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Flatline Answers

Printed From: Tippmann Paintball
Category: Paintball Equipment
Forum Name: Upgrades and Customizing
Forum Description: Trick it out!
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Topic: Flatline Answers
Posted By: MROD
Subject: Flatline Answers
Date Posted: 17 July 2004 at 4:31pm

Z0MG 17's 73h 1337...

4NSW3RS 70 C0MM0N1Y 4SK3D F147L1N3 QU3S71ONS

    I'm really tired of little newbs asking alot of the same quetions about Flatlines so I made this post. I'm going to sticky this because I'm not sure who to PM for permaission. If any moderators want to unsticky it then I'm sorry for wasting that moderator's time. Sorry If this has been done a while ago but the newbish questions still pop up.

4b0u7 7h3 F147l1n3 B4rr31 Sys73m:

    This is what Tippman says about the Flaltine: Introducing the Flatline Barrel System made exclusively for the Tippmann A-5, 98 Custom and Model 98. This system is now available complete or as a conversion kit for your existing A-5, 98 Custom or Model 98. The Flatline Barrel System is the first production back spin barrel ever produced. The principle behind the system is Tippmann's newly designed slightly curved barrel, which applies centrifugal force to the ball, creating backspin. Not only does this system offer increased accuracy and distance but also offers flat trajectory for thick brush and canopy play. By minimizing trajectory of the ball and increasing accuracy, you increase the amount of targets which would ordinarily be out of range. The Flatline Barrel System adds 100 feet of flat trajectory GUARANTEED.

    Basically it adds backspin to the ball making the ball travel much farther than any normal (not curved) barrell. This backspin would, in zero gravity, cause the balls to curve in an upward motion. But, since we have gravity here on Earth, the gravity works against the upward curve which results in a straight line. The barrel only works on the A-5, 98 custom, and model 98.

BEST PAINT FOR FLATLINE: The absolute best paint for the Flatty are marbilizers. Zap and othe better quality rec paints work well though.

H4v1ng Pr0bl3ms?

If your Flaltine is not firing accuratly then there are a few quick things for you to check.

!!!: Practice with it! The barrel 7akes time to get used to so, before you become a Flatline hater, make sure it's not you who is causing the problems. Of couse if it is firing way off then check for these things...
1. Make sure you're using a good quality small bore paint
2. Make sure you installed it straight
3. Make sure your velocity is somewhere around 270 fps (the Flatline operates it's best at 270fps)
4. Make sure the barrel is clean
5. Check for abnormalities. like a bend to the right in the barrel or a dent. If you find any I'm sure the store would take it back or that Tippmann will send you a new one.

72h 1337 curv3b411:

I recently recieved a PM concerning this so I figured I'd add it here. If you tip your gun to the right or left the balls coming out of flatline will not have to work against the force of gravity in the same sence as before. This causes them to curve in the direction corresponding to the direction that the barrel is tipped. Some people, like myself, who have had considerable time to practice with this, find it to be a useful tool while others find it to be annoying. 

S0m3 Rum0rs:

The Flaltine barrel jams alot.
    Not true in the slightest. The Flaltine barrel will only really jam if you use crappy old paint or maybe Blue streaks or Walmart paint. If you know any other paint brands that are as bad as them or have broken in your experience with Flatline then PM with them. The Flatline is a large bore barrel but small-medium bore paint gets the best backspin.
    I personally use Zap Paintballs with my flatline. I have played alot of games and have not had one single break and have had great performance from the barrell.

You can't use it with the R/T or E-bolt/E-Grip.
    I don't even see the logic in this. When one of my friends told me this I had to try it so I got my friends gun who has R/T and put my Flatline on it and fired off a hopper full. Not one break. I hd to ask my local pro-shop about the E-bolt/E-Grip and he told me that I should have no problems.

The Flatline gives you bad accuracy.
    Also not true. The Flatline has great accuracy up to the point where it goes farther than any other barrel could even dream of going. A common misconseption is that the backspin makes the ball more vulnerable to wind and other weather conditions. This is false. The ball is only more vulnerable to those things at longer ranges like any other barrel. The longer the ball is out of any barrel the longer it is effected by these conditions and the more the accuracy will decrease.

The Flatline slows balls down.
    This barrel itself does not slow paintballs down and neither does the backspin. The balls appear to be moving slower because they are spinning and going much farther on a flatter plane.

It's hard to clean.
    Not really. for quick cleans a squeegee will do fine but for a better clean you might want to disassemble it and put it back on. But that's only if you really REALLY NEED to clean it better than a squeegee will work.
    A cool method of cleaning a ball break in the middle of a game was suggested a while ago. You take a bag with alcohol in it and put some cotton balls in it. When a ball breaks pull out the cotton swabs and put them in you gun manually (take off your hopper first and feed the swabas manually through the hole) and shoot them off. I don't know if this works because I have yet to have a ball break with the flatline but I will be trying it when I do have one.

    Also, don't worry about the installation proccess. All the needed tools come with it and I, being 13, was able to put it on straight in one try with no help.


    The Flatline RULES!... For woodsball. For speed ball it is kind of big and you need a more compact gun for speedball. This barrel is definitly a must have for woodsball palyers with enough money. You will enjoy a huge increase in range and good accuracy.

    When peopel say bad things about the flatline it's really only because they personally dislike it. If anyone tells you something contradicting what I said here DON'T LISTEN TO THEM.

    If you are considering buyng the Flaltine do not be disuaded! Unless of course you play speedball. Then you really should avoid it.
Thanks for reading this post. Hopefully it will help contain the amounts of Flatline posts.


Update I'm going to be gettign a teardrop and A Lapco bigshot soon so I can finally prove that 98sniper is just being stupid.

W00t: I got the teardrop today and I must admit it is a nice barrel. I really like the red color. It's true that at normal range this barrel is very good but, 98sniper, there is no way for you to shoot as far as the Flatline. I took 10 shots at a tree about 160 feet away and hit it with the Flaltine 9 out of 10 times, the one miss being the first shot where I was taking aim. Then I took off my Flatline and put the teardrop on. The Ffirst shot was horrid. It went on line with the tree but fell very short. I tipped the gun upward and shot a few more each time tiping it up even more until finally the balls were reaching it but flying off very wide of the target. I ended up shooting 32 paintballs with the teardrop to hit the tree once. I'll be practicing weith this a little more to see if it improves when I get used to the tilting.

Update: I got better with the teardrop but it's no Flatline. Didn't get biggy for Christmas so I still dont have it. I'm probably not gonna get it though. Post has also been 1337z0r1z3d.

I need to find smaller pictures for my profile.

Posted By: boomstick
Date Posted: 17 July 2004 at 4:39pm
thank you for posting this. Now all of these people can stop asking questions like "my barrel came bent, what should i do".

YONK~!~ - Check This Out

Posted By: MROD
Date Posted: 17 July 2004 at 5:25pm
lol, I'm actually kind of dissapointed that only 8 people have looked at it as of now.

I need to find smaller pictures for my profile.

Posted By: Stiffler
Date Posted: 17 July 2004 at 8:37pm

^its ok...if you build it they will come

nice post! definitely sticky worthy!

Posted By: Large Unit
Date Posted: 17 July 2004 at 9:00pm
very nice post, seems sticky worthy for awhile, but after a week or 2 I think it should be put in the Uber FAQ.

Posted By: HeadHunter59
Date Posted: 17 July 2004 at 9:10pm

Originally posted by Large Unit Large Unit wrote:

very nice post, seems sticky worthy for awhile, but after a week or 2 I think it should be put in the Uber FAQ.


Posted By: Queef Police
Date Posted: 18 July 2004 at 10:53pm
yea the flatline works perfect with the egrip

flatline barrel
custom aluminum foregrip
custom aluminum folding stock
e grip
palmer stabalizer
71ci 4500psi dye throttle hpa
dye invision goggles

Posted By: XSAPaladin
Date Posted: 19 July 2004 at 1:37am
Yo dude, I cant get my flatline to stop curving and get decent accuracy out of it. Like i put in the barrel as straight as i can and this thing just wont be accurate what do i do?

Posted By: shooky
Date Posted: 19 July 2004 at 9:21am
Thanks for the post, but did you check to see if it was okay for this to be sticky worthy? I believe there is a post in one of the other stickes that has this topic covered, but more in-depth.

Originally posted by XSAPaladin XSAPaladin wrote:

Yo dude, I cant get my flatline to stop curving and get decent accuracy out of it. Like i put in the barrel as straight as i can and this thing just wont be accurate what do i do?

Turn your velocity down, if it's curving upward. You should have your FPS at the 265-280 range. Sounds like you're shooting at 290+.

If it's curving to the right or left, check how you're holding your marker. You may be tilting it to the left or right. That will effect your shots a little as well.

Posted By: FlatlinePwnage
Date Posted: 19 July 2004 at 10:11am
nice post man, and for the dude who said the ball was shooting inaccurately, check teh paintballs, and check the barrel run the squeege throught it a couple ot times, and also checkt o make sure the barrel is on direcectly straight, it may be hard to do, but u must do it...

Tippmann 98 Custom
Flatline Barrel System
Pistol (james bond style)

and i can still shoot further than ur 1500$ guns

Posted By: A5 dude15
Date Posted: 19 July 2004 at 10:51am
Originally posted by FlatlinePwnage FlatlinePwnage wrote:

nice post man, and for the dude who said the ball was shooting inaccurately, check teh paintballs, and check the barrel run the squeege throught it a couple ot times, and also checkt o make sure the barrel is on direcectly straight, it may be hard to do, but u must do it...

Posted By: 98sniper
Date Posted: 19 July 2004 at 7:55pm
i my self don't like the flatline i have seen to many probs with this thing. when a ball breaks it takes way longer to clean than just a regular barrel. i know tihs is because of the paint matching the barrel, but not every body can pick out what size paint they are going to give you. to me i don't think it is as great as everybody says. it might work for some people, but when i have to have some one cover me so i can move up. i don't trust them. you guys might no like what i just said but this is my 2 cents.

x chamber
revi 12vlt w/x

halo tsa backman
shocktech drop

soon to get
e orracle
crossfire tank
kaner kit
egg 2 w/z board

Posted By: Shotbybothsides
Date Posted: 20 July 2004 at 12:57am

I own one for the A5, my brother owns one for his 98 custom...

They are not all that they are cracked up to be. End of story.

I replaced it with a Armson stealth and have had an 80% accuracy increase and better shot-to-kill ratio then i ever had with that damn flatline, its fun to play around with and intimidates your enemy when they see it or hear about it, but it isnt something I'd use on a regular basis.

The barrel is subject to a "shotgun effect" (even at 270 fps with RPS marballizers), you will find that paintballs bouce off your targets even at close range under certain conditions.


Now as for the 98 Custom Flatline...Its total trash, the thing comes in multiple poorly machined pieces (unlike the A5's flatline that is one solid metal unit that resembles a supressors) the muzzel break falls off, the barrel is a serious pain in the ass to get set straight & the paintballs take a steep upward sloped path after flying straight for 30-45 feet. The paintballs (marbalizers) flew of a straight flight path then abruptly hurl upwards (think Fortune from Metal Gear Solid 2) and over your enemys heads

In other words while the A5 flatline loses effective velocity at extended range (resulting in the "shotgun effect")  the 98 custom flatline has a horrible effect that once your enemy find the point at which this happens, they can stand and return fire at you while your paintballs swirl upward and away from them (just like Fortune in MGS 2)

The entire system is clearly an after thought

The A5 version is a fun toy to goof around with, the 98 version is a nonworking rippoff.

"All you can hope for is the mercy of hell!"

Posted By: MROD
Date Posted: 20 July 2004 at 6:48am

98 Sniper

i my self don't like the flatline i have seen to many probs with this thing. when a ball breaks it takes way longer to clean than just a regular barrel. i know tihs is because of the paint matching the barrel, but not every body can pick out what size paint they are going to give you. to me i don't think it is as great as everybody says. it might work for some people, but when i have to have some one cover me so i can move up. i don't trust them. you guys might no like what i just said but this is my 2 cents.

dont' hate the wiper hate the ref that didn't catch him

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Posted: 20 July 2004 at 12:57am | IP Logged">Quote Shotbybothsides

I own one for the A5, my brother owns one for his 98 custom...

