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Castle Conquest + BLOOD DIAMOND III Mach 6&7

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Topic: Castle Conquest + BLOOD DIAMOND III Mach 6&7
Posted By: Skeletor
Subject: Castle Conquest + BLOOD DIAMOND III Mach 6&7
Date Posted: 27 January 2010 at 3:59pm
Come out and play the entire weekend at Giant Alpine March 6th and 7th for the West Coast Castle Conquest + Blood Diamond Event!!!
BLOOD DIAMOND III : The Infinite Prism

For more information on the West Coast Castle Conquest taking place on the same weekend at the same field,  the website is here: -

Blood Diamond III
-The Infinite Prism-
Written by Vector Control of SoCal Ghosts Scenario Paintball Team

Journal of Adamas Archer

October 6, 2003-Rhodesia

Its been five years since my brother Danny died trying to save the runaway prisoner Solomon Vandy. I tried for weeks to convince the leader of the RUF (Revolutionary United Force) to let me into their borders to find Danny's body so I could bring him home but they kept coming up with excuses why I couldn't. Before Danny left for Liberia he sent me a postcard, all it said was "My body of knowledge has always been cartography." At first I didn't understand what he was trying to tell me, it puzzled me for weeks why my usually straight forward no nonsense brother would send me such a cryptic message. Then one day while I was driving home it hit me like a truck. A map.

I remember back to my last telephone conversation with Danny, he told me that he needed to show me something. Something that would give us a fortune beyond our wildest imagination. He wouldn't say much more than that over the telephone. He said people were watching him and he was being followed. But that he made a map and put it in the safest place possible. I think he tattooed the map on himself.

Whatever it is he wanted to show me, I can't find it unless I can get to Danny's body.

October 10, 2003-Rhodesia

I read in the paper that the government of Sierra Leone hired a mercenary outfit called Executive Results to combat the RUF running amok in the countryside. I did some research and discovered that these Executive Results guys are a tough crowd. The company has some pretty deep pockets and their hands are in almost every research and development project for the Department of Defense. I wouldn't be surprised if they played just as dirty as the RUF. ER bills itself as a company that specializes in the eradication of particularly stressful problems. I call them assassins, liars and thieves. No better than the RUF.

December 14, 2003-Rhodesia

Apparently the head of Executive Results didn't like the way the leader of Sierra Leone was running things so he staged a coup, taking over the government and putting a price on the head of every RUF member. The RUF in turn, put out an order to kill on sight any mercenary sporting the Executive Results logo. I find this amusing. Maybe I can use the chaos to my advantage and somehow get into Sierra Leone to get my brother's body.

January 11, 2004-Liberia

I was able to find passage into Liberia with a documentary crew posing as one of the camera men. Our truck broke down in a village called Shenge. By Fortune or Fate I ran into a family member of the guy that my brother gave up his life to save. I hoped that he could give me some clue as to what Danny was hiding but the man wouldn't budge. So I invited him to the local bar. It wasn't long before he told me that Solomon Vandy had come back to Shenge a few weeks ago and stayed with his family for two days. It was then that Solomon told him about the Infinite Prism. Apparently its some legendary stone that was discovered in the 1800s but somehow lost during the local civil wars. Its location was speculated and rumored about for decades. After some time, it simply became a myth. A myth that Danny was trying to find.

January 14, 2004-London

After hearing about the Infinite Prism I called an old friend in London who specializes in geology and asked if he could tell me anything about the Prism. He became very hush hush and said he didn't want to speak on the phone anymore about it and asked if I could see him. I lied to the film crew and told them that I had a dying relative back home and had to leave the country immediately. I took the first flight out of Liberia to London.

My friend gave me a very thorough and academic lesson on the history of Sierra Leone's ongoing civil war and the use of Conflict Diamonds, or Blood Diamonds, as a means of currency. Very recently, the leading diamond distributor in the world, DeCours began conducting geological surveys in the areas of Sierra Leone where the Prism was rumored to have been lost. It would seem that DeCours' pockets are just as deep as Executive Results. In fact, I would say they share the same pants as I was told that DeCours recently hired Executive Results to ensure that all areas were cleared of RUF forces where they would be doing their surveys. The RUF all but gave up fighting ER as they thought they the ground they were fighting over was void of anything potentially valuable. Then somehow the RUF got wind that DeCours and ER were looking for the Prism and suddenly the RUF started to flood the surey areas with more soldiers.

Seems like everyone wants this Infinite Prism. When I asked why is it so important, my friend told me that it possess very unique chemical and physical properties unlike anything else on earth. That major corporations would be willing to pay millions just for a piece of it to conduct research. That and it's also a 900 karat diamond.

January 28, 2004-Sierra Leone

I made it inside Sierra Leone. Now all I need to do is find my brother's body to tell me where the diamond is exactly. I don't much care which side I'm on, I'll go with whoever can pay the most and get me to my brother.

The hunt for fame and glory is on! Will you side with the bloody revolutionaries of the RUF or the cutthroat mercenaries of Executive Results? Will you help Archer locate his brother or use him to get the Infinite Prism for yourself? There are no good guys when greed and riches are the only objectives. Choose a side to join the carnage at Giant Alpine Paintball Park on March 6 and 7, 2010.

Rules, Roles.....and Commercial on the way so stay tuned More to come

Posted By: Skeletor
Date Posted: 27 January 2010 at 3:59pm
 More updates.
This is going to be a game where resources are key to success so It is going to be important to play the night game to help your general out for Sunday. Here is the plan for the night game and how it ties into Sundays game. Keep checking back more info coming soon

Night Game:
Deep Down in the Kono Mines the 2 ruthless mercenary forces mine for Diamonds to fund their war. As they try to mine resources the 2 forces have found each other and are forced to take up arms in the darkness.

Teams objectives:1.) Collect as many Diamonds as possible through out the night and return them to their base each Diamond is worth 20K for their general to use on Sunday
2.) Capture a Geological Surveyor and bring him back to your base. With a Geo Surveyor you team gets plus 2K for every Diamond returned. If you Capture both Surveyors then you prevent the other team from getting their bonus

Also Updated event pricing and Game schedule info:
Blood Diamond Game Schedule

Saturday, March 6
6:00pm - 6:15pm  : Game Briefing and Rules
6:30pm - 9:30pm  : Game on.

