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What's everyone reading/listening/playing/watching

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Topic: What's everyone reading/listening/playing/watching
Subject: What's everyone reading/listening/playing/watching
Date Posted: 15 July 2015 at 7:59pm
What media y'all consumin these days?

I made a new profile this year after using the same one since 2008, fresh n clean:" rel="nofollow -
Been going to gabber, breakcore and jungle shows lately.

Haven't been reading a lot the past few months, mostly because I haven't gotten a comfy chair and lamp for my new apartment (lame excuse), but I'm in the middle of/recently finished: 
The Dispossessed by Ursula K. Leguin
Blackwater by Jeremy Scahill
Some Chekhov shorts

Five episodes in I've given up on the second season of True Detective, feels like a parody of season one, but not self aware enough to be funny. :-/
Massively disappointed to hear NBC canceled Hannibal, which is probably the most visually creative show on tv.
Really enjoyed the first two seasons of Silicon Valley, especially now that I'm in an organization that mirrors a lot of silicon valley tropes (scrum, tons of buzzwords, etc).

Vidya Games:
Still playing through GTA V, which I bought day of release for PC. Writing is still pretty stilted and off-kilter, I don't think Rockstar is anywhere near as funny as they think they are. I spend most of my time exploring the mountains on a dirtbike in first-person.
Still spending a fair bit of time in driving sims with my G27 pedals/wheel/shifter setup. Mostly Assetto Corsa (here's a video of me poking around the laser scanned Nurburgring in a very fast car):" rel="nofollow -  (embed didn't work for some reason) 

Well? How are you wasting your time?

Posted By: Eville
Date Posted: 16 July 2015 at 2:08am
Woooo one of these!
I mostly listen to music when I'm at the gym, so it's mostly some flavor of metal.  Lots of Lamb of God.

I still don't know how to read, but I'm about 20% through the first 4 GoT books.

I try to catch the weekly Last Week Tonight.  GoT when it's on.  Finished Parks and Rec, and COmmunity.  Now I'm working my way through the 2nd season of True Detectve and Season 3 of Eastbound and Down.  I've only seen one episode of True Detective so far.

Vidya Games: Internet here sucks too much for online gaming.  I'm playing through Metro 2033 and FF Class Zero now.  Fallout 4 is pre ordered.  I plan to get to Witcher after Metro 2033 and Last light.  FF is pretty meh.  


Posted By: Reb Cpl
Date Posted: 16 July 2015 at 9:08am
I think this thread will reveal a pretty sad existence for me.

I'm in a 'louder the better' mode right now. Who or what isn't really important, as long as its loud enough that I can't hear myself think.

Currently not reading anything. But I'm looking.

I'm on Netflix a lot, and just started watching the 'old' Spartacus, Blood and Sand series. For its gratuitous violence and almost laughably frequent boobage,  I find it to be pretty well written and am enjoying it.
Network shows, I gave the pilot of the Jim Gaffigan Show a try last night, and while I enjoy him as a comedian, I think the show will fall flat, and in spite of the controversy surrounding Clarkson, I've remained a devoted Top Gear UK fan, and got to watch their final episode the other night. Classiest ending to a show ever. "Thanks for watching. Goodbye."
Other than that, my television is usually packed with kids' shows.

Vidya Games: Nil. Unless you count dropping into armor games every now and then when I've got a couple of minutes of boredom at work. Although I dusted off my Mario Kart Wii game and am using it as a parenting tool. My six year old is super competitive, and  his report card this year said he needs to work on sportsmanship and teamwork a little. So, I'm kicking his ass on a regular basis in an effort to teach him to "Win without being a jerk, lose without being a baby." If he takes a loss well, I'll let him win a few until he starts to get cocky again, then he finds himself rammed into the lava pits.

....I don't know if its working, but its fun.


Posted By: usafpilot07
Date Posted: 16 July 2015 at 9:58am
Music: Most mid-aughts/earlier rap and newer rock/country.

Books: I'm re-reading the Song of Fire and Ice series right now. Crazy to see all the foreshadowing and everything when you go back through and re-read them, plus now that I've read it once, I notice smaller details that really add to the experience. 

TV: I really don't watch much TV, though I have it on in the background pretty often. I mostly leave it on reruns of sitcoms I like.

I started watching Spartacus, like Reb, but lost interest in Season 2. I thought the new actor was awful.

Other than that, I mostly wait around for new episodes of Archer.

Video Games: 13 year old USAF would be incredibly disappointed in me. I haven't really played any video games since I started the process of moving out of my apartment/into my house at the beginning of May. I can't access my PSN account, and honestly just don't have a big enough desire to play to go through the hassle of going through tech support. 

I did play through one of the HALO games I hadn't played before when my SO brought her 360 out of storage, which I enjoyed. 

I think I'm boring now....

Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo

Posted By: Reb Cpl
Date Posted: 16 July 2015 at 10:08am
Originally posted by usafpilot07 usafpilot07 wrote:

I started watching Spartacus, like Reb, but lost interest in Season 2. I thought the new actor was awful.

I'm just about to the finale of the first season. Content-wise, was the second season as good as the first? Or did it go downhill along with the quality of the actor?
If the whole thing started to sag, I'm going to be bummed because I've really gotten into it so far, but if its just the actor, I can limp through it for the enjoyment of the show itself.


Posted By: procarbinefreak
Date Posted: 16 July 2015 at 10:51am
Music/reading: not much to be honest.  I work a mile and a half away from home, so I may get a song and a half in on the way in.  I was never a big reader to begin with.  I am however listening to a lot of podcasts when I get the chance.  Penn's Sunday school, My brother my brother and me, Sawbones, adam savage's podcast, and a few others sprinkled in there.  

TV: lots of junk.  I loved hannibal, but seemed to lose interest during the current season.  I watched 2 episodes and the rest are sitting on my DVR.  Penn and Teller Fool Us just started and I'm a sucker for magic.  I binge watched all 5 seasons of GoT in the past month and a half and I'm hooked.  I was also lucky enough to avoid knowing too many spoilers going into it.  I work 2nd shift, so if I don't DVR it I'm not going to randomly watch something and get sucked into it.  

Video games: candy crush. 

I'm a pretty boring person these days.  

Posted By: agentwhale007
Date Posted: 16 July 2015 at 10:59am

Still really into the folk-punk thing. Been listening to a lot of Andrew Jackson Jihad, which is always great to have playing when students come in for office hours.  

Also started getting into proto-country, which has been kinda cool. It started with a mild obsession with Jon Snodgrass after seeing him on the Revival Tour, but now I'm into Drag the River pretty hard. It's good stuff for sitting on a porch and contemplating your life. 