They are not all that they are cracked up to be. End of story.I replaced it with a Armson stealth and have had an 80% accuracy increase and better shot-to-kill ratio then i ever had with that damn flatline, its fun to play around with and intimidates your enemy when they see it or hear about it, but it isnt something I'd use on a regular basis.

The barrel is subject to a "shotgun effect" (even at 270 fps with RPS marballizers), you will find that paintballs bouce off your targets even at close range under certain conditions.


Now as for the 98 Custom Flatline...Its total trash, the thing comes in multiple poorly machined pieces (unlike the A5's flatline that is one solid metal unit that resembles a supressors) the muzzel break falls off, the barrel is a serious pain in the ass to get set straight & the paintballs take a steep upward sloped path after flying straight for 30-45 feet. The paintballs (marbalizers) flew of a straight flight path then abruptly hurl upwards (think Fortune from Metal Gear Solid 2) and over your enemys heads

In other words while the A5 flatline loses effective velocity at extended range (resulting in the "shotgun effect")  the 98 custom flatline has a horrible effect that once your enemy find the point at which this happens, they can stand and return fire at you while your paintballs swirl upward and away from them (just like Fortune in MGS 2)

The entire system is clearly an after thought

The A5 version is a fun toy to goof around with, the 98 version is a nonworking rippoff.

Your opinions have been noted but frankly no one cares.

I need to find smaller pictures for my profile.

Posted By: JohnnyCanuck
Date Posted: 20 July 2004 at 9:10am

Originally posted by Shotbybothsides Shotbybothsides wrote:

...I replaced it with a Armson stealth and have had an 80% accuracy increase...

That fact alone makes me doubt that anything in your post was true, but thanks for the laugh!


Posted By: shooky
Date Posted: 20 July 2004 at 10:29am
It's possible that statement is true. If, for instance, they installed the barrel incorrectly, your accuracy would be terrible.

Improper use could also lead to inaccuracy. The velocity may be too high, the paint is lop sided, the marker isn't being shot right at the right angle, etc.

In any case, if one uses the flatline correctly, they are a force to be reckoned with.

Posted By: spaulding
Date Posted: 20 July 2004 at 10:36am
"my barrel came bent" ive never heard that one but thats pretty great haha

Posted By: JohnnyCanuck
Date Posted: 20 July 2004 at 12:06pm

My comment was more around the math he used to get "80% better accuracy".  As for the rest of his comments, I have the feeling he may not have followed the instructions, I've seen it with a lot with flatty's and if you dont ensure the barrel is all the way in, and lined up, it will be a disaster; I scratched a mark in the bottom of mine so I can take it out, clean it and put it back in the exact same position.  It does as it's advertised to do, which makes it worth the $ right there for me; I certainly didn't expect it to perform miracles or even be the best barrell out there, nor does Tippmann.  When I get intersted in upgrading my gun with something else, I certainy found it pays to check the forums out, pbreview sites and I always carefully read the negative comments; when I see "40% better..80% faster.." and nothing to back it up, I tend to wonder about the logic and move to the next post. If possible, it sure makes it easier to try it on a similar setup to my own gun, which I was able to do for most of the upgrades I've done. I certainly appreciate the boards here for the experiance and opinions that are represented, both pos and neg.

Posted By: grumpy
Date Posted: 20 July 2004 at 3:33pm
I didn't read all the posts but a complaint I have read at other forums is this: The ball takes 4 seconds to shoot and is not good for fast action.

I would like a gun that can be used to snipe or for fast action so I don't have to carry two guns from field to field. I've considered the flatline for my custom 98 but would be highly pissed if I bought it, installed it, and it slowed my gun down.



Posted By: Erik
Date Posted: 20 July 2004 at 5:31pm

Tippmann fanboys, act civilized.

98sniper and Shotbybothsides are unhappy customers. They paid handsomely for hardware that was praised, but they failed them. To disregard their complaints is, really, pretty obnoxious.

I haven't used the Flatline yet, but I have experienced a few "defects" in my marker. I sent the gun in to Tippmann for a free repair, and the problem was gone.

This hardware is mass-produced, so you never know if what you are buying is a bad apple or not. My Playstation 2 was screwed up, so I sent it in and got it fixed. If you send in your products for adjustment or repair... maintenance and cleaning, even... you will be surprised by how well the product actually is.

My sig is stupid.

Posted By: Shotbybothsides
Date Posted: 20 July 2004 at 6:09pm

Erik is the only one with more than half a brain here.

I'm not from a rival company, i'm not selling anything, what is my modivaition for lying to about some gun part?

80% accuracy increase, the flatline is designed for range not accuracy, thus you will notice a slight to drastic diffrence in accuracy when switching from a conventional barrel to the flatline.

I am simply not impressed with the barrel. It is way to expensive for something that does something that is cancelled out by its inaccuracy, all the flatline does is alert your opposition to your position, they are in range but you cant mark them becuase of the inaccuracy and dreaded shotgun effect

like i said, the A5 flatline is kinda fun to play around with, you will still be a contender on the field but you will probably do better with the conventional barrel...but the 98 Custom's flatline is a total joke & complete ripoff.

"All you can hope for is the mercy of hell!"

Posted By: MROD
Date Posted: 20 July 2004 at 6:31pm

ok Shot by both sides. The 98 custom flatline is not a rip off. Most of the good people will testify that the Flatline is the best barrel for woodsball as you can see by the other posts here, only one person agrees with you.

I need to find smaller pictures for my profile.

Posted By: MROD
Date Posted: 20 July 2004 at 6:34pm

Originally posted by grumpy grumpy wrote:

I didn't read all the posts but a complaint I have read at other forums is this: The ball takes 4 seconds to shoot and is not good for fast action.

I would like a gun that can be used to snipe or for fast action so I don't have to carry two guns from field to field. I've considered the flatline for my custom 98 but would be highly pissed if I bought it, installed it, and it slowed my gun down.


WHAT?!?! The ball comes out of the barrel in milliseconds! wow, whoever told you thant is really really stupid.

I need to find smaller pictures for my profile.

Posted By: JohnnyCanuck
Date Posted: 20 July 2004 at 7:07pm
Originally posted by Erik Erik wrote:

Tippmann fanboys, act civilized.

98sniper and Shotbybothsides are unhappy customers. They paid handsomely for hardware that was praised, but they failed them. To disregard their complaints is, really, pretty obnoxious.

I haven't used the Flatline yet, but I have experienced a few "defects" in my marker. I sent the gun in to Tippmann for a free repair, and the problem was gone.

This hardware is mass-produced, so you never know if what you are buying is a bad apple or not. My Playstation 2 was screwed up, so I sent it in and got it fixed. If you send in your products for adjustment or repair... maintenance and cleaning, even... you will be surprised by how well the product actually is.

You bought a ps2, it was screwed, you sent it out to get fixed and are suprised at how well the product is.  He bought the flatty, it didn't perform as advertised so rather than do what you and most other people do, send it back, he decides that its crap..end of story as he put it.  To repeat, I don't claim the flatty as the miracle barrell or anything close to it so I'm confused...?  I know like anyone thats used it that it has pros and cons, and the fact I responded to his post is the OPPOSITE of disregarding and quite far, I assure you from being ever been to any other forums?  This one is awesome as far as balance goes.  Oh yes, the 'tippmann fanboys" comment - thanks!  or were you trying to be obnoxious? 

Posted By: Blue Hopper
Date Posted: 20 July 2004 at 9:43pm
I've been sick of all this argueing Im reading trying to figure out whther to get a flatline or Big Shot. Who here has used the flatline the longest?

The views exspressed in this post do not represent that of the Tippmann Company or the Paintball community but solely the individual who type it.

Posted By: JohnnyCanuck
Date Posted: 20 July 2004 at 10:54pm
Personally I wouldn't recommend the flatty for speedball, I really dont like how much bigger my 98's profile is with the shroud, for bushball, and especially big fields, I have no problem recommending the flatty.  One of the biggest drawbacks of the flatty is the price, so if your trying to s-t-r-e-t-c-h your $$, then go with the Bigshot, it's a great all around barrell.

Posted By: shooky
Date Posted: 21 July 2004 at 9:26am
Originally posted by Blue Hopper Blue Hopper wrote:

I've been sick of all this argueing Im reading trying to figure out whther to get a flatline or Big Shot. Who here has used the flatline the longest?

I've had my A-5 flatline for about a year now and I like it lots. My dad has a 98c flatline, and also, he likes his very much.

However, other people I've played with have had problems with their 98c flatline (so far, 3 of them had complained about their barrel).

Since I didn't install their barrels or calibrate their markers, I couldn't tell them what was wrong.

It is entirely possible to get a screwed up barrel. You'll notice the problems if you get a lot of barrel breaks and really wild shots. If you experience these problems, check on a few things. Check your velocity (should be in the 265-280 FPS range), check to make sure your barrel is installed correctly (lined up and in all the way), clean your barrel (run it under some warm water and squeege it), and double check your paint (you want to use small bore paint like All-Stars or Marballizers).

Posted By: mod98commando
Date Posted: 21 July 2004 at 6:24pm

I've had the flatline for just under a year on my A5 and I like it a lot. I used to use a bigshot which is an awesome barrel but the flatline has much more range. Accuracy is only a little better with the bigshot than it is with the flatline so I wasn't devastated when I made the switch. I was actually kind of surprised with the accuracy I got because I heard so much bad about it. Everybody had me thinking that I wouldn't be able to hit anything with it but the accuracy is fine. At normal ranges I can hit things about just as easily as I could with the bigshot. When we go beyond normal ranges I can land some shots that I wouldn't even bother attempting with a normal barrel. It's also good to keep the enemy pinned down at a safe distance.

At d-day this year I kept some germans from moving their frontline up on us simply by tossing paint at them. I doubt I could have hit them because at that range my accuracy was gone but I had enough range that they thought I could land a hit and that was enough to keep them pinned. One time I made a shot through a small opening in the brush that was probably only possible because of the flat trajectory of the flatline. I saw the enemy moving up on my group so I moved out to the flank where they couldn't see me. Then I found a clear firing lane through tons of bushes and trees so I took the shot and landed it without a problem. The guy never saw me and both shots I took landed on target right where I wanted them (shot an extra just in case). Without the flatline the ball probably would have dipped down a little and hit a branch.

When you play speedball, the flatline doesn't really offer much for you because range and flat trajectory aren't really important on a field that small with no trees. In that case you'd be better off getting slightly better accuracy for half the money by getting a bigshot. If you play both speedball and woodsball then I'd just use the flatline. The flatline will work just fine in speedball and if you play in the woods too then it wouldn't make sense to switch barrels all the time. The flatline is honestly not a bad barrel. I actually used to think it was garbage based on what I heard and I didn't like my friend's 98 flatline too much but when the A5 version came out I changed my mind. I saw them in action at d-day 2003 and I heard more good about them so I decided to try it out. I got it for christmas and now I use it all the time. I have had no problems with mine so far; no increase in breakage, no accuracy problems, nothing.

oreomann33: Everybody invades Poland

Rofl_Mao: And everyone eats turkey

Me: But only if they're hungary

Mack: Yeah but hungary people go russian through their food and end up with greece on everyth

Posted By: killernoodle
Date Posted: 21 July 2004 at 9:32pm
There are two way to measure "accuracy":

Precision: all the balls fall in one spot, but this spot may not be the one intended.

Accuracy: the balls tend to hit the spot you were aiming for but may not be more precisely grouped.

With the flatline, you will have better accuracy because whatever is in the sights is what will be hit.

With a regular barrel like the bigshot, you will have a tight grouping of shots, but because one must take into account the tragectory of the shots the accuracy may not be as good for the first or second shot. 

My brother has a bigshot, I have a flatline.  I notice I tend to get him out pretty easily at distance because he simply cant fire back.  Even if I cant get a tight grouping of shots like a bigshot may be able to accomplish, the odds are that I can eventually tag him without him ever having a chance.