Sunday, March 7
9:00-9:30 AM : Game briefing and rules and small raffle
10:00 AM - 3:00 PM : 5 hours of continuous play filled with missions and mayhem.
3:30 PM - 4:00 PM : Final battle.   Raffle to follow

Entrance (Both Castle Conquest and Blood Diamond, inludes air) - $60.00
Pay for 6 players get the 7th FREE!! (Pre-Registration Only)
Call 877-GIANT-97 to claim you free ticket after registering. Please have your registration number handy before calling.     
Entrance (includes air) - $35.00
Pay for 6 players get the 7th FREE!! (Pre-Registration Only)
Call 877-GIANT-97 to claim you free ticket after registering. Please have your registration number handy before calling.

Paint (mid grade) $34.99
Paint (high grade) Procaps or Evil in 2000 round cases $50.00
Grenades $7.00

Online Registration here: -

Posted By: Skeletor
Date Posted: 04 February 2010 at 6:57pm
And Now I present to you


Posted By: sapper96
Date Posted: 05 February 2010 at 4:13am
The Executive Results LLC is currently looking for new possible employees Please feel free to pm with your resumes im currently looking for prior service medics/corpman ,demolition, sniper teams, and engineers.

Please pre reg if you can for the executive results.

Posted By: Robotech
Date Posted: 08 February 2010 at 1:00pm

Also, here's a video spot for the upcoming game.  Hope to see some of you folks there. -

New to the sport?">
Proud owner of a WS-66 A-5 ACP

Posted By: sonu panwar
Date Posted: 26 February 2010 at 1:25am
2044	Superhero 2044
A Aftermath
AD&D Advanced Dungeons & Dragons
AF Adventures in Fantasy
AG Arcade Game
AS Air Superiority
B Book
BC Battlecars
BD&D Basic Dungeons & Dragons
BH Boot Hill
BU Bushido
C Computer Game
C&S Chivalry & Sorcery
CH Cardboard Heroes
CHA Champions
CHI Chill: Adventures into the Unknown
COC Call of Cthulhu
CW Car Wars
D&D Dungeons & Dragons
DD Daredevils
DQ Dragon Quest
E Espionage
ED&D Expert Dungeons & Dragons
ELF Elfquest
EPT Empire of the Petal Throne
FW Fringeworthy
GB Gangbusters
GW Gamma World
GURPS Generic Universal Role-Playing System
H Harn
HARP Harpoon
HF High Fantasy
HW2000 Highway 2000
JI Justice, Inc.
KAP King Arthur Pendragon
LOA Lands of Adventure
LOC Lords of Creation
M Miniatures
MAG Magazine
MEK Mekton
MERP Middle-Earth Role Playing
MR Miniatures Rules
MSH Marvel Super Heroes
MSPE Mercenaries, Spies & Private Eyes
PA Play Aid
PAR Paranoia
PBM Play by Mail Game
R Rolemaster
RPG Role Playing Game
RQ Runequest
S Supplement
S&C Skull & Crossbones
SF Star Frontiers
SG Starguard
SHCD Sherlock Holmes Consulting Detective
SO Space Opera
SP Star Patrol
STRM Stormbringer
STRPG Star Trek: The Role-Playing Game
SW Superworld
T Traveller
TCT To Challenge Tomorrow
T&T Tunnels & Trolls
TFT The Fantasy Trip
TG Thieves' Guild
TM Timemaster
TMP The Morrow Project
TS Top Secret
TW Thieves' World
TW2000 Twilight: 2000.
U Universe
V&V Villains & Vigilantes
WH Warhammer
WOW Worlds of Wonder
YRS Ysgarth Rules System
007 James Bond 007