Other than that, just keeping up with feeding my love of pop music. I really dig everything about Taylor Swift's latest album. 

Oh, and for some reason, I've been listening to a lot of Run the Jewels while I drive. Dunno what that is about. 


Oh man. I've got the summer off, just planning out classes and writing research and drinking on porches, so I've been watching a lot of TV series. Here's my thoughts on some of them: 

Treme: It's museum quality. I want to hang it in some kind of "This is what good TV can be" museum so everyone can see what they should be aspiring to in storytelling. I love that it tells the story of regrowth without pulling punches or pandering to a sappy mentality. I love that it tells the story of people of color. I love that it tells the story of people in poverty. 

Boardwalk Empire: Sigh. I wanted to like it. I really did. It's an interesting time period, I really dig Steve Buscemi as an actor. No reason that this should have just come across as "meh" to me. I honestly think it has to do with the incredibly slow development on some characters, and overall the lack of a coherent attention to a single character. Part of the reason that Sopranos was so good was that, despite everything else going on, it always kept Tony and his progression and struggles in mind. Boardwalk would have grabbed my attention a ton more if they'd have stuck with Buscemi's character just a little bit more. Instead the whole thing just feels scrambled. 

Bloodline: Yo. This show is legit. It's probably the best single season of a thing that Netflix has put together. It's a slow burn that teases you with multiple timelines (Think a less-confusing Memento), and combines a lot of wonderful genres: a murky murder/detective story, a family drama, and most importantly, a noir. Put those together in the sketchy-ass Middle Keys as a setting, and man, it's a fun ride with a fun ending. They very delicately sprinkle in the ways you find things out about the characters, in a way where you almost don't realize you're realizing it. I'm almost kind of upset they are making a second season. Just let this one exist. 

House of Cards: I watched the third season. The third season is embarrassingly bad. I have no idea if I'll bother watching the fourth, to be honest. 

True Detective: Ohhhh. I like this season. I like it a lot. I think True Detective may be one of my favorite things on the television, and it's one of the only shows I crave week to week, I honestly think it's because I grew up reading noir-like detective books, but man, the setting is great, the characters are deep in a gross, rotten way, where you don't know if you actually want to find out more about them. One of the big criticisms I've read about Season 2 compared to Season 1 is that it lacks the close edge of supernatural, that it's not as spooky. Which is true, this one is more of a straight-up noir, but Christ it's good. 


I've been staying with my girlfriend this summer, and she lives across from a thirft store that has an enormous used book section. So I've read a bunch of cheesy paperbacks, Michael Crichton, James A. Michener, etc. 

Right now, though, I'm reading Watergate: A Novel, by Thomas Mallon. It's pretty good so far. 

Video Games!

I've gotten big into iPad games, so I try to keep on top of what is fresh there. It's my little ritual that once a week, usually on Sundays, I look in the iPad store and see what is new and highly reviewed. I also listen to Giant Bomb's podcasts, so I keep track of the iPad games they talk about. It's a really fun platform to deliver a game, for sure. 

I usually fall back on playing CrossyRoad. 

Posted By: usafpilot07
Date Posted: 16 July 2015 at 11:06am
Anyone watched FX's "Tyrant?" The commercials have looked interesting/well put together, but I haven't even checked it out.

Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo

Posted By: usafpilot07
Date Posted: 17 July 2015 at 10:43am
Originally posted by Reb Cpl Reb Cpl wrote:

Originally posted by usafpilot07 usafpilot07 wrote:

I started watching Spartacus, like Reb, but lost interest in Season 2. I thought the new actor was awful.

I'm just about to the finale of the first season. Content-wise, was the second season as good as the first? Or did it go downhill along with the quality of the actor?
If the whole thing started to sag, I'm going to be bummed because I've really gotten into it so far, but if its just the actor, I can limp through it for the enjoyment of the show itself.
I think I only watched a couple episodes from season two. II couldn'tget past the actor change. I do think the quality or acting dropped as well. II couldn'tcomment on the story though   

Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo

Posted By: impulse418
Date Posted: 18 July 2015 at 3:14am
With my new job I mostly listen to whatever is on the radio and speaker tapes I download.

Books: Took a break from the SHTF/dystopia genre. Read Looming Tower: Rise of Al-Qaeda and also Ghost Wars (A wee bit dry, but absolutely fascinating). The wifey bought me a book called Blackout, which is about a female alkie who I assume gets sober, haven't got that far into it.

Shows: Broke down and watched Sons of Anarchy, made it halfway through the last season and got bored.
Orange is the New Black, Shameless, Homeland, Bloodline, and saw the Minions movie last weekend (which was amazing btw)

Video Games: I bought GTA V for my laptop thinking it could run it..... No such luck. Sold my PS3 and 360 years ago. Have no desire to plop down money for a new console.

Posted By: DeTrevni
Date Posted: 18 July 2015 at 5:38am
Music: I've been on a huge Devin Townsend kick. The man is my god. I've also been doing banjo lessons for a couple of years now, and I'm putting a little more effort into expanding my bluegrass tastes. Really, the banjo is simply a joy to play.

Books: I just finished the latest "Song of Ice and Fire" novel, and am waiting excitedly for the next ones. I've picked up the Dune novels again, and am reading "God Emperor of Dune." I recently read "Hatchet" as well. Apparently that's a common one for grade-schoolers to read, but I never read it, so I made up for lost time. It's definitely targeted towards young teens, but I still thoroughly enjoyed the read. I've been trying to power through "1,001 Arabian Nights," but that's a bit of a tough read for me. Also, can't go wrong with Lovecraft, if you can get past the racist undertones...

Shows: I don't really watch a lot of TV. I've been wanting to watch the Game of Thrones series, as well as Breaking Bad.

Games: Oh lord, where to begin... I'll start off with Bloodborne. Great game. I've been playing a metric boatload of indie games as well, thanks to Steam sales and PS+ handouts. Rocket League is a fantastically fun game. You drive a car, playing explosive soccer with it. Go. Splatoon is more fun than I know what to do with. Skullgirls is probably my favorite fighting game. I've been really eying Elite: Dangerous lately as well. Just downloaded Her Story, but haven't started it yet. Gaming is kinda a big thing for me, and I really don't have the gumption to type it all out here. :p

Evil Elvis: "Detrevni is definally like a hillbilly hippy from hell"

Posted By: SSOK
Date Posted: 18 July 2015 at 12:12pm
Music: nothing particular. Lots of my teenage Blink 182 esque music on pandora while reloading.

TV: nothing now. Gearing up for Walking Dead, Better Call Saul, Homeland, HOC, and The Americans. I agree with Whale that the past season of HOC was sub par.

Video games: Unturned, H1Z1, and Payday 2 ebb and flow for me.


