As of 10 minutes ago...
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Topic: As of 10 minutes ago...
Posted By: DeTrevni
Subject: As of 10 minutes ago...
Date Posted: 07 March 2007 at 9:47pm
... I'm an Eagle Scout.
Go me!
------------- Evil Elvis: "Detrevni is definally like a hillbilly hippy from hell"
Posted By: glazener24
Date Posted: 07 March 2007 at 9:48pm
Congrats, I was pretty pumped when I got mine.
Posted By: jerseypaint
Date Posted: 07 March 2007 at 9:51pm
I quit after tenderfoot. Knots are the devil, along with people who are higher in command.
Posted By: DeTrevni
Date Posted: 07 March 2007 at 9:52pm
Yeah, knots sucked, but it was worth it in the end!
------------- Evil Elvis: "Detrevni is definally like a hillbilly hippy from hell"
Posted By: procarbinefreak
Date Posted: 07 March 2007 at 9:54pm
welcome to the club
keep your eagle scout card under your driver's license... just a friendly suggestion if you ever happen to remove your license from your wallet while an authority figure is watching.
Posted By: Benjichang
Date Posted: 07 March 2007 at 9:55pm
![]( #paintball
Posted By: Da Hui
Date Posted: 07 March 2007 at 9:56pm
I quit after I became a webelow or however you spell it.
Posted By: jerseypaint
Date Posted: 07 March 2007 at 9:57pm
I remember when I was getting my sailing badge I came in and had to tie the boat down to a bouyie which was connected to two other boats. Needless to say I never paid attention in class and tied the wrong knot so all three boats managed to get untied and float off. I got the boats back, and still got my certificate for badge approval. I guess it was just my good looks.
Posted By: Farcry0092
Date Posted: 07 March 2007 at 10:12pm
Da Hui wrote:
I quit after I became a webelow or however you spell it.
i quit after webelow (sp) one camp. we had to stay in these little triangle tents that had been set up in this forest for years. the insides were covered with spiders and im an arachnaphobe.
and detrevni, congrats on becoming an eagle scout.
Posted By: Tae Kwon Do
Date Posted: 07 March 2007 at 10:14pm
Posted By: reifidom
Date Posted: 07 March 2007 at 10:16pm
Congratulations. I don't hear of too many people making it through to Eagle Scout any longer.
I could use a better knowledge of knots...
Posted By: kickinwing2010
Date Posted: 07 March 2007 at 10:20pm
Ya, I did the boy scout thing for two years then my parents got sick of doing fund raisers for the older scouts so they could go camping so they made me quit after the pine wood derby.
Posted By: Destruction
Date Posted: 07 March 2007 at 10:29pm
I was in cub scouts in like 2nd grade, but I quit because the leader was kind of creepy. He had a massive handlebar mustache.
------------- u dont know what to do ur getting mottor boatted
Men are from Magmar, women are from Venusaur.
Posted By: jerseypaint
Date Posted: 07 March 2007 at 10:30pm
Farcry0092 wrote:
we had to stay in these little triangle tents that had been set up in this forest for years. the insides were covered with spiders and im an arachnaphobe. |
I hear you. I slept with my sleeping bag closed, tight. I almost couldn't breathe. The worst were the caccoons you woud find dangling on the inside of the tents.
Ha. I have another memory of how a friend had huge bags of chips in his big chest like thing. The racoons actually lifted the lock and took each snack leaving crumbs and a knocked over chest in the morning. Racoons are crafty creatures.
Edit: BTW my dad made Eagle and he had to do some crazy stuff for some council. Like not talk for the night and had to sleep in the forest without any tent. Ever hear about something like that? I think it was Order of the Arrow.
Posted By: Dye Playa
Date Posted: 07 March 2007 at 10:36pm
Tae Kwon Do wrote:
| it looks like the eagle is having his way with they boy. and said boy is enjoying it. and i quit after like the second year. maybe tiger scout i think it was
Date Posted: 07 March 2007 at 10:43pm
reifidom wrote:
I could use a better knowledge of knots... | Me too, for completely legit purposes...
Posted By: DeTrevni
Date Posted: 07 March 2007 at 11:36pm
jerseypaint wrote:
Edit: BTW my dad made Eagle and he had to do some crazy stuff for some council. Like not talk for the night and had to sleep in the forest without any tent. Ever hear about something like that? I think it was Order of the Arrow. | Yeah, I never did Order of the Arrow. I kinda regret it though. Yes, there is the "Ordeal" to do, and that's what you are talking about with the no talking thing.
Thanks for the congrats guys!