Article Topic Issue Number
------------- ------------
2nd Edition Paranoia For Pack(PA:PAR) 83
4th Dimension 35
6 Patrons(S:T) 36
A View to a Kill(S:007) 76
AADA Vehicle Guide(S:CW) 71
ABM(C) 43
APBA Baseball(C) 79
Abyss(S:T&T) 33
Ace of Aces 45
Ace of Clubs(S:TS) 74
Action & Bumping Games(C) 41
Action Aboard(S:T) 47
Ad Astra(PBM) 77
Advanced Cassiopeian Empire(RPG) 76
dventure Board(PA) 59
Adventure Class Ships, Vol. I(PA:T) 49
Adventure Class Ships, Vol. II(S:T) 65
Adventure in Time(C) 49
Adventure(AG) 31
Adventurer(RPG) 45
Adventurers(M) 60
Adventurers(M) 71
Adventures in High Fantasy(S:HF) 51
Adventures of Indiana Jones(RPG) 73
Aerotech(RPG) 78
After the Holocaust 11
Aftermath(RPG) 43
Air-Eaters Strike Back 44
Airmail Pilot(C) 36
Airwar '80 37
Akalabeth(C) 36
Alaric the Goth 43
Alien Base(S:SO) 48
Alien Conflict(PBM) 65
Alien Mercenaries(M:T) 70
Alkemstone(C) 48
Alma Mater(RPG) 58
Alone Against the Dark(S:COC) 77
Amazon Mutual Wants You(S) 50
Amoeba Wars 42
Amycus Probe(S:T) 47
Angmar(S) 61
Angmar: Land of the Witch King(S:MERP) 73
Another Fine Myth(B) 79
Ant Wars 66
Ants(C) 37
Apocalypse 39
Apocalypse Warriors(M) 76
Apple Lane(S:RQ) 35
Apple-oids(C) 42
Arcanum(RPG) 74
Archer's Goon(B) 79
Arduin Adventure(RPG) 52
Arduin Character Sheets Combined Pak(PA:D&D) 31
Arena of Death 38
Argon Gambit/Death Station(S:T) 42
Arkham Evil(S:COC) 64
Arkham Evil(S:COC) 71
Armadillo Autoduel Arena(S:CW) 67
Armor at Kursk: The Battle of Prochorovka 37
Armory(B) 72
Arms Law(S) 33
Artifact 31
As Big as the Ritz(B) 82
Aslan Mercenary Ships(S:T) 57
Aslan(S:T) 70
Aslan, Droyne K'kree(M) 46
Assassin's Knot(S:D&D) 71
Assassin's Quest(PBM) 33
Asteroid Pirates 53
Asteroid Zero-Four 31
Asteroids(C) 46
Astrogator's Chartbook(PA:T) 38
Atlantic Balloon Crossing(C) 37
Atlas of the Imperium(S:T) 73
Attack Force 61
Attack Force(C) 39
Attack of the Mutants 41
Attack of the Mutants 43
Autoduel Champions(S:CW:CHA) 66
Autoduel(C) 78
Avengers Assembled(S:MSH) 70
Axis & Allies 72
B-1 Nuclear Bomber(C) 33
Bad Medicine for Dr. Drugs(S:SW) 72
Balance of Power(C) 81
Bananaquest 39
Barbarian Prince 47
Barbarians 40
Barnstorming(AG) 54
Basic Role-Playing(RPG) 41
Battle Above the Earth(S:V&V) 73
Battle Damage: Code Red(PA) 60
Battle for Andromeda 11
Battlecars 71
Battledroids 75
Battlestar Galactica 73
Battlesuit 63
Battletech(RPG) 78
Beachhead 31
Beast of Burden(M) 47
Beastmaker Mountain(S:D&D:AD&D) 58
Belter 27
Beltstrike(S:T) 70
Beneath Apple Manor(C) 35
Berzerk(AG) 56
Best of Boardgaming(B) 39
Best of Journal of the Travellers' Aid Society, Volume II(S:T) 53
Best of the Journal of the Travellers' Aid Society, Volume I(S:T) 40
Bestiary(S:CHA) 79
Beyond the Wall of Tears(S:T&T) 72
Beyond(S:T) 42
Bifrost(RPG) 57
Bill Budge's Space Album(C) 33
Black Sword Strikes, The(S:STRM) 82
Black Tower(S) 46
Blade of Allectus(S:DQ) 40
Blood Royale 82
Bloodtree Rebellion 27
Blue Frog Tavern(S:T&T) 50
Boarding Party 64
Book of Adventure Games(B) 70
Book of Mars(S) 54
Book of Ruins(S:AD&D) 41
Border Crossing(S:E,DI,MSPE) 73
Borderlands 58
Break in at Three Kilometer Island(S:V&V) 44
Bree and the Barrow-Downs(S:MERP) 73
Breeder Bombs(S:MSH) 70
Broadsides and Boarding Parties 72
Broadsword(S:T) 52
Buck Rogers: Battle for the 25th Century 85
Buffalo Castle(S:T&T) 9
Bug-Eyed Monsters 68
Bunnies & Burrows(RPG) 10
Burgundy Pit(S) 48
Burning Chrome(B) 82
By the Sword 58
Call of Cthulhu Keeper's Screen(PA:COC) 80
Call of Cthulhu Miniatures(M) 73
Call of Cthulhu Miniatures(M) 76
Call of Cthulhu(RPG) 49
Call of Cthulhu(RPG) 80
Camelot 3000(B) 83
Campaign Series Grid Sheets(PA) 35
Capitol(PBM) 74
Captif d'Yvoire(S:T&T) 74
Car Wars Expansion Kit #10(S:CW) 79
Car Wars Expansion Set 6(PA:CW) 74
Car Wars Reference Screen(PA) 66
Cardboard Heroes Champions Set 3: Enemies(PA:CHA) 73
Cardboard Heroes(CH) 38
Castle 46
Castle Book I(S:D&D) 39
Castle Perilous(RPG) 47
Catacombs of Chaos(PBM:RPG) 57
Catacombs of the Bear Cult(S:T&T) 54
Catapult Run(S:AD&D) 74
Caves and Caverns(S) 60
Celestial Dragon(M) 75
Cerberus 33
Champions II(S:CHA) 62
Champions III(S:CHA) 70
Champions(RPG) 43
Champions(RPG) 73
Champions, Revised(RPG) 65
Character Role Playing(PA) 49
Chase into Space(B) 83
Chessmaster 2000(C) 78
Chill Black Morn Manor 76
Chill Master's Screen(PA:CHI) 71
Chill(RPG) 75
Chill: Adventures into the Unknown(RPG) 71
Chitin: I 17
Chivalry & Sorcery Sourcebook(S:C&S) 44
Chivalry & Sorcery(RPG) 44
Chopper Command(AG) 56
Circle of Ice(S:T&T) 35
Citadel Miniatures(M) 76
Citadel of Blood 37
Cities of Harn(S:H) 71
Cities(S) 81
Cities: A Gamemaster's Guide to Encounters and Other Rules 33
Citizens(M) 57
Citizens, Mercenaries, Patrons(M) 40