And for those who are getting a shotgun effect, something is seriously wrong.  I have never broken paint unless I'm using crappy wally world stuff that has been sitting in the garage for months or my gun is shooting well over 300...

I make all my own mods.

Posted By: shooky
Date Posted: 22 July 2004 at 9:27am
I was able to hold off 8 people with high end markers and 6+ pods each, with just my A-5 flatline and one full hopper. About 5 of them ran out of paint and the others had to keep passing out pods to the other players.

I only got one of them tagged, and the others just sat around waiting to see me get tagged.

The accuracy of the flatline would probably be comperable to the stock barrel. Nothing fantastic, but it'll get the job done. And, of course at greater distances the inaccuracy increases. The longer it stays in the air, the better chance it's going to get affected by the wind. You still have a better chance of it breaking on someone at 120+ feet than you would with a stock barrel at that distance.

Posted By: grumpy
Date Posted: 22 July 2004 at 2:00pm
I'm pretty much sold ont he flat line as my first hop up. I see they are selling for almost full price on ebay when used so if I decide it's not for me I won't take a $100 hit.


Posted By: PaINtToXiN
Date Posted: 22 July 2004 at 3:32pm
I've played with my flatty since March, we play mostly every weekend, sometimes twice.  I have put just over 12 cases of paint through her, and I have broken 1 old brittle ball. It is cool to look through the front site and "frame" someone, because that is where the shot will go. If it is real far then fire 3, one will coast straight to the enemy.  Sometimes the shots will bounce at long range but atleast it still hurts them and makes them run away to mommy. I can keep two people off of me while I battle one who is close. Besides at 100 ft the flatty gives me the confidence to fire only one shot, and there is nothing more satisfying then nailing someone with just one shot.  Now it is a heavy barrel, and I wish it was part aluminum or something,  but atleast it is short being only 1.5 inches longer than the stock barrel.  The endcap gets hit alot in speedball so I am getting a 7.5 bigshot.  Next year I'll have Tippmann re-sandblast it for me for free, and she'll be ready for the new woodsball season.  All the bad rap is good in a way, it insures that my enemies will not be using one.

If my posts seem strange it is because dial-up gives me too much time to think.

A-5, Flatilizer.

Posted By: 98sniper
Date Posted: 23 July 2004 at 2:06am

time out here.

first. they don't have accuracy. (killernoodle) no matter what you define accuracy as.

Second. why go threw all the troubles of the cleaning probs and accuracy being lacking, when you can get a ultralight or boomstick and have accuracy make up the stupid range.

Three. Range, r u guys to scared to get up and close. you have to sneek around and shoot people in the back. form 100 feet more away.

four. when a ball breaks you might as well play with out a barrel. it will be more accurate than the grose, slimey flatline.

Five. what do you clean the barrel with when it chops. (not sure) but since the barrel is bent can you even use a straight shot.

Six. yes, i know you need to match the paint to the barrel. but how often can you decided to play in a last minute game and find small bore paint. you might be able to but not every body can.

Seven. holding of 6 guys doesn't prove any thing. they just could have sucked. maybe they where chickens and stayed behind the bunker, instead of movin because the flatline might get you can keep people down just shooting at the right times. it doesn't even have to be at them.

Eight. back to accuracy. why? they don't have it. they have range i will give them that. but does it matter when u can't hit any thing.

Nine. i would want some one to cover me, if i am making a move, with the flatline. you guys might like them but i don't trust the for any thing

just to let u all know i don't own a flatline. i just have heard a seen to many of them brake paint. yeah yeah paint and barrel. but like i said above, not every one can do that. i would take a boomstick over a flatline any day. Look and see what the pros use. BOOMSTICK.

i quess thats for cents now. i don't mean to p any body off i just don't like them and don't trust them.

x chamber
revi 12vlt w/x

halo tsa backman
shocktech drop

soon to get
e orracle
crossfire tank
kaner kit
egg 2 w/z board

Posted By: MROD
Date Posted: 23 July 2004 at 7:12am
Originally posted by 98sniper 98sniper wrote:

time out here.

first. they don't have accuracy. (killernoodle) no matter what you define accuracy as.

Second. why go threw all the troubles of the cleaning probs and accuracy being lacking, when you can get a ultralight or boomstick and have accuracy make up the stupid range.

Three. Range, r u guys to scared to get up and close. you have to sneek around and shoot people in the back. form 100 feet more away.

four. when a ball breaks you might as well play with out a barrel. it will be more accurate than the grose, slimey flatline.

Five. what do you clean the barrel with when it chops. (not sure) but since the barrel is bent can you even use a straight shot.

Six. yes, i know you need to match the paint to the barrel. but how often can you decided to play in a last minute game and find small bore paint. you might be able to but not every body can.

Seven. holding of 6 guys doesn't prove any thing. they just could have sucked. maybe they where chickens and stayed behind the bunker, instead of movin because the flatline might get you can keep people down just shooting at the right times. it doesn't even have to be at them.

Eight. back to accuracy. why? they don't have it. they have range i will give them that. but does it matter when u can't hit any thing.

Nine. i would want some one to cover me, if i am making a move, with the flatline. you guys might like them but i don't trust the for any thing

just to let u all know i don't own a flatline. i just have heard a seen to many of them brake paint. yeah yeah paint and barrel. but like i said above, not every one can do that. i would take a boomstick over a flatline any day. Look and see what the pros use. BOOMSTICK.

i quess thats for cents now. i don't mean to p any body off i just don't like them and don't trust them.

okay, so your Flaltine hating opinion is based off other people's failures to either install it correctly or send it back because it is a bad one and get a new, good one. Thanks for your 2 cents.

Also, I don't see many pros with 98 customs or A-5's.

I need to find smaller pictures for my profile.

Posted By: shooky
Date Posted: 23 July 2004 at 10:03am
Originally posted by 98sniper 98sniper wrote:

time out here.

first. they don't have accuracy. (killernoodle) no matter what you define accuracy as.
How would you know? You just admitted not ever using one. Unless you've tried it, you really don't have the right to comment on it. At least the other negative reviews are from people that actually tried to use the barrel.

Second. why go threw all the troubles of the cleaning probs and accuracy being lacking, when you can get a ultralight or boomstick and have accuracy make up the stupid range.
Every barrel requires cleaning. And the Flatline is plenty accurate at the same range as someone with a regular barrel. They start becoming more inaccurate the longer they are in the air, but they'll be in the air a lot longer than a regular barrel, no matter how much of an arch you put on your shots.

Three. Range, r u guys to scared to get up and close. you have to sneek around and shoot people in the back. form 100 feet more away.
Actually, I play in the front. And I do sneak around people, I'm usually the one that pops up in the middle of the enemy's base, allowing me to tag people from further distances. I love the range on the Flatline, but I love the flat trajectory more.

four. when a ball breaks you might as well play with out a barrel. it will be more accurate than the grose, slimey flatline.
See response to your first statement.

Five. what do you clean the barrel with when it chops. (not sure) but since the barrel is bent can you even use a straight shot.
It comes with a flexible squeege, just like all of the other Tippmann products. For the A-5, you have to take off the barrel. For the 98c, you drop the feed neck and push the squeege through the chamber.

Six. yes, i know you need to match the paint to the barrel. but how often can you decided to play in a last minute game and find small bore paint. you might be able to but not every body can.
The barrel can be used with medium bore paint as well, it just performs better with small bore. And guess what! ALL barrel perform better with the right paint to barrel matches. IE your boomstick would perform better with the right paint to barrel match.

Seven. holding of 6 guys doesn't prove any thing. they just could have sucked. maybe they where chickens and stayed behind the bunker, instead of movin because the flatline might get you can keep people down just shooting at the right times. it doesn't even have to be at them.
Actually, I was the one hiding behind the bunker, and they were the ones that had me surrounded. But because of my range, they had no idea I wasn't actually in the bunker in front of them, I was about 5 feet further back hiding on a hill. They moved up and surrounded where they thought I was. If I didn't have the flatline, they could have moved up a lot further without wasting as much paint. And guys with team jerseys, 6+ hoppers, and high end markers probably aren't as bad as you think.

Eight. back to accuracy. why? they don't have it. they have range i will give them that. but does it matter when u can't hit any thing.
See response to your first statement.

Nine. i would want some one to cover me, if i am making a move, with the flatline. you guys might like them but i don't trust the for any thing
So, you don't like them, but you like them enough to cover you? If you didn't trust them, then why would you have them cover you?

just to let u all know i don't own a flatline. i just have heard a seen to many of them brake paint. yeah yeah paint and barrel. but like i said above, not every one can do that. i would take a boomstick over a flatline any day. Look and see what the pros use. BOOMSTICK.

i quess thats for cents now. i don't mean to p any body off i just don't like them and don't trust them.

Posted By: mod98commando
Date Posted: 23 July 2004 at 1:05pm

Originally posted by 98sniper 98sniper wrote:

...first. they don't have accuracy. (killernoodle) no matter what you define accuracy as.

Not true. The flatline is almost as accurate as my bigshot and the bigshot has often been said to be just as accurate as the boomstick but for less money. Neither of those barrels offer flat trajectory or increased range though.

Second. why go threw all the troubles of the cleaning probs and accuracy being lacking, when you can get a ultralight or boomstick and have accuracy make up the stupid range.

For the 98c you just have to drop the elbow and pull the squeegee through the breech, no big deal. For the A5 you're screwed unless you come up with a good way to get the cyclone off in the middle of the game which some people actually have. Somebody posted an idea to use a long screw, a wingnut, and a longer hose so that you could quickly pop the cyclone off the gun and squeegee through the breech. I did something similar with mine. I bought a thumb screw that replaces the one that holds the cyclone on. Now if I have a break, I just unscrew that and pop off the cyclone. It takes a few minutes but it's better than leaving the game to squeegee.

Three. Range, r u guys to scared to get up and close. you have to sneek around and shoot people in the back. form 100 feet more away.

Lol, you couldn't be more wrong. You might as well tell me that my dad is in the mafia because I'm italian. Just because people own the flatline doesn't mean they restrict themselves to long range shots. Whether I have my flatline or not I tend to be up front right in the action or coming around the flank and causing chaos from behind. In that case, I'm usually severely outnumbered and outgunned so having the flatline allows me to stay out of their range while still taking them out and causing disorder so my teammates can move up. It's strategy, not cowardice.

four. when a ball breaks you might as well play with out a barrel. it will be more accurate than the grose, slimey flatline.

Not true. After a break you lose accuracy but not enough that you can't hit a thing. I played through a break for a good 10 minutes before I had a chance to squeegee and I was fine. Any barrel loses accuracy after a break so you can't blame the flatline.

Five. what do you clean the barrel with when it chops. (not sure) but since the barrel is bent can you even use a straight shot.

Pull-through squeegee after I pop off the cyclone.

Six. yes, i know you need to match the paint to the barrel. but how often can you decided to play in a last minute game and find small bore paint. you might be able to but not every body can.

That applies to all barrels pal. Small bore paint is probably more common on a tourny scene anyway since most tourny-grade paint is small bore. Any paint will work ok but best results are achieved with small bore. Medium isn't too bad either.

Seven. holding of 6 guys doesn't prove any thing. they just could have sucked. maybe they where chickens and stayed behind the bunker, instead of movin because the flatline might get you can keep people down just shooting at the right times. it doesn't even have to be at them.

So then poor accuracy at long range wouldn't matter according to what you just said and that conflicts with your other point (number 8) that the flatline is useless at long range. You can easily keep people pinned at long ranges, I know because I've done it plenty of times before. It's very hard to hit them because of the distance but you can come close enough to make them stay put. You can get hits from very long range which is why people allow themselves to be pinned down by the flatline.

Eight. back to accuracy. why? they don't have it. they have range i will give them that. but does it matter when u can't hit any thing.

Again, this conflicts with point 7. And on top of that, the second part is wrong. You can hit things at long range and I've done it before. It takes more shots than a target within normal range but it can be done. Why do I say that? I've done it before.