Posted By: agentwhale007
Date Posted: 18 July 2015 at 4:28pm
Originally posted by impulse418 impulse418 wrote:

Shows: Broke down and watched Sons of Anarchy, made it halfway through the last season and got bored.

Oh it's so boring. 

Posted By: Eville
Date Posted: 19 July 2015 at 1:20am
Originally posted by impulse418 impulse418 wrote:

The wifey



Posted By: Eville
Date Posted: 19 July 2015 at 1:21am
Also, I forgot to add that I'm an avid Clasher (of clans) now.


Date Posted: 19 July 2015 at 1:44pm
Originally posted by DeTrevni DeTrevni wrote:

 Also, can't go wrong with Lovecraft, if you can get past the racist undertones...
Oh they're frequently overtones. (Look up his cat...)

Posted By: Reb Cpl
Date Posted: 19 July 2015 at 3:07pm
Originally posted by Eville Eville wrote:

Also, I forgot to add that I'm an avid Clasher (of clans) now.

If you want to talk mobile games too, I'm neck deep in Boom Beach.


Posted By: procarbinefreak
Date Posted: 19 July 2015 at 5:56pm
Hah, I started playing boom beach but it sucked my battery down so darn fast I finally gave up on it.  Wasn't worth it.

Posted By: agentwhale007
Date Posted: 19 July 2015 at 6:12pm
I got really into Fallout Shelter for a day. Then logged back in the next morning and half my people were dead, the other half were super pissed, and I had no water and almost no power. 

That was the last time I played. 

Posted By: DeTrevni
Date Posted: 19 July 2015 at 6:18pm
Originally posted by BARREL BREAK BARREL BREAK wrote:

Originally posted by DeTrevni DeTrevni wrote:

 Also, can't go wrong with Lovecraft, if you can get past the racist undertones...
Oh they're frequently overtones. (Look up his cat...)

Oh man, I know what you're talking about...

The man was blatantly and openly racist, and a lot of that translated into his stories. It's unforgivable, but I do have to say that the stories he wrote and the universe he spun fascinate me.

Evil Elvis: "Detrevni is definally like a hillbilly hippy from hell"

Date Posted: 19 July 2015 at 6:38pm
Yeah I really enjoy his writing, though most adaptations miss the point (the horror is the unknowable, not a squiggly monster).

Posted By: DeTrevni
Date Posted: 20 July 2015 at 12:25am
Cthulhu stopped being cool when he got "cool..."

Also, I'd like to point out that Cthulhu is kind of a chump. I know he's supposed to embody madness and chaos and the futility of human toil and all that, but some dude hit him with a boat and he got so angry he missed his his one chance to reclaim the Earth. I suppose time is meaningless to Cthulhu, and he'll be more than ready next time the opportunity rolls around, but that all still seems kinda lame to me. Yog Sothoth is where it's at. If you're gonna be all quirky and worship a fake god, seems the guardian of all the secrets of the universe(s) would be the way to go...

Edit: "Guardian" may have been the wrong word here. Perhaps "keeper" would have been better. Without having looked into it, it seems to me that Yog Sothoth was perfectly willing to dole out the limitless knowledge of the universe to anyone who sought him out. Seems to me his purpose was to embody the idea that too much knowledge could destroy those who sought it. Either way, those stories interested me more than the Cthulhu stories.

Evil Elvis: "Detrevni is definally like a hillbilly hippy from hell"

Posted By: Ceesman762
Date Posted: 20 July 2015 at 10:01pm
Originally posted by BARREL BREAK BARREL BREAK wrote:

[QUOTE=DeTrevni] Also, can't go wrong with Lovecraft, if you can get past the racist undertones...

Oh they're frequently overtones. (Look up his cat...)
"The Rats in the Walls". Not one of his best.
Just did another reading of "The Statement of Randolph Carter".

Innocence proves nothing

Posted By: tallen702
Date Posted: 20 July 2015 at 10:36pm

Lots of Retro Wave recently. Especially" rel="nofollow - Trevor Something and" rel="nofollow - GUNSHIP

Otherwise, I mainly listen to WTOP (local traffic and news) and NPR when in the car.


I read a crap-ton of Tom Holt recently (Brit humor/fantasy author) and am currently in the middle of" rel="nofollow - "The Windup Girl" by Paulo Baccigalupi. The former is easy to pick up and put-down. The latter is really, really fantastic. Blade-Runner-esqe in it's tone and scope, and even a little bit in the subject matter. Overall, it's probably one of the best dystopian books I've read in quite a while.


AGOT is the big one, but that's over for now. Otherwise, I was a big fan of the mini-series "The Last Alaskans" and am enjoying" rel="nofollow - Jim Shockey's "Uncharted" even though the season isn't quite as awe inspiring as last season was at this point. It's still well done though.

Vidya Games:

Been playing a lot of Civ IV simply because I can walk away from it with ease. Changing positions within the company has made this summer very busy, especially with having to take care of a 15mo old on top of everything else. I (finally) picked up Fallout 3, but probably won't get into it until almost Christmas.

<Removed overly wide sig. Tsk, you know better.>

Posted By: Eville
Date Posted: 21 July 2015 at 12:05am
Anyone else watch Gold Rush Alaska?


Posted By: jordanpischke
Date Posted: 21 July 2015 at 12:28am
Music: Lately I have been all over the place haha. Metal wise these guys are an amazing Canadian band I had the joy of seeing live the other day" rel="nofollow - Crimson Shadows
I also have been loving Intervals:" rel="nofollow - yeah and polyphia:" rel="nofollow - guitar solos for dayz Both are instrumental bands and if you're into that sort of stuff definitely check them out.
Rap wise I have been liking yelawolf's new album and have recently got into snowgoons quite a bit.

Books: I am currently re-reading the grail quest series by Bernard Cornwell. Really good series about English archers and wartimes in the medieval period.

TV: Started watching Dexter, Hannibal and am still trudging my way through Dr. Who although after so many seasons I am starting to lose interest.

Games: Mainly Skyrim on my PC because it is so much fun with all the mods and such. On the xbox 1 I have been playing COD AW a bit when I get bored but I can't play it for very long. Pumped for the new battlefront to come out though!


Posted By: agentwhale007
Date Posted: 21 July 2015 at 10:01am
Originally posted by jordanpischke jordanpischke wrote:

Rap wise I have been liking yelawolf's new album 

Is it good? 

I really liked Trunk Muzik 0-60 but have not tried out anything else he's done. 

Posted By: tallen702
Date Posted: 21 July 2015 at 10:15am
Originally posted by Eville Eville wrote:

Anyone else watch Gold Rush Alaska?