City Book I(S) 54
City of Carse(S) 35
City of Sorcerers 71
City of Terrors(S:T&T) 33
City of the Sacred Flame(S:RPG) 73
Citytech(RPG) 78
Claw Law(S) 56
Cleopatra Gambit(S:TM) 74
Clockwork Mage(S:AD&D) 76
Cloudland(S:D&D) 73
Colonial Conquest(C) 77
Companion Pieces: Fantasy Furnishings(PA) 57
Companions' Hexagonal and Grid Mapping System(PA) 50
Compleat Adventurer(S:D&D) 72
Compleat Alchemist(S) 72
Compleat Spell Caster(S) 72
Compleat Tavern(S) 39
Complete Wargames Handbook(B) 31
Computer Acquire(C) 45
Computer Baseball(C) 79
Conan Miniatures(M) 73
Conan Unchained(S:D&D) 73
Conflict 2500(C) 45
Conquest of the Empire 72
Convoy(S:CW) 76
Cops, Crooks and Civilians(CH) 64
Corsairs of Cythera(S:D&D:YRS) 49
Corsairs of the Turku Wastes(S:T) 52
Cosmic Ark(AG) 59
Cosmic Balance(C) 59
Cosmic Encounter 37
Cosmic Encounter Expansions Sets 6 & 7(S) 44
Count(C) 45
Creatures and Treasures(S:R) 76
Creatures that Ate New York 50
Crime Lords(PBM) 51
Crimson Dragon Miniatures(M) 73
Crisis at Crusader Citadel(S:V&V) 63
Crown of Arthain(C) 49
Crucis Margin(S:T) 46
Cry Havoc 71
Crystal Caverns(C) 64
Cthulhu by Gaslight(S:COC) 79
Cults of Prax(S:RQ) 27
Cults of Terror(S:RQ) 42
Curse of the Chthonians(S:COC) 73
Curse on Hareth(S) 62
Cyborg(PBM) 49
Cytron Masters(C) 59
D&D Monster and Treasure Assortment Levels 1-9(PA:D&D) 36
D&D Outdoor Geomorphs Set One: Walled City(PA:D&D) 41
D&D Player Character Record Sheets(PA:D&D) 35
DC Heroes(RPG) 76
Dagorlad and the Dead Marshes(S:MERP) 73
Dallas: The Television Role-Playing Game(RPG) 42
Damocles(S:TMP) 62
Daredevil Adventures, Vol. 2. No. 2, The Menace Beneath the Sea(S:DD) 70
Daredevil Adventures-Supernatural Thrillers Issue(S:DD) 73
Daredevils(RPG) 61
Dargon's Dungeon(S:T&T) 43
Dark Cults 72
Dark Horse Miniatures(M) 73
Dark Nebula 33
Dark Stars 42
Darkling Ship(S:T) 63
Dawn of DNA(S:V&V) 71
Dawn of the Dead 40
Deadly Power(S:D&D) 72
Death Duel with the Destroyers(S:V&V) 52
Death Test 2(S:TFT) 33
Death in Dunwich(S:COC) 71
Death in Dunwich(S:COC) 73
Death in Spades(S:GB) 70
Death on the Reik(S:WH) 82
Deathmaze 5000(C) 47
Deathtrap Equalizer Dungeon(S:T&T) 11
Deep Space Navigator 67
Defender(AG) 57
Deluxe Traveller(RPG) 44
Demand of Honor(S:STRPG) 75
Demon Attack(AG) 53
Demon's Run 54
Demonlord 46
Designer's Edition 38
Destroyers II(M) 66
Devil's Domain(S:V&V) 76
Diadem 46
Dimension Demons 36
Dinosaurs(M) 65
Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency(B) 84
Donkey Kong(AG) 59
Double Arena(S:CW) 70
Down with the King 48
Dr. No(007) 71
Dr. Who 38
Dragon Killers(M) 73
Dragon Lord(S:C&S) 72
Dragon Lords Figures: Ninja and Samurai Adventurers(M) 75
Dragon Pass 40
Dragon Rage 63
Dragon Tree Spell Book(S:D&D:AD&D) 47
Dragon's Eye(C) 48
Dragon's Hall(S:AD&D) 54
DragonQuest(RPG) 31
Dragonharper(B) 79
Dragonlords 45
Dragonquest(C) 44
Dragonriders of Pern 75
Dragons of Flame(S:D&D) 73
Dragons of Glory 80
Dragons of Underearth 55
Dragons(B) 44
Dragonslayer 46
Dreamlands(S:COC) 79
Droids(RPG) 64
Druid's Blood(B) 85
Duck Pond(S:RQ) 36
Duel 76
Duel Arcane 39
Duel Magical 51
Duelmasters(PBM) 75
Dungeon 38
Dungeon Drawings(PA) 41
Dungeon Floors(PA) 49
Dungeon Geomorphs(PA:D&D) 41
Dungeon Masters Adventure Log(PA) 33
Dungeon Raiders(M) 73
Dungeon Tiles(PA) 41
Dungeon Trap Handbook(S) 47
Dungeon of King Lout(S) 53
Dungeon(PA) 31
Dunjonquest(C) 31
Dwarves(S:D&D:AD&D) 58
East Midville(S:CW) 70
Elf Chariot(M) 56
Eliminator(AG) 59
Emerald Tablet(MR) 37
Empire I: World Builders(C) 51
Empire Strikes Back(AG) 55
Empire of Karo(S:A) 73
Empire of the Overmind(C) 49
Empyrean Challenge(PBM) 33
Enchanted Treasures(S) 47
Enchanter(C) 73
Encounters 57
Encounters in the Corelian Quadrant(S:T) 35
Encounters in the Phoenix Quadrant(S:T) 31
Encyclopedia Harnica 3-11(S:H) 74
Enemies III(S:CHA) 73
Enemies(S:CHA) 47
Enemy Within, The(S:WH) 82
Epoch(C) 48
Equal Rites(B) 85
Escape from Altassar 61
Espionage(RPG) 67
Eternal Curse(C) 58
Eternal Soldier(C) 85
Evil Lord(M) 41
Evil Ruins(S:D&D) 72
Expedition to Zhodane(S:T) 47
Expedition to the Barrier Peaks(S:AD&D) 36
Expert Dungeons & Dragons(RPG) 38
F'Deck Fo's Tomb(S) 52
FCI Consumer Guide(S:T) 52
FS1 Flight Simulator(C) 31
FTL: 2448(RPG) 65
Face of the Enemy(S:SF) 76
Famous Monsters(M) 44
Fantastic Personalities(S) 52
Fantastic Wilderlands Beyonde(S:D&D) 33
Fantasy Cartographer's Field Book(PA) 31
Fantasy Land 45
Fantasy Lords Blister Pack Series(M) 71
Fantasy Lords(M) 62
Fantasy Masters' Codex 1981(PA:TFT) 41
Fantasy Masters' Screen(PA:TFT) 41
Fantasy Masters(M) 62
Fantasy Squares Grid Sheets and Mappers Aid Template(PA) 48
Fantasy Trip Character Record Sheets(PA:TFT) 58
Fantasy Wargaming(FRP) 56