Nine. i would want some one to cover me, if i am making a move, with the flatline. you guys might like them but i don't trust the for any thing

If they can give good cover then why are they no good to use?

just to let u all know i don't own a flatline. i just have heard a seen to many of them brake paint. yeah yeah paint and barrel. but like i said above, not every one can do that. i would take a boomstick over a flatline any day. Look and see what the pros use. BOOMSTICK.

If you've seen a lot of them break paint then the paint is crap or the barrel is on wrong because mine doesn't cause any more breaks than my other barrels and that's with any paint I've used so far regardless of bore size. You can take a boomstick over the flatline if you want but doing it because the pros do is the dumbest reason I've heard, no offense. Professional teams are sponsored by companies and in return they want them to use their products. Even if the team doesn't really like their goods, they'll use them so they get sponsorship money. You can get just about the same accuracy from a bigshot for much less money. You can't always go by what the pros use. Buy what works and sometimes the most expensive thing isn't the best.


Until you own a flatline or have at least used one for a decent amount of time, you shouldn't be trying to tell people that it's bad.

oreomann33: Everybody invades Poland

Rofl_Mao: And everyone eats turkey

Me: But only if they're hungary

Mack: Yeah but hungary people go russian through their food and end up with greece on everyth

Posted By: 98sniper
Date Posted: 23 July 2004 at 4:51pm



 i have shot many flatlines, for the a5 and the 98. i know alot of people that bought them and r not happy, they just don't want to admitt that the bought **edited**. so i know plenty about them to have a opinion.


 like you said almost but isn't. the reason people buy the flatline is for the range, well why have range when its not accurate. yes i will not say that they don't shoot flatter. but some one said on here, don't remeber who, that they like it because it shoots flat for a long range in the brush. if its that brushy whats the chances you hit him if it is accurate, which its not. if its brushy move up get close you snipers. joking about the sniper thing. on can go on about the range and stuff all day.



 like you said, the longer there in the air the less there accurate. why get it. u just want to shoot far and not hit nothin. there not even as accurate as another gn up close so just think what there like at long range. just put alittle under your shots with a nomarl barrel.


 the 98 has quick threads for a reason, so u can take the barrel off with only three maybe four turns. take the breech off and wacth paint fall all over the places because you ion a hurry. then make sure you turn your revi off so the enemy doesn't here the noise so you don't blow your cover. NO, its not a pain to take the breech off compared to unthreading your barrel on squeeging it out.LOL and like you said its a pain with the a5. you have to take every thing off.



 you pop up in the middle of them and shoot from a long range. you love the range, flatness but not the accuracy, just checking. like i said it shoots flat and far but doesn't matter. you can make up the distance with a boomstick. just aim a little high. they will fall prefect. i do it all the time.


what ever you want to call. but like you said you like to be on the front line, boomstick, why won't a boomstick be good. more accurate in every way. why get the flatline if your not taking long shots. i believe in flanking, but take some one with you and tear threw the back. don't just sit bak there and take some pop shots. then you would have help and wouldn't try to argue about being outnumbered so you have to sit back and take long inaccurate shots, as said by shooky, the longer its out there the less accurate.



 i have played with the flatline i just don't own one because i dislike them. its a waste of money.i have shoot alot of them.


yes i can blame it. alot of barrels will self clean. it just gets balled up in the barrel and doesn't put the right spin on the ball. when this happens you can shoot around trees. if your aiming to hit them



look at what i said to mod98commando in the 2nd thing.


after it takes you minutes to get that off. when with a normal barrel you would just take it off rfast and clean it.



i know this but why should a preson have to do this everytime they want to play. not evry one can go out and get that paint in a last minute fix.


how many people use the flatline in tournies buddy, or as you would say pal. you get the flatline for range. and you don't need alot of that at tournies. even if someone does play in a tourny, what about when you wanna go play with your friends. medium isn't bad but not good. what about the large bore pal.



O...No way the had jerseys. o now there would have killed you. yeah.. ok, i have seen a group of little kids get a good spot and take out many of those people when the kids just had like 98 and a couple stingrays. just cause they look good doesn't meen anything but that the have money. if you had the money you would buy gear too, but it wouldn't meen your oliver lang.


how in the world did you get that. wiht people like that you just have to shoot straight up in the air and they duck. and who said they where at a range. and he said instead of being righ in front of them he was a huge five feet back, thats anought to make a huge difference at close range. i can hol people down at ranges with my teardrop. i have shot alot of barrels threw my gun.



look at my new 1st response.


like you said once in a blue moon you hit someone like that. i have done it with a $40 teardrop.



 i missed typed it should be would'nt have i just got caught up in typing fast.


jsut what i stated to shooky

i just think htat there not as good as what every body makes them sound. its just that the don't want to go around and say the just bought a piece of crap barrel.

x chamber
revi 12vlt w/x

halo tsa backman
shocktech drop

soon to get
e orracle
crossfire tank
kaner kit
egg 2 w/z board

Posted By: 98sniper
Date Posted: 23 July 2004 at 4:54pm
wow that was long, i don't mean to piss any body off.

x chamber
revi 12vlt w/x

halo tsa backman
shocktech drop

soon to get
e orracle
crossfire tank
kaner kit
egg 2 w/z board

Posted By: mod98commando
Date Posted: 23 July 2004 at 10:48pm

Originally posted by 98sniper 98sniper wrote: you said almost but isn't. the reason people buy the flatline is for the range, well why have range when its not accurate. yes i will not say that they don't shoot flatter. but some one said on here, don't remeber who, that they like it because it shoots flat for a long range in the brush. if its that brushy whats the chances you hit him if it is accurate, which its not. if its brushy move up get close you snipers. joking about the sniper thing. on can go on about the range and stuff all day.

That's just the thing, it has enough accuracy that you can hit people with ease just like any other good barrel only you can make the longer shots more easily because you can reach without lobbing the shots. It's good to have a barrel that can give you flat trajectory for long range because sometimes low-hanging branches don't allow you to lob your shots. Remember, you're talking to a bunch of woodsballers most likely and in the woods you don't have an open sky. At the fields I play at, it's very common to have trees preventing you from lobbing shots out there and I know that from experience. With the flatline, I can easily shoot right under them and not worry about the ball hitting the ground at the target's feet. And I do get shots on target, that's why I can keep people pinned from outside their range. I can hit people through the brush if I have a firing lane. With a normal barrel I have to worry about the ball dropping too low and hitting a branch but with the flatline it will fly straight through the path until it reaches the target. Obviously you can't do that at like 300 feet but around 100 feet it's possible and your chances get better as you get closer. That may not sound that great but with a normal barrel your chances are slim even at 50 feet in this situation.

...the 98 has quick threads for a reason, so u can take the barrel off with only three maybe four turns. take the breech off and wacth paint fall all over the places because you ion a hurry. then make sure you turn your revi off so the enemy doesn't here the noise so you don't blow your cover. NO, its not a pain to take the breech off compared to unthreading your barrel on squeeging it out.LOL and like you said its a pain with the a5. you have to take every thing off.

If you know what you're doing, you can get your 98 squeegeed and ready to go in no time without a problem. I don't have the 98 flatline but I have a pro team barrel kit that can't be removed without tools so I go through the breech and I don't have trouble at all. All you do is shut off the hopper, tilt the gun to the right to allow the paint to roll into the hopper, release the elbow, tilt the gun back up (without removing the elbow), pull the squeegee through until the barrel is clean, hold the elbow, roll the gun to the right until the elbow is on again, and then you hold the gun upright and flip on the hopper. Sounds like a lot of steps but if you try it, you can do this very quickly and it works well. Of course just unscrewing a 98 barrel is easier but doing it this way isn't horrible, just takes an extra 5-10 seconds.

...what ever you want to call. but like you said you like to be on the front line, boomstick, why won't a boomstick be good. more accurate in every way. why get the flatline if your not taking long shots. i believe in flanking, but take some one with you and tear threw the back. don't just sit bak there and take some pop shots. then you would have help and wouldn't try to argue about being outnumbered so you have to sit back and take long inaccurate shots, as said by shooky, the longer its out there the less accurate.

It's not that I like to be on the front lines but I just end up there all the time. People sometimes are reluctant to be aggressive and they just sit and trade paint until somebody decides to lead them forward. If I see nobody else taking the lead, I yell for them to move up and I go. Usually people will follow if they see me make it. I get them moving up and then I take a look at the situation. If it looks like we can't take them head on then I take a few people and disappear out to the flank while the rest of the team holds them off. Then we get ourselves behind the enemy and we move back in on them. We make sure they don't know about us until we fire and I tend to like hit and run tactics for this. I find a good firing lane from a place with good cover and I take well aimed shots once every 5 seconds or so. Since they're distracted with the fight in front of them, they usually don't notice until a shot hits them and by then it's too late. I'm usually at the edge of their range when I do this so the chances of them hitting me are slim because they can barely reach me and I still have enough accuracy to hit them. It works very good actually even though I'm sure I'll get criticized by people for this tactic.

...yes i can blame it. alot of barrels will self clean. it just gets balled up in the barrel and doesn't put the right spin on the ball. when this happens you can shoot around trees. if your aiming to hit them

Yeah, ok. The J&J ceramic is supposed to self-clean and mine doesn't. I got one for my SL-68II and a ball broke when I was target shooting one day. I tried shooting it clean and after a good 10 shots I was still getting poor accuracy, it didn't clean at all. I don't think it was small bore paint so I doubt the paint was too small to push the paint out of the barrel. Nobody I know will keep shooting after a break and be happy with their accuracy. The only reason I shoot through breaks on the flatline is because I need to make sure the enemy is pinned while squeegee since I'll have the cyclone off and I can't act quick if they move and get an angle on me. Accuracy loss is no more on the flatline than with any other barrel after a break. In fact, I think the ceramic handled a break the worst to be honest (in comparison to my bigshot and my flatline).

...after it takes you minutes to get that off. when with a normal barrel you would just take it off rfast and clean it.

It doesn't take minutes to get it off actually. You would think that it takes forever and it does take a while the first time but I think, after you get used to it, you can do it very quickly and it isn't such an issue. I first did it on the beach at d-day this year and it only took about 5 seconds to get the cyclone off. The problem I had was with the stupid little hose. For some reason I couldn't get the hose to connect so it took forever but I think I may just find a longer hose and leave it connected when I do this. In the meantime I'll probably just get used to doing it and it won't be a problem anymore. Other than that little problem it didn't take very long at all and I'm sure that if I got the hose on the first time then it would have actually been very quick. I just need time to get used to it and I'll be able to do it very fast. many people use the flatline in tournies buddy, or as you would say pal. you get the flatline for range. and you don't need alot of that at tournies. even if someone does play in a tourny, what about when you wanna go play with your friends. medium isn't bad but not good. what about the large bore pal.

I think I said before that a tourny player is better off with a normal barrel like the bigshot since range isn't needed, maybe that was a different post. Anyway, I agree that the flatline isn't the best speedball barrel. The reason is that it's main features (range and flat trajectory) can't be taken advantage of at such short ranges. The accuracy is good enough but for about $120 it's not worth it since you can get a bigshot for half that and it has a little more accuracy. However, in the woods, you can make use of the long range and flat trajectory and then you have a reason to pay an extra $60 for it. You'll have accuracy close to that of the bigshot but a LOT more range and your shots will not drop until they reach almost maximum range. That makes it much easier to take people out at longer ranges in the woods. By longer ranges I mean just outside of normal range and a little farther. That would be the flatline's effective range, not the max. When you shoot the same distance as a flatline by lobbing it, you're out of your effective range and just pushing your maximum range.


how in the world did you get that. wiht people like that you just have to shoot straight up in the air and they duck. and who said they where at a range. and he said instead of being righ in front of them he was a huge five feet back, thats anought to make a huge difference at close range. i can hol people down at ranges with my teardrop. i have shot alot of barrels threw my gun.

There's a difference between just holding people back and holding them back with a chance of eliminating them. Any gun can make the enemy stay put at a distance if the paint is able to break on or around the bunker but that doesn't mean the shooter can actually hit the person if they were trying. You can reach but your accuracy isn't going to be too great at that range. With the flatline it is much more likely for you to hit the person at that distance because you just aim straight at them instead of aiming a few inches above them. The shots will get there faster because of the flat trajectory and probably at a higher velocity too (since they fly straight instead of in an arc). you said once in a blue moon you hit someone like that. i have done it with a $40 teardrop.