------------- Evil Elvis: "Detrevni is definally like a hillbilly hippy from hell"
Posted By: Pate
Date Posted: 07 March 2007 at 11:38pm
Congrats. One more thing on the list of stuff I should have stuck with when I was younger.
It feels good to be a gangster
Posted By: reifidom
Date Posted: 07 March 2007 at 11:40pm
reifidom wrote:
I could use a better knowledge of knots... | Me too, for completely legit purposes...
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Of course. Totally "vanilla." I just have some things that like to go wandering when they shouldn't.
Date Posted: 07 March 2007 at 11:48pm
reifidom wrote:
reifidom wrote:
I could use a better knowledge of knots... | Me too, for completely legit purposes...
![]( |
Of course. Totally "vanilla." I just have some things that like to go wandering when they shouldn't. | Me too...
Posted By: nathanours
Date Posted: 08 March 2007 at 12:46am
i was in cub scouts along time ago
i got in trouble for bringing a 1/2" blade little swiss army knife without the "knife card" thing
sorry if this offends any one but it is funny
Tippman 98c w/ J&J ceramic barrel
polished internals
expansion chamber
Posted By: Darur
Date Posted: 08 March 2007 at 2:02am
I still have a ways to go myself (still got a month and a year till I hit 18, but its close), getting eagle when your nearing 18 is much, much harder then when you try and get it at a younger age.
And, to the part earlier about sleeping outside with no tent, that is part of the "Ordeal", the initiation ceremony for the Order of the Arrow. These days it is much more comfortable for candidates (any amount of tarps, sleeping bags, blankets, flashlights, just no food).
------------- Real Men play Tuba
PH33R TEH 1337 Dwarf!" rel="nofollow - DONT CLICK ME!!1
Posted By: Hysteria
Date Posted: 08 March 2007 at 2:02am
Pate wrote:
Congrats. One more thing on the list of stuff I should have stuck with when I was younger.
I second that motion.
At least I quit for a semi-good reason. We went on campouts maybe once a month at most and that was the only time one could earn anything. We met every single Monday, but we didn't do jack crap - we would literally sit around and talk and maybe do a couple of little Boyscout things. It was a complete waste of my time so I quit.
Posted By: Dom
Date Posted: 08 March 2007 at 2:42pm
Posted By: Hitman
Date Posted: 08 March 2007 at 3:12pm
I quit cause I rather play video games.
------------- [IMG]">
Posted By: tallen702
Date Posted: 08 March 2007 at 3:47pm
Congrats! Welcome to the club! What was your project?
As for the Driver's liscense and card thing, definitely a must. I do that all the time and it's saved my butt from speeding tickets multiple times. Also, don't worry about not doing OA. It's basically the popularity contest of scouting, think of it as being on the Jr. High student body council.
Now, have you been to Philmont? If not, why the hell not?!?!?!
------------- <Removed overly wide sig. Tsk, you know better.>
Posted By: DeTrevni
Date Posted: 08 March 2007 at 5:16pm
tallen702 wrote:
Congrats! Welcome to the club! What was your project?
Thanks! I made "Mr. Suns." They are light bulbs mounted in bases I made to demonstrate astronomy, energy and electricity to 2nd graders. I made 50.
Now, have you been to Philmont? If not, why the hell not?!?!?!
I hate hiking with a deep, firey passion?
------------- Evil Elvis: "Detrevni is definally like a hillbilly hippy from hell"
Posted By: Shub
Date Posted: 08 March 2007 at 7:26pm
Congratuations. It's quite an accomplishment.
Posted By: Darur
Date Posted: 08 March 2007 at 10:43pm
DeTrevni wrote:
tallen702 wrote:
Now, have you been to Philmont? If not, why the hell not?!?!?!
I hate hiking with a deep, firey passion?
| |
They also have cavalcades for those who don't want to hike. Philmont is an experience which, if you have the chance, you don't pass up. The hiking is only as bad as the route you take. I don't know if itineraries change yearly, but we took no. 1 and it was very low stress hiking. Check it out
------------- Real Men play Tuba
PH33R TEH 1337 Dwarf!" rel="nofollow - DONT CLICK ME!!1
Posted By: benttwig33
Date Posted: 08 March 2007 at 10:49pm
wait, how old are we.....and are we talking about boy scouts.........................
------------- Sig is WAY too big.
Posted By: procarbinefreak
Date Posted: 08 March 2007 at 10:56pm
heh.... order of the arrow... the cult of the scouts... I made it to brotherhood in that only because my last year up at our big summer camp trip i didn't need any more merit badges, so me and all my friend just hung out with the staff who were in charge of the camp's OA program.