Fate of the Sky Raiders(S:T) 60
Federation Space 49
Fellowship of the Ring 71
Fez I: The Valley of Trees(S:D&D:AD&D) 58
Field Guide to Encounters(S) 55
Field of Honor 55
Fifth Corps 39
Fifth Frontier War(S:T) 46
Fifty Starbases(PA:T) 43
Fighting Ships(S:T) 46
Final Challenge(S:AD&D) 76
Final Conflict(C) 64
First Flight(B) 83
First and Second Citadel Compendia(MAG) 75
Fi**edited**l of Laughs, A(S:TOON) 85
Fi**edited**l of Turkeys 41
Fleetwatch(S:T) 47
Flextiles(PA:CHA) 70
Flight of the Stag(S:T) 46
Flying Saucers(C) 39
Folklore Creatures of the Night(M) 75
For Your Information(007) 70
Force(S:V&V) 65
Forces of Fantasy(S:WH) 73
Forest Wars of the Haven 31
Forever War 69
Forms and Charts(PA:T) 66
Fragments of Fear(S:COC) 79
Free City of Haven(S) 45
Free City of Krakow(S:TW2000) 76
Freedom in the Galaxy 31
Fringeworthy(RPG) 65
Frogger(AG) 58
From the Deeps of Space(S:V&V) 72
Frontiers of Alusia(PA:DQ) 42
Fugue State(B) 82
Furioso(S:D&D) 42
Fury of the Norsemen 38
Future World(RPG) 51
Future Worlds(RPG) 83
GEV 17
GI Assault Team(M) 65
GURPS Autoduel(S:CW:GURPS) 83
GURPS, 3rd Edition(RPG) 85
GURPS: Autoduel(S:GURPS) 81
GURPS: Fantasy(S:GURPS) 81
Galactic Adventures(C) 66
Galactic Attack(C) 43
Galactic Conflict(PBM) 63
Galactic Empires(C) 31
Galactic Gladiators(C) 59
Galactic Trader(C) 38
Galaxy Invasion(C) 35
Galaxy Wars(C) 43
Galaxy(C) 61
Gamemaster Catalog(B) 37
Gamemaster's Screen for Champions(PA:CHA) 51
Gamemaster's Shield and Reference Tables(PA:TMP) 49
Gamesmen of Kasar(S:T&T) 62
Gaming Universal(MAG) 70
Gamma World Referee's Screen and Mini-Module(PA:GW) 51
Gem and the Staff(S:D&D) 71
Generic Gangster Chase Game 45
Geptorem(S:T) 41
Ghost of Lion Castle(S:D&D) 75
Ghostbusters 77
Glimmerdrift Reaches(S:T) 42
Globbo 70
Glory Hole Dwarven Mine(S) 54
Glossary of the Construction, Decoration, and Use of Arms and Armor(B) 73
Gnolls(M) 75
Gods, Demigods & Heroes(S:D&D) 9
Godsfire 11
Goldfinger II - The Man with the Midas Touch(S:007) 76
Goldfinger(007) 71
Gondor 17
Gorp 38
Grand Master of the Martial Arts 53
Grand Prix(AG) 54
Grav Armor 55
Grav-Ball 60
Great Super-Villain Contest(S:CHA) 69
Griffin Island(S:RQ) 80
Griffin Mountain(S:RQ) 48
Grimtooth's Traps Too(S) 61
Grimtooth's Traps(S) 43
Guidebook to Middle-Earth(S:MERP) 73
HIL Sector Blues: A Campaign Pack for Paranoia(PAR) 79
Hall of the Fire Giant King(S:AD&D) 44
Hammer of Thor 43
Hammer's Slammers 75
Hammer's Slammers(B) 83
Handbook of Traps and Tricks(S) 43
Haunted House(AG) 54
Haven, the Free City(S:RPG) 73
Hazard -- IPSP/ISIS Official Map 7(S:2044) 48
Heart of Oak: Naval Miniatures for the Age of Fighting Sail 71
Hell on Wheels(S:CW,BC,HW2000) 70
Hellfire Warrior(C) 38
Helltank 49
Helltank Destroyer 60
Heroes Unlimited(RPG) 72
Heroic Expedition(S) 50
Heroic Fantasy(PBM:RPG) 57
Hexagony 33
Hexpressions(PA) 42
High Crusade 71
High Fantasy(RPG) 51
High Guard, 2nd Edition(S:T) 48
Highway 2000 53
Hillmen of the Trollshaws(S:MERP) 73
Hillmen of the Trollshaws(S:MERP) 76
Hof Gap 39
Holy Agrik! Gods of Harn(S:H) 82
Homeworld, Mechanoid Invasion Book 3 60
Horrible Secret of Monhegan Island(S:COC) 73
Hot Spot 27
House on Hangman's Hill(S:AD&D) 52
How Much For Just the Planet?(B) 84
How to Sell Your Wargame Design(B) 35
Human Adventure(C) 47
Hyborean War(PBM) 77
Hydronauts(S:T) 46
Hyper Battle 45
I.C.B.M. 43
I.S.C.V. King Richard(S:T) 42
I.S.C.V. Leander(S:T) 41
I.S.P.M.V. Fenris and S.F.V. Valkyrie(S:T) 41
I.S.P.M.V. Tethys(S:T) 40
IISS Ship Files(S:T) 48
IT 35
Ice Hockey(AG) 54
Icewar 18
Ilhedrin Book(S:AD&D) 53
Illuminati Expansion Set 3 76
Illuminati Expansions I & II 68
Illuminati(PBM) 72
Imperial Data Recovery System(PA:T) 50
Imperial Marines(M) 69
Imperial Striker Force(M) 56
In the Service of Saena Sephar(S:HF) 54
Infernal Devices(B) 84
Inferno(S:AD&D) 31
Infinite Conflict(PBM) 76
Interstellar Wars 66
Into the Ruins(S:A) 43
Introduction to Traveller(RPG) 44
Invaders from Space(C) 45
Invasion Force(C) 36
Invasion: Earth(S:T) 48
Invid Invasion(B) 84
Iron Horse 69
Iron Wind(S) 36
Isengard and Northern Gondor(S:MERP) 73
Island Worlds, The(B) 82
Island of Dr. Apocalypse(S:V&V) 59
Isle of Dread(S:ED&D) 38
Ivinia(S:H) 76
Jabbertalky(C) 48
James Bond 007(RPG) 67
Jonril: Gateway to the Sunken Land(S) 61
Journey 31
Journey to Sorrow's End(M) 71
Journey to the Center of the Circle(S) 49
Journey, Mechanoid Invasion Book 2 59
Judge Dredd(RPG) 67
Junta 33
Jupiter Mission 1999(C) 70
Justice, Inc.(RPG) 72
K'Kree(S:T) 71
K'kree Military in Vacc Suits(M) 57
Kaboom(AG) 55
Keep on the Borderlands(S:AD&D) 37
Kill the Commie Bastards!!!(RPG) 83
King Arthur Companion(S:KAP) 77
King Arthur Pendragon 77
King Kong(AG) 58