I'm talking about the very long shots with the flatline, not long shots with a normal barrel. The shots I was talking about are at the edge of the flatline's maximum range which is beyond hope for a normal barrel. There are some shots you can land by lobbing the paint like you said, I'm not denying that. Heck, I've done it before. What I'm saying is that the shots you wouldn't even bother attempting with a normal barrel are sometimes possible to make or are at least worth attempting with the flatline. At west point I got a headshot from probably 200-250 feet away. It took about 10-15 shots but the guy shot back a lot more than that and didn't even come close to hitting me, they just bounced at my feet, literally. I may have even hit him sooner if he wasn't being blocked by thorns. That is a perfect example of why I prefer the flatline.

...i just think htat there not as good as what every body makes them sound. its just that the don't want to go around and say the just bought a piece of crap barrel.

I'll admit that some people exaggerate when they comment on their flatlines but that doesn't mean that the barrel is crap. I honestly had no intention of buying the flatline before d-day 2003 (not including when I was a newbie). I had read up about it and it sounded good but my friend got it for the 98 and I wasn't impressed. He also had a lot of problems getting the thing adjusted and he hated it so I stayed away from it. I heard a lot of negative stuff about it here too so I just forgot about it. Then I went to D-day about a year later and skirmish has tons of fields with trees that hang low which made lobbing shots nearly impossible. Because of that my range was ridiculously short and every time I came across a guy with an A5 flatine I made sure to stay nearby because they could do damage from much farther away, it was a huge advantage. I liked what I saw and the owners I talked to there liked them so I started to change my mind about it. Then I started seeing a lot of stuff about the flatline on the forum and there were a lot more people supporting it this time, including some of the more experienced players who were against the 98 flatline. I had always trusted them in the past so I trusted them again and I don't regret getting my flatline at all. In fact, it's now the only barrel I use on the A5 and I usually use my A5 before any of my other guns mainly because it has the flatline. Maybe you're right that some people don't like the barrel but are too embarrassed to admit it but trust me, I'm not one of them.

Also, you're more than welcome to dislike the flatline. The only reason I'm arguing this is because you're saying that it's a bad product which, in my opinion, is totally wrong. People may be deciding whether or not to buy it based on what they read here and I think there's too much bad information and rumors going around about it. It's really not a bad barrel.

oreomann33: Everybody invades Poland

Rofl_Mao: And everyone eats turkey

Me: But only if they're hungary

Mack: Yeah but hungary people go russian through their food and end up with greece on everyth

Posted By: Visirale
Date Posted: 23 July 2004 at 11:43pm
I've had my flatline for a month.. I'm definately not liking it. Something's wrong- or at least I hope so. I went out with about 50 balls in my backyard today and chopped about 7 of them. Not to mention the feed release is stuck, so I can't clean it out either, without completely taking the barrel out, which requires me to fetch allen wrenches...

The best thing about the barrel so far has been the entertainment provided by watching the erratic directions of the balls going through the dirty barrel.

So at the moment, I have a friend who wants to buy the barrel, and I am considering a normal barrel...

Any ideas on what could be wrong with my barrel?

We are the fossils,
The relics of our time,
We mutilate the meanings,
So they're easy to deny...

Posted By: 98sniper
Date Posted: 24 July 2004 at 4:01am
wow another unhappy consumer. these r not rumors. i would reply back to the things but thats gettin out of hand. but its not as good as every one makes it sound like it is. i am warning people on what to expect. like i bet visirale heard it was the best hing in the world. now look he has seven paintballs break. thats why i am arguing. because there not all that people make them sound. people don't want to admit that they bought **edited**. you can't deny this because no one wants to go around telling people there stuff sucks. i have seen them do ok things, but a regular barrel would have done the same thing. it is mass produced so there will be flaws. but will a normal barrel its all done on lays. one piece, its hard to screw a normal barrel up compared to the flatline. that takes like three steps. the laying of the barrel, then the bend, an then the plastic foregrip.

x chamber
revi 12vlt w/x

halo tsa backman
shocktech drop

soon to get
e orracle
crossfire tank
kaner kit
egg 2 w/z board

Posted By: MROD
Date Posted: 24 July 2004 at 8:41am

Originally posted by Visirale Visirale wrote:

I've had my flatline for a month.. I'm definately not liking it. Something's wrong- or at least I hope so. I went out with about 50 balls in my backyard today and chopped about 7 of them. Not to mention the feed release is stuck, so I can't clean it out either, without completely taking the barrel out, which requires me to fetch allen wrenches...

The best thing about the barrel so far has been the entertainment provided by watching the erratic directions of the balls going through the dirty barrel.

So at the moment, I have a friend who wants to buy the barrel, and I am considering a normal barrel...

Any ideas on what could be wrong with my barrel?

Well, it is a mass produced product so you could have gotten a bad one. Also, you may have screwed up the installation process.

I need to find smaller pictures for my profile.

Posted By: MROD
Date Posted: 24 July 2004 at 8:46am
98 sniper you might as well leave. all you're doing is repeating the same inaccurate facts over and over again. You say you don't want to piss people off, well, you are. You could possibly disuade woodsball players from buying one of the best upgrades they can get with your utterly wrong antifacts.

I need to find smaller pictures for my profile.

Posted By: The Undertaker
Date Posted: 24 July 2004 at 9:01am
u probably said this somewhere in the forums, but for the 98 flatline, which paint works the most efficient with the barrel, ive used many types, none of which i can say have made my play a more desirable act.  let me know brand/type of paint works best...thx

Death, Is Only The Beginning....

Posted By: JohnnyCanuck
Date Posted: 24 July 2004 at 9:50am
..."well it is a mass produced product..."  as opposed to the barrell you bought, which was hand forged by elves in elvin fire with tiny elvin hammers one at a time?     As for using something that sucks, I don't care what I paid for it, if it didn't work, I certainly wouldn't keep using it to spite myself because of my HUGE EMBARRASMENT.  I need all the help I can get when I play so using faulty equipment would be one of those things I would try avoid.

Posted By: [Deadeye]
Date Posted: 24 July 2004 at 11:25am
my muzzle keeps trying to slip off... i notice after a round of playing, its not on all the way anymore... how can i fix this so i dont loose my muzzle....?

Posted By: mod98commando
Date Posted: 24 July 2004 at 2:10pm

Viserale, do you have the A5 flatline or the 98 flatline? The 98 version is much easier to mess up because the installation is more complicated but the A5 installation could be done by an infant. If you really can't get the thing to work then send it to tippmann and see if they can help you out. I'm sure they can get it working for you. And if that much paint is breaking then maybe you're not using good paint. Try using something from RPS such as marbs or PMI premium. Evil is also very good for the flatline. Your barrel is defective or the paint is bad if your results are so horrible because my flatline works very well. If it didn't work I would have found a newbie to buy it already and I would have gone back to my bigshot. And what is with everybody saying that the muzzle is falling off? Is that even possible? I know the A5 flatline has no muzzle to fall off but I thought the 98 flatline and the muzzle are one piece. If the elbow on your 98 will not detach then the screw going through the front site is most likely overtightened. Just loosen it up slightly and it'll work again.

Also, I think we should all specify which type of flatline we're talking about here since the A5 flatline and 98 flatline are slightly different and the A5 version is supposedly better. All the stuff I said applies to the A5 version. It sounds to me like everybody that is against the flatline has the 98 version which I wasn't too impressed with either.

oreomann33: Everybody invades Poland

Rofl_Mao: And everyone eats turkey

Me: But only if they're hungary

Mack: Yeah but hungary people go russian through their food and end up with greece on everyth

Posted By: [Deadeye]
Date Posted: 24 July 2004 at 2:48pm
i have a 98 custom, and the actual barrel and the muzzle are 2 seperate pieces....

Posted By: JohnnyCanuck
Date Posted: 24 July 2004 at 11:09pm
There's 3 parts, the barrel, shrould and barrel ring which screws into the threads; which one deadeye is loose?  If it's the plastic shrould then take a look at all the screws, mine is very snug, I see no movement in it at all, I have seen some not tighten the barrel ring (allen key ) and the barrel comes right out.

Posted By: Visirale
Date Posted: 24 July 2004 at 11:28pm
Originally posted by mod98commando mod98commando wrote:

Viserale, do you have the A5 flatline or the 98 flatline? The 98 version is much easier to mess up because the installation is more complicated but the A5 installation could be done by an infant. If you really can't get the thing to work then send it to tippmann and see if they can help you out. I'm sure they can get it working for you. And if that much paint is breaking then maybe you're not using good paint. Try using something from RPS such as marbs or PMI premium. Evil is also very good for the flatline. Your barrel is defective or the paint is bad if your results are so horrible because my flatline works very well. If it didn't work I would have found a newbie to buy it already and I would have gone back to my bigshot. And what is with everybody saying that the muzzle is falling off? Is that even possible? I know the A5 flatline has no muzzle to fall off but I thought the 98 flatline and the muzzle are one piece. If the elbow on your 98 will not detach then the screw going through the front site is most likely overtightened. Just loosen it up slightly and it'll work again.

Also, I think we should all specify which type of flatline we're talking about here since the A5 flatline and 98 flatline are slightly different and the A5 version is supposedly better. All the stuff I said applies to the A5 version. It sounds to me like everybody that is against the flatline has the 98 version which I wasn't too impressed with either.

I'm using the 98 custom. I bought it used with the flatline on it. It did it when I first got it, so I took it off and totally reinstalled it... and it still does it.

I've never used anything but Marbs. So I doubt it's the paint...

Perhaps a call to tippmann is in store?

We are the fossils,
The relics of our time,
We mutilate the meanings,
So they're easy to deny...

Posted By: ekeboo
Date Posted: 24 July 2004 at 11:36pm

i have an A-5 witha flatline it works great better than my dye in range slightly key word there slightly worse in accuracy i think it works great worth every penny if yours doesnt work right send t in get a new one if that doesnt work send t in get a new one if that one doesnt work i think you are majorly screwing something up the flatline works great end of story


Posted By: [Deadeye]
Date Posted: 25 July 2004 at 10:07am
im still not sure what to do to get the muzzle to stay on... maybe some glue or something... electrical tape?

Posted By: killernoodle
Date Posted: 25 July 2004 at 11:01am
Originally posted by MROD MROD wrote:

Originally posted by Visirale Visirale wrote:

I've had my flatline for a month.. I'm definately not liking it. Something's wrong- or at least I hope so. I went out with about 50 balls in my backyard today and chopped about 7 of them. Not to mention the feed release is stuck, so I can't clean it out either, without completely taking the barrel out, which requires me to fetch allen wrenches...

The best thing about the barrel so far has been the entertainment provided by watching the erratic directions of the balls going through the dirty barrel.

So at the moment, I have a friend who wants to buy the barrel, and I am considering a normal barrel...

Any ideas on what could be wrong with my barrel?

Well, it is a mass produced product so you could have gotten a bad one. Also, you may have screwed up the installation process.

He installed it wrong.  In order for the feed release to get stuck, he over tightened the screw above where the barrel goes in and didn't tighten the one below it enough. I usually tighten the bottom one all the way down, and then tighten the top one until the release doesnt work, then back it it out 1/4 turn. 

Also, you need to be certain you have the adapter screwed in all the way, but still lined up straight.  Then put the barrel all the way in.  You may have to push really hard for it to slide in all the way.  There is an area on the bottom of the adapter where you can see the barrel when it is slid in all the way, it should be nearly closed off.

I make all my own mods.