<Removed overly wide sig. Tsk, you know better.>

Posted By: Ceesman762
Date Posted: 21 July 2015 at 11:55am
Music.  Meg Meyers and some 80's thrash.
Books.   "Tigers in the Mud" by Otto Carius,  The Complete Calvin and Hobbes, 3 volumes, over 40 pounds of hard back adventures of my two favorite comic strip characters. I have been reading that with my youngest son. 
TV.  Hulu has taken over on the nights I don't watch "Naked and Afraid" and my DVD collection of "The Walking Dead".

Innocence proves nothing

Posted By: DaveEllis
Date Posted: 21 July 2015 at 12:48pm
I've been listening to a lot of Podcasts lately: Sklarboro Country, Joey Diaz, Joe Rogan, Ari Schaffir, Adam Carolla, etc.  Fills the void nicely when driving around aimlessly at night at work.

I started reading book one of the Game of Thrones series, its a good book so far, looooooooooooong though.

I've started watching Ballers and The Brink on HBO.  I'm enjoying both although I'm not head over heals for them.  I also have gotten into Dexter, I enjoyed it a lot more after getting past the first few episodes.

Posted By: jordanpischke
Date Posted: 21 July 2015 at 1:16pm
Originally posted by agentwhale007 agentwhale007 wrote:

Originally posted by jordanpischke jordanpischke wrote:

Rap wise I have been liking yelawolf's new album 

Is it good? 

I really liked Trunk Muzik 0-60 but have not tried out anything else he's done. 

It's very unique and for some songs has more singing then rapping but I think it's very good.


Posted By: agentwhale007
Date Posted: 21 July 2015 at 3:27pm
Originally posted by DaveEllis DaveEllis wrote:

I've been listening to a lot of Podcasts lately: Sklarboro Country, Joey Diaz, Joe Rogan, Ari Schaffir, Adam Carolla, etc. 

Oh on the topic of podcasts, I've got a rotation of The Giant Bombcast, GBEastcast, How Did This Get Made?, The Attitude Era Podcast, Cinema Swirl, and A Mediocre Time. 

Posted By: procarbinefreak
Date Posted: 21 July 2015 at 4:13pm
What do you guys use for listening to podcasts?  Right now, I use an app called pocket casts on my GS5 which I like, but I haven't really explored many options.  

Posted By: oldsoldier
Date Posted: 21 July 2015 at 4:17pm
I do my nightly You-Tube visits to 70's and 80's rock, coming from the actual LP era looking for a good USB turntable to play my classics collection, and replace those damaged with the 'new' LP vinyl re-releases. I am waiting for the next 'new' Bloom County book, glad to see the strip re-born, TV is The Last Ship, and Falling Skies, the later really drifted from the original 1 year concept though.

I am back into miniature war gaming 'Bolt Action' currently front runner, with Flames of War falling in favor fast.


Posted By: agentwhale007
Date Posted: 21 July 2015 at 4:48pm
Originally posted by procarbinefreak procarbinefreak wrote:

What do you guys use for listening to podcasts?  Right now, I use an app called pocket casts on my GS5 which I like, but I haven't really explored many options.  

I use either the Podbay app or the Soundcloud app. 

Posted By: tallen702
Date Posted: 21 July 2015 at 6:50pm
I'm still stuck in the past with downloading stuff to an iPod and playing it in the car. Mainly WWDTM and TED Talk Hour and Radiolab on this end.

Also, THIS came today all the way from England. It is VERY good:

<Removed overly wide sig. Tsk, you know better.>

Posted By: usafpilot07
Date Posted: 21 July 2015 at 6:55pm
I've got clash of clans, but I can't really get into it. Seems like it's impossible to actual make progress or do anything worthwhile without paying for stuff. 

Granted, I understand that, but I just can't justify it for myself.

Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo

Posted By: DaveEllis
Date Posted: 23 July 2015 at 8:17am
Originally posted by procarbinefreak procarbinefreak wrote:

What do you guys use for listening to podcasts?  Right now, I use an app called pocket casts on my GS5 which I like, but I haven't really explored many options.  

I use Stitcher, has some good options like saving them for offline, save shows as favorites in different playlists.  You can even set a sleep mode with it too for various intervals.  Has most of the podcasts I listen to in one spot or you can search by categories and such.

You just have to keep working at the clash man, you can progress without spending money.  Obviously their wgoal is to get you to buy stuff but you can make it happen without spending money.

Posted By: Eville
Date Posted: 23 July 2015 at 2:45pm
Yep.  Just need to save up some gems and get all the builders.  I've spent maybe $40 on it, but for the amount of entertainment I get, I'd say it's worth it.  


Posted By: Shub
Date Posted: 30 July 2015 at 3:23pm
I read three great books lately. The Martian and Masters of Doom.

The Martian is something that everyone is talking about with the movie upcoming, but the book was really good. Definitely seems like a story where you'll want to read it before seeing the movie.

Masters of Doom is a great story if you are into PCs in the mid 90s and gaming. It is the story of id Software as they developed Commander Keen, Wolfenstein 3D and Doom.

11/22/63 is Stephen King's take on a time traveling story set against the JFK assassination.

I haven't watched much TV lately, the last thing that really grabbed me was Bloodline. Whale's breakdown is pretty spot on.

I'm listening to summery music. The Thrills, Beulah, Greater California.

Posted By: Eville
Date Posted: 08 August 2015 at 1:29am
I downloaded the newest/lastest Dre album yesterday.  Pretty damn good.  


Posted By: tallen702
Date Posted: 12 August 2015 at 10:18pm
Watching update:

Season 2 of Rick and Morty.

Pure mother-effing gold.....

<Removed overly wide sig. Tsk, you know better.>

Posted By: usafpilot07
Date Posted: 13 August 2015 at 6:14am
Forum use update:

I am constantly afraid to reply to threads now, after my last reply stayed at the top for like 3 days.

I don't want to be the one who kills mother.

Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo

Posted By: DaveEllis
Date Posted: 13 August 2015 at 7:09am
I'll call you Tyrion Lannister.

Posted By: tallen702
Date Posted: 15 August 2015 at 7:36pm
For me, it's been a lot of work these past few weeks. Between opening new units in rural VA to getting my own kitchen up and running (and staffed for that matter) it's been hell. Add in a 16mo old with separation anxiety at bedtime and a hair-trigger puke-reflex when he gets really upset, and well, not much time for the interwebz either.