King of the Mountain 36
Kingdom of Menglana(S:H) 82
Kings & Things 82
Kings and Castles 38
Klingon D-7 Battlecruiser Deck Plans(S:STRPG) 70
Klingons -- Sourcebook and Character Generation Supplement(S:STRPG) 70
Klondike Adventurer(C) 61
Knight Hawks(S:SF) 67
Knight Life(B) 79
Knight of Diamonds(C) 76
Knights and Knaves 37
Knights and Magick(M) 42
Knights and Magick(MR) 35
Knights, Fighters and Men-at-Arms(M) 71
Kung Fu 2100 44
Labyrinth(C) 38
Lair of the Freebooters(S:RPG) 73
Land of the Rising Sun(RPG) 36
Landlords(PBM) 76
Lands of Adventure(RPG) 71
Lands of Mystery(S:JI) 76
Laser Tank(MR) 35
Laserburn(M) 55
Last Starfighter: Tunnel Chase 71
Legacy of Heorot(B) 85
Legacy of Llylgamyn(C) 72
Legend of the Sky Raiders(S:T) 50
Legion of Gold(S:GW) 41
Legion of Super-Heroes Source Book: Volume 1(S) 78
Leviathan(S:T) 38
Ley Sector(S:T) 36
Liberation at Riverton(TMP) 56
Library Data A-M(S:T) 46
Library Data N-Z(S:T) 60
Lightning Bolts & Lasers(S:SG) 73
Live and Let Die(S:007) 76
Lomodo IVA(S:T) 48
London by Night(S:TCT) 72
Lonely Mountain 75
Lords of Karma(C) 43
Lords of Middle Earth (Volume I: The Immortals)(S:MERP) 79
Lords of Underearth 38
Lost Conquistador Mine(S:BH) 60
M.U.L.E.(C) 70
MSPE Character Folders(PA) 67
Mach - The First Colony(RPG) 69
Mage(S) 37
Magic Wood 35
Magic World(RPG) 51
Man, Myth and Magic(RPG) 60
Mansion Murders(S:SHCD) 71
Maranantha -- Alkahest Sector(S:T) 49
Margin of Profit(S:STRPG) 75
Marinagua(S:T) 49
Marooned on Ghostring(S:T) 48
Marooned on Ghostring(S:T) 50
Marooned/Marooned Alone(S:T) 46
Martigan Belt(S:SO) 45
Marvel Super Heroes Adventure Fold-up Figures(PA:MSH) 75
Marvel Super Heroes Judge's Screen(PA:MSH) 71
Marvel Super Heroes(RPG) 70
Marvel Super Heroes: Advanced(RPG) 78
Masks of Nyarlathotep(S:COC) 74
Master of te Desert Nomads(S:D&D) 71
Master of the Amulets(S:TFT) 49
Masters of Mind(S) 48
Masters of Mind(S) 50
Mathenauts: Tables of Mathematical Wonder(B) 81
Mayday 18
Mechanoid Invasion(RPG) 42
Mechwarrior(RPG) 78
Mekton 72
Mekton(RPG) 79
Merc(RPG) 59
Mercenaries, Spies & Private Eyes(RPG) 67
Merchant Class Ships(S:T) 58
Merchant Prince(S:T) 53
Merchant Prince(S:T) 76
Merchants and Merchandise(S:T) 39
Mertwig's Maze 84
Meta-Trek(C) 37
Metamorphosis Alpha(RPG) 10
Micro League Baseball(C) 79
Micro-80 Pinball Machine(C) 40
Microsoft Adventure(C) 49
Microworld(C) 52
Middle Earth(S) 57
Middle-Earth Role Playing(RPG) 73
Midnight on Dagger Street(S:AD&D) 73
Midway Campaign(C) 45
Milestones(C) 40
Military in Cloth Armor(M) 57
Mind Masters(S:GW) 70
Mind War 27
Mindplayers(B) 82
Mines of Keridav(S) 33
Missile Attack(C) 54
Mission Escape(C) 44
Mission to Zephor(S:T) 35
Misty Wood(S:T&T) 52
Moebius(C) 78
Money Madness(C) 39
Monster File One(PA) 42
Monster Mash and Battleship(C) 41
Monsters of Myth and Legend(S) 75
Moonbase Clavius 52
Mordenkainen's Fantastic Adventure(S:D&D) 73
Moria(S:MERP) 75
Moria: The Dwarven City(S:MERP) 73
Morrow Project Role Playing Expansion(S:TMP) 63
Morrow Project Vehicular Blueprints(PA:TMP) 45
Morrow Project(RPG) 39
Most Wanted -- Volume One(S:V&V) 70
Mountain of Mystery(S:D&D) 31
Murder in Irliss(S:HF) 53
Murder on Arcturus Station(S:T) 68
Murderworld(S:MSH) 72
Mutiny on the Eleanor Moraes(S:SF) 70
Mystic Wood 73
Mythology 31
Nanorien Stones(S:D&D:AD&D) 58
Napoleon at Waterloo 50
Navigator's Starchars(PA:T) 43
Nebula 19 45
Necromancer 71
Network(C) 31
Neutrons(C) 51
Night in the Netheralls(B) 79
Night of Conquest/Divine Intervention(S:T) 59
Nightmar Maze of Jigresh(S:EPT) 42
Nine Doctrines of Darkness(S:D&D) 31
Nithus(S:T) 47
Noble's Book(S:KAP) 77
Nomads of the World Ocean(S:T) 65
North Atlantic Convoy Raider(C) 35
Northern Mirkwood: The Wood-Elves Realm(S:MERP) 73
Nuclear Escalation 68
Nystalux(S:T) 41
O.K. Corral 33
Octo**edited**(S:007) 71
Odysseus, Legendry and Mythology(RPG) 31
Ogre 11
Ogre(C) 81
Omega War 71
Only Apparently Real: The World of Philip K. Dick(B) 81
Operation Fastpass(S:TS) 70
Operation Lucifer(S:TMP) 72
Operation Morpheus(S:A) 65
Operation Pegasus 35
Operation Peregrine(S:SO) 70
Operation Rapid Strike(S:TS) 43
Opponents Unlimited(S:V&V) 63
Orb Quest(S:TFT) 62
Orcbusters(S:PAR) 78
Ordeal by Eshaar(S:T) 46
Oregon Trail 47
Organization Book 1: The Circle and M.E.T.E.(S:CHA) 72
Orient Express(S:TS) 70
Orion Ruse(S:STRPG) 72
Outcasts(M) 73
Outcasts(M) 76
Outpost Gamma 44
Outreach 9
Outworlds: A Starsector Atlas(S:SO) 46
Overkill(S:T&T) 31
PC Arcade(C) 66
Pac-Man(AG) 53
Palladium Book of Contemporary Weapons(B) 70
Palladium Book of Exotic Weapons(B) 73
Palladium Role-Playing Game(RPG) 74
Paranoia Acessory Pack(S:PAR) 81
Paranoia(RPG) 72
Parsector(C) 38
Passage to Cathay 73
