TPX with external Magspringrelease
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Topic: TPX with external Magspringrelease
Posted By: spydercam
Subject: TPX with external Magspringrelease
Date Posted: 20 October 2014 at 2:45pm
Hi all, i build me that thing to use it later on my "Säge" Boxmag A5 as Frontgrip !!!
Allows to load the mag without activating the spring release mechanic, so than your paint is fresh when you go need a pistol !!!
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Posted By: Lightningbolt
Date Posted: 20 October 2014 at 3:21pm
Hold on. Are you applying a Tipx as a front grip to your a5? That's awesome! Maybe you could incorporate a speed release for the pistol?
If it's a permanent fixture I wonder if you could some how incorporate the air supply from the cyclone to charge the tipx.
It looks like you're in position to run freak bores too with the progressive barrel. Swap out the back and buy inserts individually.
Posted By: spydercam
Date Posted: 20 October 2014 at 3:46pm
Thatīs the plan !!! But i still not startet building a mount for the TPX and shure nothing else than a quick release is my goal !!!
If it would be permanet i would use only HPA but use a hose with ON/OFF direct from the ASA, to run the TPX as second barrel. Just if use FS for expample with a extra sight would be cool too.
Do you mean on the A5 or on the TPX the barrel question ?
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Posted By: Lightningbolt
Date Posted: 20 October 2014 at 7:57pm
You have a new style progressive on the a5. All you need to do is get the freak back and inserts to improve air efficiency and accuracy. You should be able to find a freak back for$30 us and bore inserts for around $10 us. If you have other guns or plan on other guns with different threading it may be worth the time to consider a barrel adapter. I have an autococker adapter for the a5s allowing many options for barrels. Freak systems tend to get full price for tippmanns because there aren't as many used around for sale compared to autococker barrels.
Watch trails of doom on YouTube for good info on the a5 and an Apex tip mod for the tipx using an a5 barrel on the tipx. He is personally accessible here on this forum from time to time.
I recently aquired 2 a5s and I'm in the process of learning them now. I varified chrono speed yesterday on both using the free smart phone app called chrono connect mobile lite. I found it to be very accurate by comparing the reading from the app with a gun that was recently tested at a field chrono.
Posted By: spydercam
Date Posted: 21 October 2014 at 5:27am
Shure ??? I thought it is an (A)ll(A)merican Back like the tip !!!
Mmhhh i had a Freakback(A5,98) long time ago and wasnīt happy with !!! Cause:
The left one is a A5 Freakback and the right is the AA-Back. You can see at the Freakback it has a second step into the insert(.697) so as smaller the insert as bigger the edge into the insert !!! Itīs also a spezial on Tippmannbarrels the Bolt dives into the barrel !!! May it works fine if the paint is good but my experience was bad so i sold 1 month later the backs. I use the Freak just on Autococker,ETEK.
Yes iīve allready seen that Doombarrel cool i like the barrelcam !!!
I would just trust a real Radar Chrony !!!
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Posted By: Lightningbolt
Date Posted: 21 October 2014 at 1:00pm
So the bolt hits the barrel insert or step? interesting. I will have to see if this happens with the lapco adapter which seems longer than others.
I will only use the chrono app to get the speed close then chtono again at the field.
I don't understand how your box loader works. Care to share?
Posted By: spydercam
Date Posted: 21 October 2014 at 1:43pm
No the bolt dives into the barrel and the ball will hit the insert or step !!!
Here you find out how it works:" rel="nofollow -
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Posted By: Lightningbolt
Date Posted: 21 October 2014 at 3:08pm
Nice with the halo too internals. I watched the video and your a5 runs nice.
I checked my lapco ac to a5 barrel adapter and there isn't a step with a .689 bore insert. It must be constructed differently somehow.
Also the python barrel adapter with a .688 bore insert to lapco a5 barrel adapter is seamless as well. This gets a bit complicated but this setup is smart parts barrel to python sp/ac bore sizer to lapco ac/a5 barrel adapter.
Posted By: spydercam
Date Posted: 22 October 2014 at 4:16am
I paid just 15 for the halo cause the neck was broken !!! Yeaahhh my A5 i like her too, since i got her in 2005(RT one year later) !!! Heavy but running like an AK !!!
Yes there sometimes hugh differences on the barreladapters, the best ones are thoose who get installed in the marker and there different too. I use one that has Spyderthread for my Armson 16" barrel itīs working fine and with good paint itīs a dream but i often has to buy FPO !!!
My A5(year 2007):
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