<Removed overly wide sig. Tsk, you know better.>

Posted By: Reb Cpl
Date Posted: 16 August 2015 at 8:59am
I'm hunting for a new job. The town I work in has some serious issues, and I resigned a few weeks ago. Our command staff was limited to just a part-time chief (No shift supervisors, sergeants, etc...) who is in on days, I never saw him at night. As the new guy, I made my expected procedural errors, but every one of them was treated with chastisement rather than any sort of education on them. In the five months I worked full time, I worked more unsupervised shifts than our day shift worker has in two and a half years. They're literally not allowed to make any mistakes because command is always looking over their shoulder.
This is the same small town I grew up in, and it wasn't worth the issues I was facing while working there. I honestly felt like my being rehired was less a second chance as it was an giving me opportunity an to screw something up and have them get rid of me completely.
I even had officers from neighboring agencies tell me "You got a raw deal over there." Hell, our former chief himself didn't like how things were shaking out there and offered me a job with his security company almost immediately. 

For now I'm back to IT and some contracting work on the side. I start EMT school next month after years of saying "Oh Hell No" to that. The reason I'm going is that it appears to be a hell of a leg up when looking for law enforcement jobs.

As a result, my reading has been limited to background check paperwork, my watching has been limited to whatever is on when I finally lay down to pass out on the couch, and I listen to whatever the hell is on the radio as I go between jobs.


Posted By: JohnnyCanuck
Date Posted: 17 August 2015 at 12:56am
we cut our cable off a few months ago and went with an android box, cable never again. I can only listen to cassettes in my jdm forester so need to update the headunit as my 80's cassettes sound pretty flat.

Imagine there’s a picture of your favourite thing here.

Posted By: TheSpookyKids87
Date Posted: 17 August 2015 at 11:56am
Re-watching the X-Files, until the new ones come out.
Finishing The Office
Project Runway

Bizzaro Books (Carlton Mellick III )


Nothing really new, mostly stuff from the 90's and early 00's.

Posted By: StormyKnight
Date Posted: 19 August 2015 at 8:22pm
Still working.  Came off a 2 week staycation.  Did little things around the house.  Fixed the newly acquired gokart for the kids by replacing the carb.  Got all the bicycles in working order by filling tires, oiling chains, etc.  Helped tear off one of the most ridiculously built additions to my wife's office by the prior owner.  He built a "bar" on his deck and enclosed it.  Man was that bad.  Filled a 30 yard dumpster with it and the homebuilt shed using the same skills.  Also had a miserable time updating the wife's computer to Win10.  Took 3 days until I figured out I had to refresh Win7 to replace missing files.  The other two computers updated without a hitch.

Accompanied my wife to the county courthouse because my 11 year old stepson's father put paperwork in to get full custody.  He worked on my stepson the better part of Spring and Summer and filled his head with grand times to be had by living with Dad and his new toys (quads, kayaks, Jeep, etc.) and how Dad would coach him in his sports at his new school.  He assumed that my stepson would be able to tell the judge where he wanted to live.  Much further than the truth.  This was just an informal hearing to find cause for a change in custody.  Nobody allowed but Mom and Dad.  The boy was seriously pissed that he wasn't going.  Even told my wife of "eff off" when she told him he wasn't going.  Dad ran a real number on him.  The hearing did not give him full custody but my wife agreed to shared custody, so his weekends have been expanded.  Instead of Friday-Sunday, he now can have him every other weekend starting on Thursdays after school starts.  The boy has been with his dad since the hearing so I have no idea what to expect when we get him back this weekend.

Man that feels good to unload this.  Apologies to all that have become my unwitting emotional Maxipad.

Other than that, been keeping up with my shows:  The Strain, The Last Ship and Humans.  Looking forward to Fear the Walking Dead as well as Heroes Reborn.  Might even gander at the new Supergirl series...


Posted By: bravecoward
Date Posted: 21 August 2015 at 6:12pm
I just watched the entire first season of The Knick on HBO now. Good Stuff, its only on HBO now until Oct. because its a Cinemax original though.


Posted By: agentwhale007
Date Posted: 25 August 2015 at 6:49pm
Finally got around to the end of True Detective Season 2's last few shows. 

The writing and direction of that show were insultingly bad. 

The actors did their best with the scripts they were given, and were maybe the only non-disgusting part of the whole ordeal. But that story was dumb. And that script was atrocious. And the direction was boring. 


Date Posted: 26 August 2015 at 9:35pm
Nic Pizzolatto - Any Editorial Restraint = TD S2, aka the george lucas effect (only good when people can tell them no a lot)

Started reading Italo Calvino's Cosmicomics. It is amazing, and I wish I could read it in Italian...

Posted By: agentwhale007
Date Posted: 29 August 2015 at 3:50pm
Originally posted by BARREL BREAK BARREL BREAK wrote:

Nic Pizzolatto - Any Editorial Restraint = TD S2, aka the george lucas effect (only good when people can tell them no a lot)

I think the best thing I heard as an example of this is about reaction to dialogue. 

In the first season, Marty reacts, especially early on, exactly how you'd react if someone like Rust started talking about philosophical pessimism and "man walking into the final sunset" and about tasting the psychosphere of aluminum and ash. Marty straight-up rolls his eyes, reacts in a really put-off way, and eventually tells him to stop talking all that nonsense in the car because it sounds bonkers. When someone starts talking about Usenet-circa-1997 babble around you, that's a totally natural reaction. 

In the second season, Frank says "it's like having blue balls in your heart" and everyone just reacts like that would be a totally normal thing another human being would say. 

Posted By: sinisterNorth
Date Posted: 31 August 2015 at 1:29pm
Wow, let's see if I've still got this forum thing down...

Listening: No artist in particular, just whatever catches my ear at the time. Or whatever station my Sirius is on while on the way to the gym or work. 

Reading: Alcatraz #1259 - While touring The Rock this summer, I had the opportunity to meet the author, William Baker and get a copy signed. I recently read David & Goliath by Malcolm Gladwell and I would suggest it to anyone. I finished Kitchen Confidential by Anthony Bourdain a while back and got a ton of laughs from it.

Watching: Fear the Walking Dead, I'm really enjoying this story line so far. I enjoy mindless shows like American Pickers and stuff on the Food Network too. And sports.

Playing: Destiny, awaiting The Taken King to drop. I'm playing on 360. I'm currently looking to buy a Nintendo DS and pick up some of the Pokemon games just for fun.

Otherwise, I'm working a lot. Psychiatry is booming right now! It's nice to see some old faces around still.

Pumpker'd; (V.) When a pump player runs up and shoots you at point blank range because you thought 20bps made you good.

Date Posted: 01 September 2015 at 6:46pm
Originally posted by agentwhale007 agentwhale007 wrote:

Originally posted by BARREL BREAK BARREL BREAK wrote:

Nic Pizzolatto - Any Editorial Restraint = TD S2, aka the george lucas effect (only good when people can tell them no a lot)

I think the best thing I heard as an example of this is about reaction to dialogue. 