Pellic Quest(PBM) 42
Personal Base Loads(PA:TMP) 48
Personal Data Files(S:T) 48
Personalities and Things that Go Bump in the Night(M) 46
Personalities(M) 60
Personalities(M) 71
Phantastical Phantasmagorical Monte Haul Dungeon(S) 51
Pharaoh(S:D&D) 54
Phase VII(RPG) 57
Pieces of Eight(S:S&C) 39
Pinball(C) 36
Pirate's Cove(C) 36
Pirates and Plunder(RPG) 56
Planet in Peril(B) 83
Plateau Capital of Evil(S) 62
Player Character Records(S:AD&D) 44
Playing With Fire(B) 74
Plunder(S:RQ) 33
Pork Barrel(C) 42
Port Xanatath(S:T) 36
Portals of Irontooth(S:AD&D) 52
Portals of Torsh(S:AD&D) 31
Portals of Twilight(S:AD&D) 50
Prince of Thieves '81(S:TG) 47
Prison Planet(S:T) 59
Prisoner(C) 55
Privateer 39
Pro-Stat Baseball(C) 79
Probe NCG(S:SO) 48
Professional Wrestling 33
Project Omega(M) 42
Pursuit to Kadath(S:COC) 71
Pyramid 73
Quagmire(S:D&D) 72
Queen of Demonweb Pits(S:AD&D) 35
Queen's Park Affair(S:SHCD) 74
Quest of the Great Jewels(PBM) 76
Quest(B) 71
Quirks 36
RDF Sourcebook 80
Ragnarok 46
Rahasia(S:BD&D) 73
Raid on Iran 36
Raiders of the Lost Ark(AG) 61
Rangers of the North(S:MERP) 75
Rapture Effect(B) 85
Ravenloft(S:D&D) 72
Ravenscrag(S) 45
Reach for the Stars(C) 69
Reach for the Stars(C) 77
Realms of Sword and Thunder(PBM) 73
Recon 70
Reign of the Red Dragon(C) 66
Rescue from the Hive 48
Rescue on Galatea(S:T) 58
Restormel(S) 50
Return of Werdna(C) 82
Revolt on Antares 44
Rhand's Apocalypse, Day 42: The Destruction of the Imperial Guard 83
Rhand(S) 80
Riddle of the Sphinx(AG) 58
Rift Trooper 11
Rings of Saturn(C) 46
Ringworld(RPG) 71
Road(S:CW,BC,HW2000) 76
Roadstriker(S:MEK) 79
Roadwar 2000(C) 81
Robot Attack(C) 52
Robot War(C) 45
Robots 33
Rogue 417(S:FW) 70
Rogue Moon of Spinstorm(S:T) 48
Rogue Moon of Spinstorm(S:T) 50
Rogue Trooper 82
RoleAids(S:D&D:AD&D) 58
Romulans(S:STRPG) 75
Round the Horn(C) 37
Ruins of Chicago(S:TMP) 72
RuneQuest Adventure Sheets: Human(PA:RQ) 80
RuneQuest Adventure Sheets: Nonhuman(PA:RQ) 80
Runemasters(S:RQ) 33
Runequest Borderlands(S:RQ) 56
Runequest(M) 57
Runequest, Boxed Edition(RPG) 35
S.E.U.I.S.(C) 59
Safari Ship(S:T) 70
Saga 46
Salvage Mission(S:T) 48
Samurai Blade 71
Sapies(S:T) 48
Sauron 17
Scarfman(C) 54
Scorpion Hall(S:RQ) 63
Scouts & Assassins(S:T) 41
Sea of Mystery(S:T&T) 49
Search for Spock 71
Search for the Crystal Sword(S) 62
Secret Wars(S:MSH) 75
Secret of the Ancients(S:T) 70
Sector 57(S) 33
Security Station(S:TFT) 38
Seldon's Compendium of Starcraft I(S:SO) 50
Serpentine(C) 65
Sewers of Oblivion(S:T&T) 51
Shade of the Sinking Plain(S:R) 72
Shadows of Yog-Sothoth(S:COC) 60
Shadows over Bogenhafen(S:WH) 82
Shamus(C) 68
Shard of Spring(C) 79
Shattered Alliance(C) 48
Sherlock Holmes Consulting Detective 71
Ship Recognition Manuals: The Klingon Empire and the Federation(PA) 68
Shipwrecker(S:D&D) 72
Shooting Stars 37
Shootout at the Saloon 58
Shuttlewars 42
Siege 71
Siege Equipment(M) 58
Siege and Fortress(B) 81
Signal GK(S:T) 75
Silo 14(S) 67
Simba Safari(S:T) 49
Simutek Package I(C) 36
Skiing(AG) 43
Skull & Crossbones(RPG) 35
Sky Galleons of Mars 83
Slag(C) 38
Slave Pits of the Undercity(S:AD&D) 35
Slavers' Hold(S:TMP) 82
Snapshot 27
Snow King's Bride(S:RQ) 62
Soldier of the Mist(B) 83
Soldiers of Fortune(CH) 65
Solomani Rim(S:T) 56
Soloquest(S:RQ) 55
Sorcerer of Siva(C) 54
Sourcebook 2(S:C&S) 48
Southern Mirkwood: Haunt of the Necromancer(S:MERP) 73
Space 1889 85
Space Battle(PBM) 50
Space Cowboy(C) 70
Space Empires 47
Space Future 31
Space II(C) 31
Space Infantry(RPG) 71
Space Opera Ground and Air Equipment(M) 44
Space Opera Ground and Air Equipment(S:SO) 41
Space Opera Miniatures(M)) 49
Space Opera(RPG) 33
Space Opera(RPG) 49
Space Quest(RPG) 33
Space Raid 42
Space Warrior 38
Space and Sport Games(C) 35
Space(C) 31
Spacefarers Guideto Planets: Sector Two -- Rourke's Diadem(S) 33
Spacefarers(MR) 46
Spawn of Fashan 49
Spell Law(S) 62
Spellbinder 33
Spellcaster's Bible(S) 31
Spice Harvest 76
Spies 45
Stampede(AG) 53
Star Ace(RPG) 75
Star Cluster One(PBM) 48
Star Commander 70
Star Commandos(M:MR) 33
Star Empires 83
Star Fleet Battle Manual(MR) 42
Star Fleet Battles 38
Star Fleet Battles Commander's Rulebook 66
Star Fleet Battles Commander's Rulebook Volume II 70
Star Fleet Battles Expansion 2 59
Star Fleet Battles Expansion 3 61
Star Fleet Battles Expansion Kit No. 1(S) 37
Star Fleet Battles Reinforcements(PA:SFB) 73
Star Fleet Battles Supplement #1 71
Star Fleet Battles Supplement 2: X-Ships 76
Star Fleet Battles Volume II 71
Star Fleet Battles Volume III 76
Star Frontiers Metal Miniatures(M) 74
Star Frontiers(RPG) 60
Star Patrol Mission Master Pack(PA:SP) 49
Star Patrol(RPG) 47
Star Rovers, Module 1(RPG) 44