Posted By: 98sniper
Date Posted: 27 July 2004 at 12:04am
mrod: they are accurate and what makes you think your not doing the same as i am. you promote the flatline and i tell people that its not worth the money. you r doin the same thing. you could be telling people that there the best go out and by one. then there out alot of money that they could have bought a response and tear drop. (i might add that my teardrop is awsome on my 98, i cover peoples paint up at about 30 40 feet maybe a lil more. man another victim of the flatline. i bet i can hit something as far and more accurate than your flatline. i have proved this be for.

x chamber
revi 12vlt w/x

halo tsa backman
shocktech drop

soon to get
e orracle
crossfire tank
kaner kit
egg 2 w/z board

Posted By: 98sniper
Date Posted: 27 July 2004 at 12:18am
i always thought sniping was mostly accuracy. being abe to put a shoot where you want it. i bet i can out shoot any flatline with my teardrop at any range. if your accuracy is good you can lob stuff very accurate.

x chamber
revi 12vlt w/x

halo tsa backman
shocktech drop

soon to get
e orracle
crossfire tank
kaner kit
egg 2 w/z board

Posted By: FlatlinePwnage
Date Posted: 27 July 2004 at 11:14am
deffinetally g-unit

Tippmann 98 Custom
Flatline Barrel System
Pistol (james bond style)

and i can still shoot further than ur 1500$ guns

Posted By: 98sniper
Date Posted: 27 July 2004 at 2:10pm
 flatlinepwnage you might not be able to shoot further than our 15004 guns, and not as fast.

x chamber
revi 12vlt w/x

halo tsa backman
shocktech drop

soon to get
e orracle
crossfire tank
kaner kit
egg 2 w/z board

Posted By: Sniper06
Date Posted: 27 July 2004 at 11:57pm

I have used the flatline for a year and mine is not that consistant. It works fine sometimes and then the others, lets just say I'm sitten out a few games tring to fix it.

Posted By: MSG.Mobius
Date Posted: 28 July 2004 at 3:00pm
So your impaired and can't do a simple thing like install it.


Coming in May 2005!

Posted By: Killer Kitten
Date Posted: 28 July 2004 at 10:57pm

Originally posted by 98sniper 98sniper wrote:

mrod: they are accurate and what makes you think your not doing the same as i am. you promote the flatline and i tell people that its not worth the money. you r doin the same thing. you could be telling people that there the best go out and by one. then there out alot of money that they could have bought a response and tear drop. (i might add that my teardrop is awsome on my 98, i cover peoples paint up at about 30 40 feet maybe a lil more. man another victim of the flatline. i bet i can hit something as far and more accurate than your flatline. i have proved this be for.


30 to 40?! your kidding me thats all you get thats like dealing range lol i can get way more then that with my flat line and i still yet to have a prob with it. i think im geting up to 200 feet maybe even more and i think any barrel can get 100 at least what are you doing wrong maybe not shoting right lol tip the gun up if you dont have a flat lol maybe you get more then you can spit :P

Posted By: Zer0262
Date Posted: 29 July 2004 at 1:31am
i didnt read every post but i do have a question about my flatline. and no im not asking if its curved. i wanted to know if they recently switched over to having a piece of plastic now instead of metal. sure the weight is better then a piece of metal but i feel like im gonna break my shroud in the first game i play with it.

Posted By: JohnnyCanuck
Date Posted: 29 July 2004 at 12:37pm
No, they come with a plastic shroud, you can buy the aluminum shrould, I believe someone else posted a link to it earlier, looks better, as for durability I've stepped on mine by accident, and beat it around bushball regularly and it hasn't broken yet.

Posted By: DPK325
Date Posted: 29 July 2004 at 10:27pm
I'm sorry if I missed this but I didnt see anyone ask this.  Right now I am just using my flatline (98C) without a shroud at all.  I just can't see the point of that thing.  This allows me to switch barrels really fast, and I cant see the disadvantage.  The only thing that I can see the shroud doing is protecting the barrel from shifting around during play, but that thing is so flimsy I cant see it really making a difference.  Besides, I have my barrel loctited into the adapter in the proper position.  Is there any risk to operating the system this way?  I have not played any games yet, just practiced shooting around, and I suppose I can always put the shroud back on....but is it necessary?

Posted By: Oh JoHn
Date Posted: 30 July 2004 at 9:26pm

he thinks he can out shoot a flatline with a tear drop at any range.......humm i wonder if his tear drop can even reach the range of a flatline.he should set up a target 200 feet away and see if he can hit it with his amazing tear drop, than have someone else shoot at it with a flat line. he's so full of him self he still would'nt exept it, he would say his gun's broken

98sniper ur the biggiest **edited**iot i know, ur soooooooooo full of ur self and ur gun with its amazing tear drop, if u cant realaise it im being sarcastic. u can not shoot 200 feet with a tear drop and its also not more accurate than a flatline. i have a evil driver for my 98 custom and soon getting a flat line, and if u say ur tear drop is better than either one of those barrels u can go eat a penis. the evil driver is probly one of the best barrel u can get for the 98, other than the flatline. my frinde has a tear drop and i know that he agrees that the flatline can shoot farther and better, he also agrees that the barrel i have is way better than his he also has the amazing TEAR DROP and he would trade any day for any one of those barrels. my frinde has a cousin that has a autococker and a 98 custom with a flat line and a zuse pistol, and if he thought that the tear drop was better than the flat line(wich its not) i think he would have got the tear drop dont u. this guy has been playing longer than any other player i know, probly at least 6 years. u can see iv got my info from both fact and the owners of those barrels......i wonder how long u have been playing, that is if u have even played before.

my "gats"
98 custom
evil driver barrel
expansion chamber
polished internals
and pt extremem jr and soon to come a phantom stockclass

Posted By: 98sniper
Date Posted: 31 July 2004 at 2:06am
u get me some allstar paint and i ll show you. does n e body live near roseburg oregon so i can prove this

x chamber
revi 12vlt w/x

halo tsa backman
shocktech drop

soon to get
e orracle
crossfire tank
kaner kit
egg 2 w/z board

Posted By: Bodiggler09
Date Posted: 31 July 2004 at 7:16pm

I shot RPS premium at the local field. It's all they sell and it kinds sucks ass because it shoots like **edited** in my gun. So can somebody tell me the names of some of the small-bore paint you've used in a flatline and have had good results. I've heard that zap is good?!?! Please let me know!!

I got 99 problems and a bitch ain't one.

Posted By: 98sniper
Date Posted: 31 July 2004 at 11:20pm
i think hellfire is a small bore paint.

x chamber
revi 12vlt w/x

halo tsa backman
shocktech drop

soon to get
e orracle
crossfire tank
kaner kit
egg 2 w/z board

Posted By: Bodiggler09
Date Posted: 01 August 2004 at 9:07pm
there has to be more and less expensive small bore paint....

I got 99 problems and a bitch ain't one.

Posted By: 98sniper
Date Posted: 02 August 2004 at 12:53am
i don't keep track of small bore i don't use it yet. as soon as i get my barrel kit i will.

x chamber
revi 12vlt w/x

halo tsa backman
shocktech drop

soon to get
e orracle
crossfire tank
kaner kit
egg 2 w/z board

Posted By: deltasniper101
Date Posted: 02 August 2004 at 2:42pm

well i saw a post that says " i went out with 50 ball and chopped 7"

lol what were u using wallmart paint come on

i have a flatty and its perfect i scratched 2 lien on the barrel and marker so i can see where to put it back together at gees so anways people who say there barrel sucks just didnt put on right or its a bad barrel and 3rd it could be wallmart paint or very cheap paint or old ect

flatline/& freak jr kit
32 degrees drp forward
r/t (yes thet are legal but you have to turn them down to liek 10bps in a tourney)

Posted By: 98sniper
Date Posted: 03 August 2004 at 12:58am
o, dude thats stupid. and just to let you know that blue streak from walmart feels like a marbel when you hold it. and the peoples guns i have shot r very experianced i think the know what there doing.

x chamber
revi 12vlt w/x

halo tsa backman
shocktech drop

soon to get
e orracle
crossfire tank
kaner kit
egg 2 w/z board

Posted By: shooky
Date Posted: 03 August 2004 at 10:04am
Originally posted by 98sniper 98sniper wrote:


i have shot many flatlines, for the a5 and the 98. i know alot of people that bought them and r not happy, they just don't want to admitt that the bought **edited**. so i know plenty about them to have a opinion.

I know several people that aren't happy with their flatlines either. But, I also know that their flatlines are malfunctioning, because they are breaking more paint and their barrels are inaccurate compared to my flatline, my dad's, and several people I know who are happy with their flatline. It is completely possible that the flatline that some people receive are defective or the user installed them incorrectly.

Originally posted by 98sniper 98sniper wrote:


like you said, the longer there in the air the less there accurate. why get it. u just want to shoot far and not hit nothin. there not even as accurate as another gn up close so just think what there like at long range. just put alittle under your shots with a nomarl barrel.

Of course the paint is going to be inaccurate...after it's gone about about 175-200 feet. I don't care how much of an arc you put on it, it is going to bounce off a player.

Originally posted by 98sniper 98sniper wrote:


you pop up in the middle of them and shoot from a long range. you love the range, flatness but not the accuracy, just checking. like i said it shoots flat and far but doesn't matter. you can make up the distance with a boomstick. just aim a little high. they will fall prefect. i do it all the time.

Yes, I pop up in the middle and shoot people from both extremes of the field. People who are way up in my starting point area, and the people protecting their starting point area. I play on mostly large open fields, not speedball fields. And aiming high won't get you the hit on the first shot. Not every time. If you think you can, then you're just being arrogant.

Originally posted by 98sniper 98sniper wrote:


O...No way the had jerseys. o now there would have killed you. yeah.. ok, i have seen a group of little kids get a good spot and take out many of those people when the kids just had like 98 and a couple stingrays. just cause they look good doesn't meen anything but that the have money. if you had the money you would buy gear too, but it wouldn't meen your oliver lang.

Excuse me, but don't talk down to me. Nothing speaks more about the immaturity of someone then that. I highly doubt you're older than me. If I wanted to buy the gear, I would. I don't, because it's extra bulk that gets in the way of me running and sliding and I don't buy markers for speed shooting. Did I say I was playing kids? The people I was holding off were in the 16-26 range. Unless, there's some pretty tall 12 year olds with beards and bad acne walking around your field. When was the last time you saw kids wearing 6+ pods on them? That would be half their weight!

Originally posted by 98sniper 98sniper wrote:

i shoot a 2ft on the stump tree at 40 pretty easy. thats about the size of a person. i know i could hit somethin at 65 yards i have done that. so don't think your hot **edited** because your from up north and you have a flatline. i would bet your gun to mine that i can hit more targets at n e range than you can.

How about your wrap that stump with a few layers of blankets then shoot it. Of course hitting a HARD object will break paint, but last time I checked most players don't wear plate mail when they go out to the field.
Like I said before, a flatline is as accurate as a stock barrel. Of course there are more accurate barrels than the Tippmann stock barrel...that's been proven. The advantages of the flatline are longer ranges and flat trajectory. With a dot sight combo, I don't need to guess where my paint is landing with the first shot. Once I sight the dot sight in, I have a pretty good idea where my grouping is going to land.

Originally posted by 98sniper 98sniper wrote:

u get me some allstar paint and i ll show you. does n e body live near roseburg oregon so i can prove this

Oh, so now you have the time to buy good paint? You were complaining that not everyone can buy the paint they want. If I were to use good paint with my flatline, it would perform quite well.