Scouts is definitely only as fun as you make it. It helped that there was a group of about 6 of us the same age that were all friends. We made our camping trips interesting and fun. such as making our own trail through the woods in order to cut a couple miles off the trail we were hiking, building a huge tent that fit 6 people, 3 extra cots and a picnic table out of all of the old canvas tents and dining flys not used by the rest of the troop, and a few of us even ended up working at the local cub scout camp for years... a few of us maxed out at 6 years out there.
Posted By: DeTrevni
Date Posted: 08 March 2007 at 10:59pm
benttwig33 wrote:
wait, how old are we.....and are we talking about boy scouts.........................
........ .... .
![](smileys/smiley22.gif) |
You, for the life of you, would never understand.
------------- Evil Elvis: "Detrevni is definally like a hillbilly hippy from hell"
Posted By: tallen702
Date Posted: 09 March 2007 at 11:29am
Any organization that permits you to fire .22 Long Rifles in the basement of it's host church is fine by me (yes, my troop had it's own firing range, but that's what you get when you've been a troop since 1917 )
I was Eagle scout number 185 from Troop 5 in Charleston, WV. It is now the oldest continuously run troop in the entire organization.
------------- <Removed overly wide sig. Tsk, you know better.>
Posted By: Project Irene
Date Posted: 09 March 2007 at 12:33pm
Congrats. I got to 2nd year Weblo. Quit to play football.
Posted By: Strife_17
Date Posted: 09 March 2007 at 1:50pm
Board of review on March 21st... I have finished most of my stuff the weekend of my 18th birthday.Tomorrow I go up to one of our councils summer camp's to see if i got the job as assistant ranger i applied for.
Posted By: Gatyr
Date Posted: 09 March 2007 at 2:19pm
Yay being an elite member of a community that openly discriminates against atheists and gays!
Posted By: tallen702
Date Posted: 09 March 2007 at 4:00pm
Gatyr wrote:
Yay being an elite member of a community that openly discriminates against atheists and gays! |
Aww c'mon Gatyr, the vast majority of the boys involved in the scouting program don't share the exact views that the BSA has publicly stated.
Hehehe, how do Weblos become a Boy Scout? They eat their first Brownie.
We did cool stuff in our troop. A ton of high adventure stuff, paintball, shooting, rapelling, white water canoeing, kayaking, and rafting. Winter camping in the Cranberry back country, skiing, snowshoeing, etc. etc. We almost burned down the local State Forrest when we built a bonfire that had flames 40 feet high. God I loved those kinds of trips!
------------- <Removed overly wide sig. Tsk, you know better.>
Posted By: DeTrevni
Date Posted: 09 March 2007 at 4:35pm
You could go paintballing? We weren't allowed to, as it's "against district rules." Bah.
Gatry wrote:
Yay being an elite member of a community that openly discriminates against atheists and gays! |
------------- Evil Elvis: "Detrevni is definally like a hillbilly hippy from hell"
Posted By: Justice
Date Posted: 09 March 2007 at 4:43pm
Grats! I almost made it. I quit to learn martial arts, then messed up my knee in baseball and then started smoking.
-JUSTICE - Outkast Myspace
Posted By: Tae Kwon Do
Date Posted: 09 March 2007 at 4:55pm
Justice wrote:
Grats! I almost made it. I quit to learn martial arts, then messed up my knee in baseball and then started smoking. |
That is a hell of a story.
Posted By: mbro
Date Posted: 09 March 2007 at 5:14pm
Congrats, the mormon church is proud of you.
Don't blame me, I voted for Kodos.
Posted By: tallen702
Date Posted: 10 March 2007 at 2:26pm
DeTrevni wrote:
You could go paintballing? We weren't allowed to, as it's "against district rules." Bah. |
Yeah, when you're the oldest troop in existence, you can pretty much get away with anything.
------------- <Removed overly wide sig. Tsk, you know better.>
Posted By: SSOK
Date Posted: 10 March 2007 at 2:30pm
Boyscouts are for girls!
Just kidding. I know when you're older its a ton of fun. I kinda wish I joined.
Posted By: glazener24
Date Posted: 10 March 2007 at 4:14pm
tallen702 wrote:
DeTrevni wrote:
You could go paintballing? We weren't allowed to, as it's "against district rules." Bah. |
Yeah, when you're the oldest troop in existence, you can pretty much get away with anything. | -
On a wierder/cooler note, I got my Eagle through Troop 5 of Ardmore, OK. We have been around for 83 years. Kinda strange since I was under the impression that there could not be 2 troops that share the same number.