Star Saga: One, Beyond the Boundary(C) 84
Star Sector Atlas 1: The Terran Sector(S:SO) 45
Star Sector Atlas 2(S:SO) 70
Star Smuggler 60
Star Trek - The Wrath of Khan(M) 66
Star Trek II: Starship Combat Simulator(S:STRPG) 71
Star Trek III 84
Star Trek III Sourcebook Update(S:STRPG) 70
Star Trek III Starship Combat Game 76
Star Trek III(S:STRPG) 79
Star Trek III.4(C) 36
Star Trek Ship Construction Manual(S:STRPG) 70
Star Trek: The Adventure Game 76
Star Trek: The Correspondence Game(PBM) 66
Star Trek: The Role Playing Game Gamemaster's Screen(PA) 68
Star Trek: The Role Playing Game, Second Edition(RPG) 71
Star Trek: The Role-Playing Game(RPG) 64
Star Venture(PBM) 63
Star Viking 46
Star Warrior(C) 39
Star Warriors(M) 44
Star Wars(RPG) 83
Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game(RPG) 80
Starblazers Feet Simulator 80
Starfighter(C) 61
Starfire II 35
Starfire III: Empires 47
Starfleet Voyages(RPG) 63
Starfleet Wars(MR) 31
Starleader: Assault(RPG) 61
Starline 2002(M) 66
Starlord(PBM) 49
Starlord(PBM) 63
Starmaster(AG) 55
Starquest 33
Starship Duel I 72
Starship Duel II 72
Starship Lay-Out Sheets(S:T) 46
Starships & Spacemen(RPG) 18
Starships(PA) 43
Starsilver Trek(S:DQ) 62
Starweb(PBM) 11
Stealer of Souls(S:STRM) 81
Stellar Adventure(C) 39
Stellar Conquest 76
Stellar Track(AG) 54
Stone of Sisyphus(C) 49
Stones of the Selt(S:D&D) 45
Stormhaven(S:MSPE) 68
Strategic Conflict(PBM) 68
Strike Team Alpha 33
Striker(MR) 53
Struggle for the Throne 71
Sumer(C) 40
Sunday Drivers(S:CW) 62
Sundog: Frozen Legacy(C) 77
Super Invasion/Spacewar(C) 35
Super Nova(C) 36
Super Squadron(RPG) 73
Super World(RPG) 51
Superheroes and Supervillains(M:MR) 42
Superman(AG) 31
Supervillains(RPG) 56
Superworld(RPG) 70
Supremacy 76
Survival Force(M) 76
Survival of the Fittest(S:AD&D) 39
Survival/The Barbarian 41
Suspended(C) 68
Swashbuckler 31
Sword Lords 46
Sword Worlds Military(M) 56
Sword and the Stars 43
Swordquest 41
Swordquest: Earthworld(AG) 61
Swords & Sorcerers(S:C&S) 45
Swords and Spells(MR) 11
Swords of the Undercity(S:AD&D) 80
Swordthrust(C) 43
Swordthrust(S:D&D) 72
T&T Survival Kit(PA:T&T) 43
Tactical Assault Group(PBM) 81
Take Off Top(B) 83
Take Off(B) 83
Tales of the Arabian Nights 76
Talisman 73
Talwaithe(PBM) 60
Tancred(S:T) 35
Tarlkin's Landing(S) 49
Tarsus 68
Tau Ceti 2015 AD 36
Taxman(C) 56
Technical Read-out(RPG) 78
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles(M) 75
Tegel Manor(S:D&D) 53
Telengard(C) 58
Temple Book I(S) 41
Temple of Death(S:D&D) 71
Terror from the Stars(S:COC) 77
Terrorist(C) 31
The Architects of Hyperspace(B) 84
The Court of Ardor in Southern Middle-Earth(S:MERP) 73
The Fantasy Trip(RPG) 31
The Keep(S:D&D) 72
The Man with the Golden Gun(S:007) 76
The Regiment(B) 79
The Smoke Ring(B) 81
The Watersdown Affair(RPG) 76
The Yeti Sanction(S:LOC) 76
Theseus and the Minotaur(C) 57
Theta Borealis Sector(S:T) 48
They've Invaded Pleasantville 42
Thieves Guild III(RPG) 44
Thieves Guild IV(S) 46
Thieves World(S:AD&D:AF:C&S:DQ:D&D:TFT:RQ:T:T&T) 45
Thieves' Guild II(S:TG) 43
Thieves' Guild(RPG) 43
Thieves' Guild(RPG) 73
Things(S:CHI) 71
Three Worlds(M) 71
Thrilling Locations(S:007) 76
Throne of Evil(S:D&D) 75
Thunder over Jotunheim(S:MSH) 76
Thundre-in Guns 71
Time Trap(S:MSH) 72
Time Traveler(C) 39
Time Tunnels 45
Time War 38
Time and Time Again(RPG) 76
Timelag 37
Timelords(RPG) 83
Timemaster(RPG) 75
Timeship(RPG) 70
Timetripper 31
Titan 33
Titan 58
Titan Strike 33
TnT(MAG) 72
To Challenge Tomorrow(RPG) 72
To Serve and Protect(S:CHA) 84
To Tackle the T.O.T.E.M.(S:V&V) 76
Tollenkar's Lair(S:TFT) 31
Toon Strikes Again(S:TOON) 76
Toon(RPG) 72
Top Secret Administrator's Screen and Mini-Module(PA:TS) 54
Top Secret Agent Dossiers(PA:TS) 70
Top Secret(RPG) 67
Torpedo Fire(C) 41
Tortured Souls(MAG) 73
Toughest Dungeon in the World(S:T&T) 35
Tower of Azann 50
Tower of Cirith Ungol and Shelob's Lair(S:MERP) 73
Tower of Indomitable Circumstance(S) 50
Towns of the Outlands(S) 45
Trader Captains and Merchant Princes(S:STRPG) 69
Traders & Gunboats(S:T) 38
Trading Team(S:T) 53
Trail of Tsathogghua(S:COC) 75
Trail of the Gold Spike(S:JI) 72
Trail of the Sky Raiders(S:T) 56
Trailblazer 50
Traitor(S:TW) 55
Trajan's Treacherous Trap(PBM:RPG) 37
Transylvania 46
Traveller Adventure(S:T) 70
Traveller Book(RPG) 59
Traveller Dice(PA) 56
Traveller Figures: Adventurers(M:T) 70
Traveller Miniatures(M) 48
Traveller Record Sheets(S:T) 36
Traveller Referee Screen(S:T) 36
Traveller Starter Edition(RPG) 67
Traveller:2300(S:T) 79
Treasure Vault(S) 73
Treasury of Archaic Names(S) 33
Triad(S:TCT) 73

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