Posted By: deltasniper101
Date Posted: 03 August 2004 at 1:49pm
Originally posted by 98sniper 98sniper wrote:

o, dude thats stupid. and just to let you know that blue streak from walmart feels like a marbel when you hold it. and the peoples guns i have shot r very experianced i think the know what there doing.
lololol dude wallmart (or blue streaks) dude yeah they feel just liek marbelizers but the finish sucks there so well not round makign them"inaccurrate"....also the flatline is acurrate ok ive had for about 4 months okay and the fact is that you'de be one hell of shot to hit some with a reg barrel atleats with the flatty you can hit them 50% chance it will hit and break but u barelly just might be able to hit them with a reg barrel common

flatline/& freak jr kit
32 degrees drp forward
r/t (yes thet are legal but you have to turn them down to liek 10bps in a tourney)

Posted By: 98sniper
Date Posted: 03 August 2004 at 4:13pm

shooky, if the paint gets inaccurate at that range why by it. and why do you think you can't do it? thats being just as arrogant. what i am saying about you holdin people off isn't new. people do that all the time.

x chamber
revi 12vlt w/x

halo tsa backman
shocktech drop

soon to get
e orracle
crossfire tank
kaner kit
egg 2 w/z board

Posted By: 98sniper
Date Posted: 03 August 2004 at 4:18pm

if i did wrap blankets around it what makes you think the flatline will hit harder. the only way you do that is by turnin you velocity up no matter what barrel you got. a stock barrel accuracy sucks compared to a werks barrel or teardrop or ultralight. i am not talking about buying good paint but small bore paint. people do carry all the size of paint. i am a very good shot, i didn't mean that the blue streak was good just some one said that it blows up in the barrel, and thats hard to do when you shoot marbels.

x chamber
revi 12vlt w/x

halo tsa backman
shocktech drop

soon to get
e orracle
crossfire tank
kaner kit
egg 2 w/z board

Posted By: 98sniper
Date Posted: 03 August 2004 at 5:11pm
bam right there ya'll. now i have facts.

x chamber
revi 12vlt w/x

halo tsa backman
shocktech drop

soon to get
e orracle
crossfire tank
kaner kit
egg 2 w/z board

Posted By: Carbine assault
Date Posted: 03 August 2004 at 5:19pm
yep, i'm not kiddin, I know him. he's like my third cousin and he lives only like a mile or less away.

e99 avant
evo II
tear drop
lp tank
shochtech bolt

Posted By: -=Headwound=-
Date Posted: 03 August 2004 at 8:23pm

Originally posted by 98sniper 98sniper wrote:

oh john, just to let you know i already don't like canadians. but u piss me off with out being that. i can out shoot your flatline, close and long range. 65 yards isn't completly  as hard as you think. i shoot a 2ft on the stump tree at 40 pretty easy. thats about the size of a person. i know i could hit somethin at 65 yards i have done that. so don't think your hot **edited** because your from up north and you have a flatline. i would bet your gun to mine that i can hit more targets at n e range than you can.

Well, Well, Well. looks like we gotta a real hater on the forums. I can completely understand your argument 98sniper, I'm quite happy with my AA on my 98. Playing against a majority of Flatline owners is really frustrating at times but I always hold my own.

Now to the point of this post, Whats wrong with Canadians Eh? You could have just shared your opinion with him, but then you bring all of us Canadians into the mix with your comments. I don't like the war in Iraq but you don't here me Flaming America on the Tippmann forums now do ya?

Just a reminder next time that words are weapons and you should choose them wisely

Tippmann 98 Custom
GTA Response Trigger
Crossfire 68ci 4500psi
Palmers Stabilizer Male
Halo Frontman Smoke LED
12" All American
Smart Parts Wood Grip
Grey VForce Profiler

Posted By: sd A-5
Date Posted: 03 August 2004 at 9:50pm
Whats the ceapest paint to use with a flatline that actually shoots well

Posted By: 98sniper
Date Posted: 03 August 2004 at 10:52pm
headwound, i didn't mean to get you made i really don't care whos who but i just wanted to piss him off. i really don't have anything against them, o and why do you care about what we r doin.

x chamber
revi 12vlt w/x

halo tsa backman
shocktech drop

soon to get
e orracle
crossfire tank
kaner kit
egg 2 w/z board

Posted By: deltasniper101
Date Posted: 04 August 2004 at 1:48pm
flatline is accuartate ok its very acurrate if ur using cheap paint its going to be inaccurate i cna set up a box about oh 190 feet and 50 % of my ball hitand break or hit and dont break....

flatline/& freak jr kit
32 degrees drp forward
r/t (yes thet are legal but you have to turn them down to liek 10bps in a tourney)

Posted By: 98c OwNaGe
Date Posted: 06 August 2004 at 9:11am
^^ always good to know

Trigger Stop
Red Dot Pointer
Flatline Barrel
Redz 2+1 Harness
GTA Double Trigger
Steel Screws =109849&PN=1&TPN=1

Posted By: DPK325
Date Posted: 06 August 2004 at 12:38pm

I'm having a little trouble with my flatline...I havent gotten it fully adjusted yet, I've only put about 500 balls through it (no breaks yet by the way) but I am noticing that the balls are pretty accurate at first but then after about 50 feet they start to curve.  They don't just curve up or to one side, which would mean that the velocity was too high or the barrel wasnt on straight.  Most of the shots are pretty accurate but about one in three will curve in a random direction.  Any ideas what might be causing this? Barrel is totally clean.  I dont have a chrono to test the speed unfortunately, but I have a feeling that maybe the speed is wrong (too high or low).  I was messing with it earlier and since I dont have a chrono I cant tell where it is roughly.  Any ideas?

EDIT: By the way I am using fresh marbalizers so that isnt the problem.

Posted By: shooky
Date Posted: 06 August 2004 at 12:43pm
Sounds like your velocity is too high. Or your paint is warped (which can happen, even with fresh marbs).

Posted By: hugeopolix
Date Posted: 06 August 2004 at 2:21pm

What other upgrades do you have?  It may just be the inconsistency of the co2.  I just got an x-chamber and it seems to even things out a lot.

polished internals
double trigger
magnetic return
12v revvy

lpk is garbage
e-bolt sucks

next: nitro

Posted By: 98sniper
Date Posted: 07 August 2004 at 7:52pm
it could be alot of things that r wrong with it. the pressure should be around 280-290 for it to be any good.who was it that told be to tie a blanket around a tree. whats that going to prove i mean a ball goin 280 outta a teardrop and a ball goin 280 outta a flatline will hit the traget just as hard.

x chamber
revi 12vlt w/x

halo tsa backman
shocktech drop

soon to get
e orracle
crossfire tank
kaner kit
egg 2 w/z board

Posted By: DPK325
Date Posted: 08 August 2004 at 12:08am

I hope it's just the velocity or warped paint.  I dont want to have to deal with a bad barrel. Here's my setup:

98C, 12V revy, RT, flatline, palmer stabilizer, remote coil, rocket cock.

Posted By: 98sniper
Date Posted: 08 August 2004 at 1:43am
what size paint r u using, u need to use smaller or medium sized paint i dunno what marbs r.

x chamber
revi 12vlt w/x

halo tsa backman
shocktech drop

soon to get
e orracle
crossfire tank
kaner kit
egg 2 w/z board

Posted By: benttwig33
Date Posted: 08 August 2004 at 4:43pm
Originally posted by Stiffler Stiffler wrote:

^its ok...if you build it they will come

nice post! definitely sticky worthy!

Sig is WAY too big.

Posted By: Notorious Bob
Date Posted: 08 August 2004 at 5:59pm

I used to use a flatline for a 98 and hated it.

For 119 dollars plus tax, I at least expected to get something that shot straight.  For all the problems you can have from it, when you actully get it working it isn't worth it.  You have to go out and buy 60 dollar paintballs for it to shoot even close to accurate, and it takes so much tuning and frustration when you finally get it working you're mad.

First off, it isn't a easy experiance to install.  For cleaning, taking the adaptor, barrel, and shroud out every time you want to clean your gun is a pain. 

Second, when you chop a ball in it if you don't have the right equipment your done for quite some time.

And like was posted earlier, if you don't have your marbs or premimums ready, you're screwed.

That isn't even half of it.  Its just more trouble and money than it is worth.


Posted By: Deflateddog7
Date Posted: 08 August 2004 at 8:47pm

The 98 custom's worked great for me with the right paint... Used PMI premiums and it worked GREAT.. no problems whatsoever. got blue streaks lost its distance.. with good paint this barrel worked great.. as for the A-5's Flatline here's the Reveiw from - ...

First off let me start by saying I have read a lot of reviews about this barrel and would like to put an end to some myths. The reviews go from real good to real bad. Most people who dislike this barrel have not given it a chance or do not own one just borrowed it for a game or witnessed someone shooting one. So here we go

Myth one. The barrel floats the shoots out to the target making the balls move slower. One person on a review I read even stated that the balls move so slow that he could “swat them out of the air” so when my gun/barrel showed up I when to my local range to test this out. I set my speed to 275 fps (deviation of 5 fps up and down) measured at the end of the barrel. I then backed off 30 yards (90 feet) and shot again speed average was 265 at 55 yards (165 feet) I was still going 250 fps and at 75 yards (225 feet) now I do not know about you but I would love to see a player try to swat a ball from the air at 225 fps I am not saying it can’t be done (I have seen people catch arrows at that distance) I would just like to see it. For comparison I did the same with my jj ceramic barrel the numbers are 275 at the barrel, 30 yards was 260 fps, 55 yards 240 fps, 75 yards 200 fps. Some of the reason that the jj was so much slower could have been the arc path it was following as it when over the radar gun.

Myth two. This is an inaccurate barrel. When my barrel showed up I tried shooting a five-gallon bucket end on from about 15 yards and sent 2 out of ten in the bucket. This bothered me. At the range I found out what was happening the gun was set to 200 fps as I increased the speed I was able to hit 5 out of 10 at 250 fps at 25 yards. Then at 275 fps I was able to send all ten into the bucket. At 285 fps I was able to hit a standard CD at 30 yards 10 out of 10 times, with the right paint. At 300 fps I could not hit the bucket at all. The speed that you set a flatline to is very important. So go to the range and find out what speed your gun likes the most and keep it there.
Paint is everything. I started with marbs. They were ok. I read that evil worked well, they did. All in all I tried 27 different paints from super swirls, and dusk (Wal-Mart), venom, inferno, maxim (1 and 2), nelson, etc. to platinum, evil, marbs. The one that worked the best in my barrel was big ball (lucky for me $45 a case at the local sporting goods store). Big ball placed 7 out of 10 hits on a police issue man size silhouette target at 75 yard (225 feet!!!!!!) my jj hit 2 out of 250 rounds. Note: my friends gun, an identical setup to mine, does not like the big ball at all. His setup liked the evils. So try them all and find which on works for you.

Myth three this barrel is an air hog. My jj ceramic gets 550 shot out of my pure energy 48 cu HPA set to a speed of 275 fps my flatline get 540 shots set at 275 fps. Is that an air hog I do not think so. Ten shots out of 550 has not won or lost a game for me yet.

Myth four. This barrel and the a-5 hopper are a “paint blender” in the effort to find the right paint I shot over 27 different paints from 14 sellers and 6000 round. Any ball bigger then platinum will come out the end of the barrel as a squirt of liquid. The old test of placing the paint in the barrel and looking for two half moons around the ball has never been better then here. Big diameter paint will come out of your barrel in a stream of liquid paint. The second it hits the top of the arc in your barrel it will explode. With that said. I have shot Marbs, Evils and big ball over 2000 rounds with out one break in the barrel. Even when set to full auto and 18 rounds a second.

Myth five the barrel is hard to get off incase of a break in the field. Well let’s get a little creative here folks. I am a Mechanical Engineer by trade. If you do not like something then change it. You customize every other part of your gun why not this one. Could it be because there is not a kit you can buy? I went down to my local nuts and bolts store and bought three thumbscrews (cadmium coated they are black to match the gun and will not rust when they come in contact with aluminum or water) that match the three bolts on the front of my A-5. All I have to do is use my hand to twist the screws two turns each turn the barrel one quarter turn and remove. Clean barrel and reinstall in reverse order. I have raced my friends, which have spiders, m98s and auto cockers. Only the 98 beat me the big threads on the 98s take a lot less turns to get off. The total mod cost me a dollar fifty.

Myth six this barrel does not like the wind. I was out playing in a mesa canyon with a 10 mile per hour wind and did not notice any difference between the wind affect on my flatline and ceramic barrels. With one exception when you shoot directly into the wind. The flatline tends to rise a little (one foot over 55 yards). But my ceramic was not even getting to the 55 yard mark so in trade the rise did not bother me that much.

Myth seven you can shoot around corners with this barrel. Not exactly but if you turn it on its side you can get it to throw on very useful curve ball. Just like in base ball the curve ball does not turn 90 degrees all at once. But it does let you hit a player that is behind a barricade or wall before they can get a clean shot off at you. The arc is about two feet at 30 yards. I can compare this to using the wind with my ceramic barrel to arc a shot around a barricade and hit someone. The only difference is I do not have to rely on wind to be there. Also for those shots in the wind where you need your ball to fly straight but the wind is making it arc. You can with a little practice tilt the flatline and compensate for the wind allowing you to get a straight shot.