Posted By: Tae Kwon Do
Date Posted: 10 March 2007 at 4:18pm
glazener24 wrote:
tallen702 wrote:
DeTrevni wrote:
You could go paintballing? We weren't allowed to, as it's "against district rules." Bah. |
Yeah, when you're the oldest troop in existence, you can pretty much get away with anything. | -
On a wierder/cooler note, I got my Eagle through Troop 5 of Ardmore, OK. We have been around for 83 years. Kinda strange since I was under the impression that there could not be 2 troops that share the same number. |
Nice job on the fact post. +3 points.
Posted By: tallen702
Date Posted: 10 March 2007 at 4:25pm
BSA measures your age based upon the charter date. In other countries, scouting groups pre-dated a central office, but Baden-Powell set up a central council from the get go. I'm not sure how the heck there could be two troop 5's, but in the early days there may have been some mix ups. There have been a couple of troop 2's out there, etc.
Do you know what the charter date was for your troop?
Ours was 1917 making it 90 years to date. The Buckskin Council and BSA HQ have both acknowledged T5 of Buckskin as the oldest continuously operating troop in the nation. There are some "older" troops out there, but they've had breaks in their charters.
------------- <Removed overly wide sig. Tsk, you know better.>
Posted By: procarbinefreak
Date Posted: 10 March 2007 at 4:32pm
My old troop has been around for 70 years I think?
I do know our troop had a lot of history as well in terms of scouting... one of our past scoutmasters was a higher up and what not.... not entirely sure.
I do know that my district/council/whatever didn't allow paintballing. I tried, but never got approval.
I was going to write a letter to a guy who's pretty high in the district, but unfortunately, he's an asshat. He makes way more money than he should, and it's because of this that the funding for the camps is so low in our district. The cubscout camp that i worked had a very low budget, and not only did our wages suffer, but so did some of the program areas. Although, he is Vanilla Ice's uncle... +3 cool points for that.
Posted By: youm0nt
Date Posted: 10 March 2007 at 5:23pm
Posted By: DeTrevni
Date Posted: 10 March 2007 at 6:07pm
Whee. There's a kid in my troop from Troop 1.
------------- Evil Elvis: "Detrevni is definally like a hillbilly hippy from hell"
Posted By: glazener24
Date Posted: 10 March 2007 at 7:31pm
tallen702 wrote:
BSA measures your age based upon the charter date. In other countries, scouting groups pre-dated a central office, but Baden-Powell set up a central council from the get go. I'm not sure how the heck there could be two troop 5's, but in the early days there may have been some mix ups. There have been a couple of troop 2's out there, etc.
Do you know what the charter date was for your troop? Ours was 1917 making it 90 years to date. The Buckskin Council and BSA HQ have both acknowledged T5 of Buckskin as the oldest continuously operating troop in the nation. There are some "older" troops out there, but they've had breaks in their charters. |
Troop 20 wrote:
Troop 20 is the oldest continually sponsored Boy Scout Troop in the. United States. First Chartered to the New Utrecht Reformed Church on January 18, 1910, we have been meeting in the same place for the past 97 years
Troop 1 wrote:
Boy Scout Troop 1 of Unadilla is the “oldest continually chartered Troop in the United States of America”. The troop was chartered in September 1910 |
I'm sure I could find more, but I am far to lazy.
Posted By: Strife_17
Date Posted: 10 March 2007 at 10:18pm
glazener24 wrote:
On a wierder/cooler note, I got my Eagle through Troop 5 of Ardmore, OK. We have been around for 83 years. Kinda strange since I was under the impression that there could not be 2 troops that share the same number. |
Troops technically have district(or council i forget) numbers before there actual troop number, for example I am in troop 604 but we are technically troop 9604 because we are from district (or council) 9.
Posted By: MeanMan
Date Posted: 12 March 2007 at 3:23pm
Wow, i hated my cub/boy scouts. My friend conned me into joining, then the next meeting he quit...
My whole 5 people of my little group(there were more, but, idk, they had different age levels or something), were the most oddest people ive ever seen.
They couldnt do anything, i beat them in ALL of the athletic things, and i run like a Low 9 minute mile. YIKES!
They did tie the one kid up in a chair and pushed him over and left him there for hours... that was the best meeting probably out of the 10 meetings i went to. And i hated all the little kids, so that added to me quiting after like a 1 and a half.
hybrid-sniper~"To be honest, if I see a player still using an Impulse I'm going to question their motives."