In the first season, Marty reacts, especially early on, exactly how you'd react if someone like Rust started talking about philosophical pessimism and "man walking into the final sunset" and about tasting the psychosphere of aluminum and ash. Marty straight-up rolls his eyes, reacts in a really put-off way, and eventually tells him to stop talking all that nonsense in the car because it sounds bonkers. When someone starts talking about Usenet-circa-1997 babble around you, that's a totally natural reaction. 

In the second season, Frank says "it's like having blue balls in your heart" and everyone just reacts like that would be a totally normal thing another human being would say. 

I liked season 1, but only because I took it as a comedy.

Posted By: impulse418
Date Posted: 06 September 2015 at 1:19am
As I type this, I'm starting to watch Narcos. A netflix original. 

Posted By: DaveEllis
Date Posted: 06 September 2015 at 5:25am
Originally posted by impulse418 impulse418 wrote:

As I type this, I'm starting to watch Narcos. A netflix original. 

Watched the first couple episodes so far, pretty good show.

Posted By: impulse418
Date Posted: 06 September 2015 at 1:09pm
Watched 3 episodes last night, was pretty impressed.

Posted By: rednekk98
Date Posted: 06 September 2015 at 2:40pm
I'm reading Dune for the first time. 

Posted By: Bunkered
Date Posted: 13 September 2015 at 7:56am
All watching/playing/reading has been put on hold until I make the move from MI to NC.
I keep popping into the forum because virtually all my stuff is in a POD outside my house and I am limited to my phone and laptop right now for tech.
Too bad no one posts here (my post in the "new truck" thread stayed at top of forum for at least 2 days).

I can't wait to get back to ESO and Fear the Walking Dead once the move is done.


Posted By: tallen702
Date Posted: 15 September 2015 at 9:38pm
Got into a non-fic kick recently. Finished up" rel="nofollow - Mukiwa: A White Boy in Africa just the other day and decided to grab Godwin's follow-up" rel="nofollow - When a Crocodile Eats the Sun which is about his time in Africa after he was allowed back in Zimbabwe. I read "The Fear" by him about the most recent turn of events in Mugabe's own little hermit kingdom a few years back, and it's been a good look at life in Rhodesia and Zimbabwe from the UDI all the way to just before the power-sharing government (which is now defunct).

<Removed overly wide sig. Tsk, you know better.>

Posted By: choopie911
Date Posted: 30 September 2015 at 4:15am
Well today I'd say the new Disclosure album since it's on Spotify and such now. Also Big Grams, which is a collaboration of Big Boi and Phantogram, and I'll be seeing them next month.

I'm a disgrace and keep buying books but not reading them. Right now I'm still working through 'This Is Service Design Thinking'

Rick and Morty. Watch it now.

I'm back on that Destiny grind now that TTK is out. Also playing MGS:V which I absolutely love. Playing it now feels like the nostalgia I have for original Splinter Cell games. I know they weren't actually that good, but my nostalgia glasses make me remember it soooo much better. Playing MGS feels that good now, as I play it. Like what a game like that should be.

Posted By: Eville
Date Posted: 30 September 2015 at 4:49am
The League and The LAst Man on Earth are back!


Posted By: Apu
Date Posted: 01 October 2015 at 12:24am
Listening: Been traveling back in time and listening to a lot of the music I listened to back in the heyday of mother/PBC but especially a lot of metal, mostly proggy stuff a mixture of my two old favorites Opeth and Dream Theater and some newer stuff like Animals as Leaders. Not a lot of Phish, every year or two I need to take a break from them for a bit but I have been listening to random shows from the summer tour since I only got to make it to one of the shows at Merriweather this year. Been getting WAY back into Iron Maiden especially lately and Flogging Molly, the good ole stuff.

Reading: I've been reading Dune for about 6 months or so on or off, but by far my favorite author right now is Brandon Sanderson. For those that aren't major fantasy dorks like me he's the author that wrote the last 3 Wheel of Time books (my all time favorite series which I've just started reading again for I believe the 5th time, quite a lot of WoT since there's 14 books and a prequel in the series). But aside from his "standalone" stuff like his Reckoners series which is pretty cool for what it is. I'm mostly a fan of Sanderson's "cosmere" novels, which is a bunch of different series, novellas, etc that are all set in the same universe, where even though each planet has it's own unique magic systems, characters, etc they're all connected and all derive from the same original source in the universe. 
This includes his first novel Elantris, the Mistborn trilogy, the second Mistborn trilogy (second book comes out in a week woot!), The Stormlight Archive (two of ten planned are published), Warbreaker and Elantris is the only one of these I haven't finished even though I started it over a year ago as I just can't get into it the same as the rest. Any fantasy fans out there, especially the ones reading or that have read ASoIaF should check him out. The new life he brought to The Wheel of Time sold me on him entirely. After the final book was published in 2013 I sat my iPad down and said to myself "that's the greatest story I've ever read" and stand by that to this day. 
I would in fact recommend The Wheel of Time to any that haven't read it more than anything else though at 14 books it's definitely an investment, which is so worth it. I love explaining the premise to people, which as an awesomely detailed series that has my favorite magic system of all time. It takes like 20 minutes to really explain it to people. It's length makes it so unique as you follow all the original character's progressions from a group of ignorant villagers from the same town to them becoming most powerful and influential people in the world. Awesome, brilliant magic system, world building and a world that is far, far behind what it was 3,000 years ago when the world was essentially destroyed and rebuilt again. I can't recommend it enough.
Aside from Brandon Sanderson novels I'm waiting on (Stormlight Archive more than anything, AMAZING series) I'm waiting on Pat Rothfuss to publish the final Kingkiller Chronicle book and of course the rest of ASoIaF. I do want to finish Dune as well.

Watching: I want to start Narcos, heard good things. I'm waiting for The Walking Dead to come back, even though I've struggled to hold interest in it a few times the past few years. Aside from that Game of Thrones and Silicon Valley are some of the few shows I watch that are still on. I need some new shows. Another Deadwood, Battlestar Galactica, something like that. Any suggestions would be sweet.

I need a new Sig...

Posted By: JohnnyCanuck
Date Posted: 02 October 2015 at 10:00pm
Well, I haven't played paintball for some years, I'm at the stage where we are giving our kids/grandkids stuff as we prepare to move to our retirement community on Vancouver Island.  I had 4 boxes of paintball stuff which I unpacked to see what was there.  I'm giving it to my son, and keeping the A5 for sentimental reasons.  

Imagine there’s a picture of your favourite thing here.

Posted By: Eville
Date Posted: 03 October 2015 at 12:08am
How lopsided are those balls?