I hope this helps some of you who are on the fence about this barrel/gun combination. Please do not believe the things you read out there about this barrel/gun combination go out and try one yourself, And not just for one game ether. Play with the speed setting and the ball combinations. if you put a little time into your set up you will not find a more accurate, flat shooting gun that will reach out and touch someone at 75 yards.

January 29 2004
I am adding a section because of questions I have received about the screw replacement.
The number one question I have received is where do you find the thumbscrews that replace the ones on the front of the a-5 so you can remove the barrel fast. The link is as follows: then in the top left corner type in thumbscrew and do a search. You will come up with a page that has all the choices. I liked the knurled head shouldered screw with in Stainless Stee, part number 99607A172 in 10-32 with a 1 inch long thread. You can choose anyone you would like they even have plastic covered large headed t-handles.

98 custom review. from -

The Flatline System for the M98 Custom is a personal choice for most players. The advantages will far outweigh the disadvantages for most recreational players.

I would recommend this system for any player that has prior military experience or training as a MUST have upgrade. The difference between a regular barrel (excluding the stock barrel because it's useless) and the Flatline is the difference between shooting a 9MM and an M-16 when playing paintball. The Flatline gives you a MUCH better chance to "reach out and touch someone" than you get with a non-Flatline system on your M-98.

For younger players, I would recommend that you borrow a M-98 with the Flatline before you go and purchase it. It improves the balance of the marker by giving you a forward position to place your hand, but it may be too "long" for younger players or players with short arms.

Fact - Better Distance/Accuracy

The Flatline offers users the opportunity to reach targets at a greater distance than is possible with conventional technology. While I have yet to experience the "awesome" range increase that some users claim, I am easily able to shoot an offhand 12 inch group at 135 feet (yes we measured) placing 24 out of 25 balls (RPS Marbs) within a 12 inch grouping at that distance.

Fiction - Eats Paintballs

The Flatline doesn't "chop" any more balls than any other barrel if you use the correct paint. I enjoy testing things and on our most recent country outing, I fired 6000 paintballs to test various paint in the barrel (having read so many reviews about what a vegi-matic this system was.)

1000 RPS Marbs
500 Single Shot (Zero Breaks)
500 3-5 Round Burst (1 Break)

1000 RPS Premium
500 Single Shot (Zero Breaks)
500 3-5 Round Burst (Zero Breaks)

1000 RPS Big Ball
500 Single Shot (1 Break)
500 3-5 Round Burst (2 Breaks)

1000 Diablo Dusk
500 Single Shot (3 Breaks)
500 3-5 Round Burst (Zero Breaks)

As you can see in the decent to premium paint range the Flatline broke 7 out of 4000 paintballs. I didn't sort the bags or look for mishapen rounds, I just dumped them in and fired away.

1000 View Loader I-Balz
500 Single Shot (1 Break)
500 3-5 Round Burst (5 Breaks)

500 Zap Sport
250 Single Shot (Zero Breaks)
250 3-5 Round Burst (7 Breaks)

The lesser quality paint was much more prone to breakage when firing rapidly . A friend of mine had box of Brass Eagle Ammo that he wanted to get rid of, so I bought it from him for a few dollars. When trying to use BE ammo, the breakage was unbelievably bad.

When you break a ball in the barrel, it does affect the accuracy of the marker. I was unable to to consistantly hit anything past 70 feet after breaking a ball in the barrel, but cleaning the barrel with the supplied tool takes less than 20 seconds.

Fiction - The Balls "Float"

I have a friend that can dispell this myth in a hurry. I've read that the balls appear to be moving slower because of the lack of arc. I can't attest to that, must have lost my physics degree somewhere, but I can tell you that my friend said the balls coming from my gun towards him looked "slow and lazy" so he decided to catch one. He was off the field icing his hand shortly after that, he also said the next round that I shot (the one that hit his mask) hurt quite a bit. Some people say the balls from the Flatline travel so slowly that they can be dodged. At 280 FPS the ball leaves the barrel approaching 190 MPH, a human being standing 60 feet away has 0.20 seconds from the time the ball is fired until impact. How far can you move in 0.20 seconds? Your mind can't even register that the trigger was pulled in that amount of time, so I'm dubious about claims that people "dodge" paintballs.

If you're shooting a longer distance, the ball actually gets there first. At 80 feet my friend with a M-98 has to aim slightly high to make sure the ball reaches the target. We stood an equal distance from a target as someone counted down and pulled the trigger at the same time. His ball had to arch through the air (thus traveling farther) while mine went straight downrange. My ball hit the plywood noticiably before his.

Fact - At Extreme Range Balls from a Flatline May Not Break

This seems like a no brainer to me, but a big deal to some people. Yes, if you're shooting at something 175 feet away (even something hard) the ball from the Flatline may not break (I'd say one out of two do though.) But since you CAN'T hit something that far away without the Flatline a 50% chance of breaking on the target seems like a huge improvement over a 0% chance.

Fiction - Maintenance is a Problem

If you have the wit to work on/clean a real firearm, the M-98 with a Flatline presents about as much challenge to maintain as pumping gas. I'm no mechanical genius, but I can break down the whole system in under two minutes.

Fact - Installation Takes Care and Concentration

To install the system correctly, you need to take your time and follow the directions. The only problem I had was the spring clip that provides tension to the front sight (and the bar that allows you to swing the feed arm down) kept popping out of place. Poor design on Tippmann's part, really ZERO to do with the Flatline because it's part of the stock M-98 marker.

Fiction - The Barrel Uses more CO2.

I won't even dignify that complaint with a response.

Fiction - The System Makes the Gun Too "Big/Heavy"

This is likely true for players of short stature, I'm 5'9" and it's not a problem for me. As for it keeping you from "taking corners" here's some advice. Most paintballers I've seen move around the corner and follow with the marker. The head/shoulder of the player comes around the corner and then the marker is aligned for the shot. In the Army we used to call that "dumb." Point your marker down (not up) and move it around the corner first, as you bring your leg around snap the gun up into firing position as your shoulder clears the obstacle and bring your head around and crouch. If it's clear proceed, if not, from the crouch you can make the decision to engage (your marker is up and ready to fire) or retreat behind cover. Crouching lowers your profile. If you watched any of the Iraqi war coverage, you saw how the soldiers moved around corners. Weapon first, snap it up, bend slightly, look, fire/retreat/advance. I know for a fact that an M-16 or even a cut down M-4 is longer than a Tippmann with a Flatline.

As to it being to heavy, maybe if your 10 or really weak it is, for me nope and I doubt it is for most players either.

Get the right paint, mess around with the velocity and install it correctly and the barrel will shoot great... Great for woodsball as mentioned before and works good for back players in speedball... Hope this helps you out, Sorry for it being so long

Posted By: shooky
Date Posted: 09 August 2004 at 9:24am
You just won't let it go, will you? After the mod deleted my reply, froze your friend, and gave you a warning, I was going to drop the whole thing.

Originally posted by 98sniper 98sniper wrote:

it could be alot of things that r wrong with it. the pressure should be around 280-290 for it to be any good.who was it that told be to tie a blanket around a tree. whats that going to prove i mean a ball goin 280 outta a teardrop and a ball goin 280 outta a flatline will hit the traget just as hard.

Originally posted by shooky shooky wrote:

How about your wrap that stump with a few layers of blankets then shoot it. Of course hitting a HARD object will break paint, but last time I checked most players don't wear plate mail when they go out to the field.
Like I said before, a flatline is as accurate as a stock barrel. Of course there are more accurate barrels than the Tippmann stock barrel...that's been proven. The advantages of the flatline are longer ranges and flat trajectory. With a dot sight combo, I don't need to guess where my paint is landing with the first shot. Once I sight the dot sight in, I have a pretty good idea where my grouping is going to land.

Where did it say I said a flatline would hit harder than regular barrels? Of course 280 FPS is the same velocity with a flatline or regular barrel. My point was, quit bragging you can hit a tree, because at that range it's going to bounce off a player. I can hit a tree from 200 feet away, much further than your maximum range, and mine will break. Great! Does that mean I can have it break on a player at that range? No.

And the velocity (not pressure) should be between 260-280 feet per second. Too high and your shots will start to get inaccurate. If you've been shooting at 280-290 FPS, then that would explain why you're complaining that the barrel is inaccurate. Which also proves to me that your past problems with the flatline are because of what I've been saying all along, user error. If you don't use it correctly, of course you aren't going to get good results. Barrels like shooting paint at certain velocities. Do your research or read your instructions before you shoot, get bad results, and start criticizing the barrel because it was your fault you weren't using it properly.

Posted By: skrip00
Date Posted: 09 August 2004 at 1:29pm
question: why does the 98 Flatline have a muzzle break?
can it be removed?  is it even neccessary?
i know for a fact it chops balls, but the main issue with that is the muzzle is so large a normal squeegee cant clean it out, and that becomes a pain.  So can i just get rid of it?

Posted By: shooky
Date Posted: 09 August 2004 at 3:17pm
I'm not quite sure where you get your "facts", but the muzzle does not, by design, break paintballs. The term "chopping paintballs" refers to the paintball getting pinched between the feeder elbow and the front bolt.

And I haven't had any problems with using the squeege that came with flatline when cleaning out barrel breaks. Of course, the paint gets pushed out into the porting, which can cause problems. That's when water works great.

The muzzle break can be removed, my friend shot his off by accident (that only happened once). Since the A-5 is designed without any muzzle break/porting, I imagine the muzzle break is not necessary for the 98c. The porting, according to some people, is supposed to help equalize the air in front and behind the paintball. It may just be for aesthetics. But, then again, the A-5 is designed differently than the 98c version.

Posted By: Ryan Hite
Date Posted: 10 August 2004 at 7:56pm
I read about halfway through this and decided to just post. The A-5 Flatline is almost as easy to clean as the 98s. Just turn it over, take off the hopper (hope it isnt too full, your paint will fall) shoot out the chambered ball, run a big squeegee through it then put the hopper back on. Done and only takes a few seconds, or use good paint (I like Evil). I know this because i have owned the 98 Flatline, and my friend had an A-5 Flatline and I always clean my A-5s barrel through the cyclone like I said. So you don't have to do the thing with unscrewing the cyclone.

14" J&J Ceramic
E-Grip And R/T
Polished Internals
Lapco Offset Front-Grip Mount
Soon to come: Possibly Lapco 8 inch Bigshot

SL 68-II

Soon to come: Selling

Posted By: JJaxx
Date Posted: 10 August 2004 at 9:00pm
I'm wanting to get a tippmann marker with the flat line system but dont know which one to get? the a-5 flatline sounds easier but is it worth the extra money for the gun?

paint'em all, let the ref's sort them out!

Posted By: MROD
Date Posted: 11 August 2004 at 6:16am
I don't have experience with the A-5 Flatline but I do know that the A-5 is a better overall gun so I would get the A-5.

I need to find smaller pictures for my profile.

Posted By: JJaxx
Date Posted: 11 August 2004 at 7:09am
how easy is the 98c flatline to use and set up?

paint'em all, let the ref's sort them out!

Posted By: shooky
Date Posted: 11 August 2004 at 9:05am
Fairly easy once you get the hang of it. Just follow the directions. The learning curve isn't too difficult on your first try.

Posted By: JohnnyCanuck
Date Posted: 11 August 2004 at 10:49am

I have shot just under 4 cases of RPS paint through my flatty (2 pods left) and have not broke one ball.  For an upgrade it's probably the easiest and simplest upgrade you can do for a 98C, after I lined it up, I marked it so when I take it off, it's very easy to put back in the same position.  I have not used it exclusively, I used a JJ ceramic, after everything is said and done, the fact is the flatty shoots farther, as for accuracy, I will say it does take more practice to get used to how it shoots, and you really need to watch your pressure, I find that 250-260 fps with my setup works the best, but that will change for every person depending on paint, and marker setup. Unlike other barrels, you don't just screw it on and shoot, you really have to line it up, try different pressures and find what works best, which is why most people are dissapointed with them initially. 

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