of your ASSumptions... Obviously they aren't mine, I never said they were, they are the same medal (they upgrade when a new one comes out). My great great grandfather won it at the battle of Gettysburg. Anyone with a brain would see that the medals are super old... Even you did, but with your rush to judgement, you didn't think...

Typical of an arrogant blowhard, you always fall for stuff like that. The best part is all your guys on here jumping up and down to pat you on the back for "winning"...

Just a wee bit premature.

Next time before you start piling on, just look and see what was actually written... Then start piling on when you are sure you are correct. Or maybe, just back away from the keyboard as you may have met someone who could actually show the world what you truely are?


You guys do have wit... but, I would classify it as halfwit.


This thread was epic. And it pointed out your prejudice towards "new" people on the site. Maybe if you could be a little more kind, then someone like me wouldn't have to come into your sandbox and kick over your sandcastle.

Oh, and I did all of that in 19 posts...

I'll bet it hasn't sunk through yet, huh Mack?...

But, you just got "owned".

In life you are guarenteed only two things; Death, and taxes

You just met The Reaper

Try being informed instead of just opinionated. How long before you admit that Obama was a mistake?
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AoSpades View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: 26 September 2008 at 8:36am

Now it's gone to you pointing the finger and has nothing to do with the original thread. We don't care about you, nor you to us. At least Mack has the balls to throw out factual information instead of basically saying "NUH-UHH" like you have been doing since after the first page. You say you are a grown man, start acting like one.

The only reason we are prejudice towards you is because you are being a complete asshat to one of the most respected/right/least judgemental forumers on here. It has nothing to do with the fact that you are new. It has to do with your attitude towards others.


Just drop it.

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gh0st View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: 26 September 2008 at 10:16am
Originally posted by The Reaper The Reaper wrote:

You just met The Reaper

You are so lame.
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Mack View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: 26 September 2008 at 11:04am
Originally posted by The Reaper The Reaper wrote:

A bunch of stuff to try and play off being caught out on an internet forum through an amazingly silly mistake.

Originally posted by Mack Mack wrote:

Well . . . now the gloves are off.

Oh really. Boy, I'm sccc-aaa-rrr-ee-dddd...

You should be . . . you're on Scare Tactics.

I've got an arrogant, blowhard after me...

I always thought the definition of "arrogant blowhard" was false portrayal of oneself as a double Congressional Medal of Honor winner.

Originally posted by The Reaper The Reaper wrote:

A bunch more stuff to continue trying to play off being caught out on an internet forum through an amazingly silly mistake.  As a special bonus a few additional insults and some old repetitive material was included as well. 

This thread was epic.

I can agree with that.

TRANSLATION OF POST:  Uh . . . I meant to do that . . . yeah, that's it.  Ha I got you!

In summation:

Originally posted by gh0st gh0st wrote:

Originally posted by The Reaper The Reaper wrote:

You just met The Reaper
You are so lame.

Link (Just because I couldn't help myself.)
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