Posted By: Eville
Date Posted: 03 October 2015 at 2:39am
Well, I crossed over to the dark side and got a Mac, for a number of reasons.  I was tired of lugging my 17.5" 11lbs gaming laptop through airports, which I frequent.  Its battery life was horrendous.  But most of all, Microsoft has been trying to mimic the OS X interface for years now, and doing a very poor job of it.  So I broke down and got a 13" Macbook Pro with all the fixings.  I've only had it for a few hours now, and I have to say I'm entirely happy with it.  The only thing my old one had that this one doesn't is a dedicated GPU.  I don't see that being an issue though.  


Posted By: JohnnyCanuck
Date Posted: 03 October 2015 at 12:22pm
Originally posted by Eville Eville wrote:

How lopsided are those balls?
they are bad, and hard, I should sell them to Walmart, that's how most of theirs are when you buy them.

Originally posted by Eville Eville wrote:

Well, I crossed over to the dark side and got a Mac, for a number of reasons.  I was tired of lugging my 17.5" 11lbs gaming laptop through airports, which I frequent.  Its battery life was horrendous.  But most of all, Microsoft has been trying to mimic the OS X interface for years now, and doing a very poor job of it.  So I broke down and got a 13" Macbook Pro with all the fixings.  I've only had it for a few hours now, and I have to say I'm entirely happy with it.  The only thing my old one had that this one doesn't is a dedicated GPU.  I don't see that being an issue though.  

I've been using a Macbook pro for 4 years now, I have never had an issue with anything.  I broke the screen by accident on my previous macbook, found one on eBay and fixed it for under $80. Plus my wife has an iPad and iPhone so it just makes sense.

Imagine there’s a picture of your favourite thing here.

Posted By: impulse418
Date Posted: 01 January 2016 at 12:49pm
Started another show on Amazon Prime. The Man in the High Castle. Freaking awesome. You'd dig it for sure Tallen.

Posted By: tallen702
Date Posted: 01 January 2016 at 1:43pm
Originally posted by impulse418 impulse418 wrote:

Started another show on Amazon Prime. The Man in the High Castle. Freaking awesome. You'd dig it for sure Tallen.

Yep, saw the pilot back during Amazon's "Pilot Season" and have just been waiting to get through the backlog of our DVR to watch it.

<Removed overly wide sig. Tsk, you know better.>

Posted By: StormyKnight
Date Posted: 01 January 2016 at 2:10pm
While looking through daily vids on Bitlord, I saw something interesting that caught my attention.  The Frankenstein Chronicles.  Stars Sean Bean (Boromir in the LOT films) as a detective, set in the 1800s, tasked in finding where the bodies of children that are stitched together from body parts are coming from.  I was hooked from the first episode.  I recommend it to anyone that enjoys mild sci fi/fantasy/mystery.


Posted By: Kayback
Date Posted: 01 January 2016 at 4:17pm
Talking of Sean Bean I've just watched the Sharpe series and am on the 3rd last Sharp book by Bernard Cornwall.

Playing Xcom Enemy Within. Getting ass handed to me and can't understand why. Old game I know. Have a survivor in Dayz, some in Rust and one in ARC. Fallout 4 is gathering dust while I plan what to do next. Have new Rainbow game but PS4 bricked.

Music? Golden oldies and latest pop.

Pedicabo ego vos et irrumabo. H = 2

Posted By: usafpilot07
Date Posted: 05 January 2016 at 2:37pm
I picked up Dragon Age: Inquisition on Black Friday and it has taken over my life. Been an absolute great time filler while I'm out of work. Wish I had bought it when it came out instead of Destiny.

Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo

Posted By: lighteningbolt
Date Posted: 05 January 2016 at 3:04pm
Originally posted by usafpilot07 usafpilot07 wrote:

I picked up Dragon Age: Inquisition on Black Friday and it has taken over my life. Been an absolute great time filler while I'm out of work. Wish I had bought it when it came out instead of Destiny.

What do you fly in the AF?

It's a pregnancy pun

Posted By: impulse418
Date Posted: 05 January 2016 at 3:59pm
Making a Murderer on Netflix is amazing.

Posted By: FreeEnterprise
Date Posted: 05 January 2016 at 6:21pm
I want that ebolt 98! I can't believe you have one! 

I too binge watched the making a murderer... Holy cow, insane show, that county is so corrupt! 

They tremble at my name...

Posted By: Eville
Date Posted: 05 January 2016 at 6:54pm
Originally posted by lighteningbolt lighteningbolt wrote:

Originally posted by usafpilot07 usafpilot07 wrote:

I picked up Dragon Age: Inquisition on Black Friday and it has taken over my life. Been an absolute great time filler while I'm out of work. Wish I had bought it when it came out instead of Destiny.

What do you fly in the AF?



Posted By: StormyKnight
Date Posted: 05 January 2016 at 9:29pm
Originally posted by Eville Eville wrote:



Posted By: lighteningbolt
Date Posted: 05 January 2016 at 10:12pm

It's a pregnancy pun

Posted By: RoboCop
Date Posted: 05 January 2016 at 10:45pm
I would like to take that freak kit off your hands, Johnny.

Posted By: tallen702
Date Posted: 06 January 2016 at 7:49am
Originally posted by FreeEnterprise FreeEnterprise wrote:

I want that ebolt 98! I can't believe you have one!

He's actually got two. See the second e-bolt "in the bright" sitting outside of the second M98 towards the top right?

I've got one as well, but the old board was effed up and stuck on "reactive" mode. I did the DMLCD mod with it and it works, but I'm actually looking to swap that board out for a DM4 board now that they're easy enough (and cheap enough) to come by. Just need a new set of clamshells, a double trigger, and the board and a QEV for the back end to allow faster operation.

<Removed overly wide sig. Tsk, you know better.>

Posted By: usafpilot07
Date Posted: 06 January 2016 at 9:32am
I wish. My screen name is the result of a middle schooler dreaming. 13 years later and I'm no where close to that lol.

Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo

Posted By: Benjichang
Date Posted: 06 January 2016 at 1:30pm
Just picked up Gardens of the Moon by Steven Erikson. I need some epic series to read and someone recommended Malazan Books of the Fallen.

Music, been listening to a bunch of local bands, Doc Watson, etc. 


Posted By: usafpilot07
Date Posted: 07 January 2016 at 10:06am
Originally posted by Benjichang Benjichang wrote:

Just picked up Gardens of the Moon by Steven Erikson. I need some epic series to read and someone recommended Malazan Books of the Fallen.

Music, been listening to a bunch of local bands, Doc Watson, etc. 

If you like fantasy, I really enjoyed the Dragon Prince/Dragon Star series (serii?) by Melanie Rawn.

Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo

Posted By: FreeEnterprise
Date Posted: 08 January 2016 at 11:46am
Originally posted by tallen702 tallen702 wrote:

Originally posted by FreeEnterprise FreeEnterprise wrote:

I want that ebolt 98! I can't believe you have one!

He's actually got two. See the second e-bolt "in the bright" sitting outside of the second M98 towards the top right?

I've got one as well, but the old board was effed up and stuck on "reactive" mode. I did the DMLCD mod with it and it works, but I'm actually looking to swap that board out for a DM4 board now that they're easy enough (and cheap enough) to come by. Just need a new set of clamshells, a double trigger, and the board and a QEV for the back end to allow faster operation.

Dang... TWO!

I saw one on local craigslist for $40... Looked brand new, I called and it was gone already. 

It would be fun to mess with one! 

They tremble at my name...

Posted By: Reb Cpl
Date Posted: 13 January 2016 at 9:12pm
Wife bought me" rel="nofollow - "What If? " By Randall Munroe (xkcd) for Christmas.

Fantastic read, absolutely hilarious.


Posted By: RoboCop
Date Posted: 13 January 2016 at 10:18pm
I finished listening to The Martian audiobook. It was great. Interesting to see the differences between the movie and the book. The endings are different. The narrator did really well.

I found The Hobbit audiobook today. Will start that tonight. I'm glad the library has a lot of audiobooks.

I find reading to be too static? I have a hard time reading and not start thinking of other things, then realizing I don't know what I just read. Being able to drive, work on other things, doing puzzles, or cleaning and lubing the paintball gear while listening to a book really helps me keep attention to the book. I was curious how I would react to listening to the book because listening to the priest at church also makes me start thinking of other things.

Posted By: tallen702
Date Posted: 14 January 2016 at 7:21am
Finished reading" rel="nofollow - Thunder in the Mountains: The West Virginia Mine War and it's an excellent read if you're into the lesser-known history of the US. Basically, due to the actions of mine operators in the late 1800's and early 1900's, a shooting war was started in the hills of southern WV and culminated in an all-out pitched battle on Blair Mountain complete with machine-gun nests, artillery pieces, and aerial bombing campaigns against US citizens.

It's actually a pretty important part of history that a lot of people today forget. Less than 100 years ago, a bunch of blue-collar workers armed with pistols, rifles, and shotguns basically took over half of an entire state, commandeering trains, automobiles, and entire towns, and likely would have defeated the national guard, state police, and federal forces if they had been more coordinated with a single, solidifying leader.

<Removed overly wide sig. Tsk, you know better.>

Posted By: DeTrevni
Date Posted: 15 January 2016 at 7:21am
Just read Clockwork Orange. Hoo whee. That one was a wild ride. Movie did a great job from what I remember. Been a while since I've seen it, though.

Evil Elvis: "Detrevni is definally like a hillbilly hippy from hell"

Posted By: deadeye007
Date Posted: 16 January 2016 at 12:18am
Originally posted by tallen702 tallen702 wrote:

Finished reading" rel="nofollow - Thunder in the Mountains: The West Virginia Mine War and it's an excellent read if you're into the lesser-known history of the US. Basically, due to the actions of mine operators in the late 1800's and early 1900's, a shooting war was started in the hills of southern WV and culminated in an all-out pitched battle on Blair Mountain complete with machine-gun nests, artillery pieces, and aerial bombing campaigns against US citizens.

It's actually a pretty important part of history that a lot of people today forget. Less than 100 years ago, a bunch of blue-collar workers armed with pistols, rifles, and shotguns basically took over half of an entire state, commandeering trains, automobiles, and entire towns, and likely would have defeated the national guard, state police, and federal forces if they had been more coordinated with a single, solidifying leader.

I guess they were more organized than the group taking over a wildlife refuge?

Face it guys, common sense is a form of wealth and we're surrounded by poverty.-Strato

Posted By: Kayback
Date Posted: 16 January 2016 at 4:11am
Robocop if you enjoy audio books and like the HP universe the version read by Stephen Fry is really good. Dunno if your library has them but you can down load them.

Pedicabo ego vos et irrumabo. H = 2

Posted By: RoboCop
Date Posted: 16 January 2016 at 6:01pm
I plan to do the Harry Potter audiobooks at some point. I stopped reading them when I started the fifth book. Never went back to finish them.

Posted By: DeTrevni
Date Posted: 16 January 2016 at 7:58pm
I started up the Harry Potter series again. I'm in the same boat as you, Robo. I stopped at book 4 around the time it was new and never tried again. I tell you, I used to be a BIG HP fan when I was younger. Rereading the book is taking me back.

It's also a super weird thing to read directly after A Clockwork Orange...

Evil Elvis: "Detrevni is definally like a hillbilly hippy from hell"

Posted By: RoboCop
Date Posted: 16 January 2016 at 10:12pm
Book 4 was my favorite, then the movie disappointed me. I wish they would release a mini movie of the world cup. I was so excited for that, then it was cut out as soon as the game started.

Posted By: impulse418
Date Posted: 17 January 2016 at 6:24pm
Watching The Leftovers, and pretty stoked the new season of Shameless started.

Posted By: usafpilot07
Date Posted: 17 January 2016 at 6:28pm
Originally posted by Kayback Kayback wrote:

Robocop if you enjoy audio books and like the HP universe the version read by Stephen Fry is really good. Dunno if your library has them but you can down load them.

Is he the one that did the original audio books way back when? If so, he's GREAT.

Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo

Posted By: tallen702
Date Posted: 17 January 2016 at 9:35pm
Stephen Fry is the closet homosexual TV guy from V for Vendetta, he also voices "Lord Stag" in "Lily's Driftwood Bay" (which is a good pre-school cartoon). Dude does a bit of everything.

<Removed overly wide sig. Tsk, you know better.>

Posted By: Benjichang
Date Posted: 19 January 2016 at 2:39pm
So, I gotta say that Gardens of the Moon, the first book of the Malazan Book of the Fallen was sweet. I'm on Deadhouse Gates, the second one now.

I'm really digging this storyline. If anyone's looking for something similar to GoT or anything, so far this series has impressed me.


Posted By: Shub
Date Posted: 22 January 2016 at 1:14pm
Originally posted by RoboCop RoboCop wrote:

I finished listening to The Martian audiobook. It was great. Interesting to see the differences between the movie and the book. The endings are different. The narrator did really well.[

I'm not big on audiobooks, but Amazon offered the Audible version of the Martian for cheap a while back because I already owned the Kindle version. It is a fantastic performance of the book.

Posted By: impulse418
Date Posted: 11 February 2016 at 3:36pm
Bill Burr's new show on Netflix, which is named F is for Family is fantastic. I haven't laughed that hard in a long time.

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